DIY EB Support Net and Self Waterer

Webster, TX(Zone 9a)

Has anyone had any experience making the Support Netting or Self Waterer themselves?

The support system seems pretty basic, and the self waterer appears to be mostly items I could find in the Irrigation isle at HD. I'd like to have both of them, but EB seems to be awfully proud of these little accessories lol. It would cost me around 200.00 to get them for just my 3 EB's... and that seems a little pricey, lol.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

The cost for a set up for two EBs is $50 or $!00 for six? You must be mistaken or misread the info. I'm thinking about getting them when I get set-up pretty soon that is why I know the price.

Webster, TX(Zone 9a)

That's for the self waterer only, I was referring to both the support system and waterer.

Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)

Being the cheapskate that I am, if you can make these cheaper yourself than by buying them I say "go for it." That's why I'm going to be making EBs out of my cat litter buckets this winter. They'll will be smaller, but I've no shortage of free buckets, either.


Webster, TX(Zone 9a)

I hear you there. I'm not much of a DIY'er, and although I was able to justify the EB's themselves, no way am I going to pay that much for the water system and support net...

Would there be water level activated pumps in a hardware store?

Webster, TX(Zone 9a)

Haven't seen one yet, that's the one limiting factor that I have so far. I'm also a salt water aquarium hobbyist and have designed an auto-top off system to replace evaporated water. It uses a flaot valve to activate the pump, but the float valve is a little large for the EB's. I'm trying to figure a way to make a smaller float valve for an EB and then the whole thing would come together pretty quickly.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)


Go check out the "Self-contained Box Gardens: My EB garden (and more)" thread, part I. Look toward the bottom and you will see pictures of all the parts I bought to make my OWN watering system for 8 EBs (originals) and about 6 eBuckets (My homemade ones). It's BocaBob's own homemade design.

BocaBob and I spoke on the phone this evening and he talked me through putting the whole watering operation together in about 15 minutes. He told me that with what I bought, I could water an approximate combined 40 EBs, eBuckets or patch of ground (drip, sprinklers, sprayers, etc).

I'd be more than happy to share the info and instructions with you. BocaBob shared with me. Just passing it forward.

Altogether, I spent $74.95, and I haven't used 1/3 of what I could put (40 sites) on the system! I'd say that was a pretty good investment.


Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I would just go nuts for that ifo. That would be just so great.

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