Pics of the whole famdamily.

Foley, MO

My pal : )

Thumbnail by Patchouli78
Foley, MO

Awww! I love you too.

Thumbnail by Patchouli78
Foley, MO

Aggie and Momma.

Thumbnail by Patchouli78
Foley, MO


Thumbnail by Patchouli78
Foley, MO

This is Splitz. We don't know what breed of sheep these are. If anyone has a clue let me know.

Thumbnail by Patchouli78
Foley, MO

This is my boy Zeppy.

Thumbnail by Patchouli78
Foley, MO

This is Marley. He was killed very very recently by a car. I'm still in shock. He was almost two : (

Thumbnail by Patchouli78
Foley, MO

This is the very charming and dashing Edmund.

Thumbnail by Patchouli78
Foley, MO

Edmund wants to know if anyone has seen his smoking jacket and pipe?

Thumbnail by Patchouli78
Foley, MO

Meet Bubby, my BF's very old, very cranky, very loud cockatial. As a matter of fact he's even seen here screaming. So obnoxious!

Thumbnail by Patchouli78
Lodi, United States

I am so sorry about Marley. He is clearly a charmer.

So THAT is Edmund! I can understand why you have behaved so foolishly in the past. Has he reformed?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh my goodness Patch - you have an awesome family! I love twitchy especially. I also love the grey silkie hen.

Of course, Pita has a place in my goat-girl heart. :-)

Great pics - where is a pic of YOU?

Foley, MO

Edmund is still quite the lady's man. Yes, Marley is sorely missed. He was always so happy go lucky, just not the same here without him. CMoxon, There are actually two goats Pita and Momma. Momma is shorter and Pita has a white spot, they do look very similar though. We won't go into what PITA stands for, although she can be sweet sometimes : ) I guess I could slap a pic up here,but be warned though; I'm not very photogenic!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Momma and Pita look somewhat similar to my goat, Pebbles (who is very overweight but we love her just the same). I just got the Pita name thing. Giggle....

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Her more flattering side view. :-)

Still waiting for your supposedly unphotogenic pic. :-)

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Foley, MO

LOL, ok ok. Give me a few ; P

Foley, MO

Just wanted to introduce all the newbies to my family so I'm bumping it up : ) Darn, looks like I forgot to post a pic of me (EG) ; )

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Dot and my Talula could be twins as could Mrs. Fuzzbottom and my Lacey.

Glad to see the famdamily! Thanks for sharing!

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

OK, based on your toes, jeans, and your name? I have a pretty clear picture! Let's see if it's even close..... :D

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Oh Patchouli! Your family is great. BIG! and great! I love Mrs. Fuzzbottom!!!!! She reminds me of a Daisy I know! I call her fancy pants! LOL
Boy, you have some beautiful chickens! Twitchy reminds me of a certain Todd roo i fell in love with on BYC. awwww!
We have one guinea pig left out of our original three. Her name is Lola. She sure is sweet, but lonely. I cant get anymore though. My DD is allergic. Lola has to be kept away from her. :(
It sure was fun seeing all your family! Thanks for sharing!

Foley, MO

Thanks guys : ) Glad you enjoyed them, and I love sharing!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I thought you might enjoy knowing that I added to the family recently... have you ever heard of degus? They are so ADORABLE! They are like a chincilla crossed with a gerbil. Maybe some kangaroo rat thrown in there too. Anyway, I'll have to get some pics of them and post them for all to see.

Foley, MO

LOL, yes I have heard of and seen them!!! They look like ENORMOUS gerbils! Can't wait for the pics!

Foley, MO

Um, where are the pics LL??????????????????? Still waiting : )

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Um....where's the pic of you, Patch? Still waiting :-)

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Here are some of the babies we hatched in August! They are bigger now. The multi colored roo has earned the name pot pie! Cant imagine why! He has turned out mean. The others are all girls and are nice.

Thumbnail by sewincircle
Foley, MO

(Pretending not to see this) smirk.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

OK, here's my analysis based on my book (not my skill), and as per your request, I didn't include any of the definite "no" breeds.

Border Leicester - similar color and head shape but fleece seems different

Corriedale - hard to say, the picture of these in my book isn't the best, but I don't think so...

Debouillet - potential candidate, seems to have the right face and ears and coloring and fleece type

Montadale - This is my best guess - they have the right head, ears, wool placement on forehead area, plus the dark nose area. Very, very similar to the pics in my book.

Polypay - possible, right ears, but their noses look longer than the pic in my book, and the forehead shape/wool seems different.

If I had to make a bet, I'd say the montadale, or a cross involving it, but I am no expert...

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Since you didnt see them here they are again Patch. hehehe

Thumbnail by sewincircle
Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Here is Duke and Chirp looking at the newbies.
The babies were outside for some fun in the sun that day.

Thumbnail by sewincircle
Foley, MO

Claire.... Thank you for looking them up for me. I hope it wasn't too much trouble. I am going to go look up the Montadale and the Debouillet to see what they look like. I had a few that I thought were a maybe but ultimately had to throw those ideas out the window due to either size or wool length. I would just like to at least get it narrowed down to a few. Thanks sooooo much for your help : )

SewinCircle..... Sorry I never replied to your post! Your chickens are very very lovely. They all look happy and healthy. Is that roo at the bottom a wyandotte? Very funny when they investigate the new chicks!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

No trouble at all! It's helpful for me to keep looking at the book because it helps me start to learn the breeds better. Some of them are very distinctive looking but others are very similar to each other. It's like detective work! :-)

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

He is a Brahma mix, could be some wyandotte in him! They are all mixes.
Dont be sorry, I was joking. I had not seen you in awhile and am glad to see you again!!!
Just doing the bump! ;)

Foley, MO

Lol, yes it is! Many of them look so similar, and then you have the mixes thrown in so who knows.
SewinCircle... Brahmas are one of my personal favorites! They are big sweeties.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Duke is for sure. He is my sweet boy who will always look to my hand for food. He also keeps the mean roo away! I love him. He is just so big. ;)

Foley, MO

They are great, I just love our buff Brahma. It's a good thing they are such gentle giants, because they would be terrifying to be attacked by!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I agree. I was saying that to my DH today when we were outside in the run. His feet are HUGE. Is yours pure? I am green. hehehe They are turely beautiful!!

Foley, MO

As far as I know they are. That's what I ordered. I have like one of everything (breeds), and one happens to be a buff brahma. They are pretty, and so docile!

Kent, WA

Pictures taken tonight from my cell phone.

Thumbnail by karbear71
Kent, WA

Mcnugget! He is so unusually colored.

Thumbnail by karbear71

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