Potted plants for a windy balcony

Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

We live in the Caribbean on the seventh floor of a high rise apartment with good, east facing balcony space. We experience very high sea breezes and would like some advice as to what kinds of plants would work in this difficult environment.
Many thanks!


OOH I used to live in Port of Spain... a hundred or so years ago. Where are you?

I am voting for dwarf plumeria varieties for your balcony as long as you get good sun.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha moonluver, welcome!

How about a Mandevilla? Pretty color - the deep red is my favorite -does well in a tub, loves sun, and the leaves and flowers don't seem to shred in the wind as they are quite thick and sturdy.


Keaau, HI

Because of salt tolerance and drought resistance (from drying winds) cacti and succulents.

Aloha, Dave

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

I hear bamboo is pretty tolerant of wind (and they make a nice soothing sound!).

Kalibo, Philippines

Hey Moonluver94,

Bougainvilleas are nice too, aside from variety of colors to chose from... it is also salt tolerant. Sea breeze carries a lot of salt on air especially on humid days, they stick on plant leaves and stems slowly worn out. Just water them regularly Bougainvilleas love sun and lots of air I hope you can find one in your local garden store. If your balcony faces where the sun rise pick dark tinted colors like lavender, yellow orange or red, however if your balcony places where the sun sets, chose bright colors ( white, light pink)

Good luck

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I agree with all the mentioned suggestions, but I would also like to put in a vote or two for some orchids. They never much mind wind - in fact they love the air flow, and if your balcony doesn't get to much blistering sun they should do fine. Especially dendrobiums.

Welcome to the tropical zone gardening forum Moonluver!


Umm, Moonluver is probably talking about 20-30 mph wind, not a little waft of tropical breeze.

If we still have Moonluver, yooo hoo!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh...well if it is steady at those numbers, no orchids. But if that is only occasional, it shouldn't be a problem. That is a lot milder than what we get during the windy season! Ha ha.

Wonder where Moonluver went? Hope we didn't scare him away.


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