ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 128 - Fall Fell and so did the temps!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

We are continued from here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/906945/

Temps are down until this weekend they say, but then again... They lie...

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

What's the word Dusty?

The new TV is AWESOME!
And we don't have HD Satellite or the antennae set up yet.
It did take me over an hour to get a signal though.
One of those Duh! things. LOL!

Off to the Hot Tub...
Wedding in Kettering tomorrow.
Not till 1:30 though and we should be home way before the Ohio State game.


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Dusty, so how did Jim's surgery go? Don't keep us in suspense, and tell us good news!

Chele, so does that mean that you will be going back to your previous midwife? I had an issue this morning, concerning DMIL. She had a scheduled Dr. appointment, I called an cancelled it, as it is very hard to get a semi mobile 90 year old into the office. I asked that the Dr call me, and he did about noon. I asked him what the appointment was for, and he said just to check the potasium levels in her body. I asked him if the home health nurse couldn't do it again, as they sent someone last week. He agreed that since it was so hard on her to come to him, that he would make sure that the home health nurses did whatever needed to be done with her, so that we wouldn't have to bring her in. I am well aware, when she is having problems, and know that she needs to see the Dr. I just can't see the benefit of her having to go in, if they are able to monitor her with the health care nurses. Sometimes, just appealing to them as a human being, gets them to see the hardships that some patients face.

The BIG FISH FRY is tomorrow night. I have gotten all the utensils and supplies gathered and sitting by the front door. I will go to the rented hall tomorrow morning to set up tables and decorate, come home and do the prep work (breading the fish, and making the hush puppy batter) and then will head out again about 4:00 to start the actual cooking. We have about 80 invited guests, and will probably have about 60. Next year, it is going to be written invitations, with an RSVP so we will know the approximate size of the crowd.

Off to look at a couple of other forums, and then hopefully an early night, as I will need all my energy and strength tomorrow. I will report after I am home tomorrow night.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Bonnie, I wish you the very best of luck with the fish fry! That is a lot of work, especially not knowing how many will show up! I don't know how you manage to keep up. You do it every year don't you?

I can't believe they have you tote in a 90 year old woman for tests that can be done at home. When my dad was bad off and living alone, he was seen at home most of the time by aids, nurses and other personnel. When something could not be done at home, they sent a medical transport who was better equipped to move him.

According to the midwife, this Dr. sees 50 "patients" a day. No wonder he doesn't know who is who or what is going on. That means he is seeing 5 patients an hour and they get what, 12 mins each? How does one even review 50 charts in a day?? The best I can tell, there are only 2 midwives in Highland Co. At least there are only 2 covered by my insurance. The other one is in this same office but leaving sometime in the next month or so. I'm not sure where she is going.

I'm not sure where I'll end up. I talked to the nurse at my old group and I can go back there. I'm just worried I won't make it to the hospital in time. LOL I'm still looking to see what is available. I figure I have 2-4 weeks to try to make a good choice. I thought I had this time. sigh

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Well Chele, Your old midwife is a known entity. You trust her. You like her style. How far is it to the hospital? I know you go fast... It's hard to have to keep changing stuff. but I know that you will make the right decision.

Is there anyone you know who lives close to the hospital who would be your "halfway house"? I was just thinking that if you were at all suspicious you could head to your friends house. hang out there until you were sure one way or the other and then either go to the hospital or go home. Yeah I know that you aren't the type to "impose" on anyone but if I lived close I would set up the spare bedroom and give you a key. :)

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

And by the way..where is dusty?? We need an update

Well . Dusty is the one who made the new thread.. You have me worried girl

This message was edited Oct 4, 2008 9:59 AM

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Sorry Y'all.... my cable went down until just now...I did post but I guess it got eaten before it went through..

He did very well, but has alot more nuts, bolts and screws than planned, but Doc and I discussed it beforehand and he did alot more because the bone was alot stronger than he thought it might be...The spinal cord was in jeopardy, and nearly pinched and the nerves definitely were...He went in to anesthesia at 0630, and was in the OR at 0700...didn't come out till 2:30 and not out of recovery until 3:15...He refused the Morphine pump, and was just sore, no major pain as of last night...He has 2 drains in the incision...This morning he says he is just still sore unless he moves... LOL They had him up walking to the bathroom about 10pm last night after they removed the catheter...His most serious complaint now seems to be lack of food...Rice krispies, 2 pieces of toast and yogurt for breakfast...and that is regular diet...He won't touch yogurt...LOL

They called me for an interview at 2PM for my job in town, so I won't go down to see him till after that...Orders are to bring him LUNCH...Cheeseburgers and fries...ROFLLL

If he is doing okay tomorrow, they may let him out on Monday...If not, it will be Tuesday...Doc was really pleased he could do the extra work to avoid another lumbar surgery down the road...They will be doing the cervical repair in about 3-5 months...So that is good news also...Hopefully that will eliminate the numbness in his hands and arms from the brachial plexus damage...

I am off to the bank and then to pay the house payment...Didn't get it in the mail with all the confusion, then I'll do my shopping, and head home to get ready for the afternoon...

Have a great day y'all!!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Chele, I can't begin to imagine how frustrating this must be, but you know you're in my thoughts and prayers for everything you need.

Dusty, I'm so glad to hear Jim made it through okay and that his bones were strong enough to withstand everything like that did! Thinking of you guys, too!

This message was edited Oct 4, 2008 11:53 AM

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Great news Dusty, glad that they were able to do the extra work, and avoid another surgery down the line somewhere.

Chele, I know how you must be feeling, to have everything planned, and then have to change plans again. I am sure that it will all work out, and what you DON"T need right now is worrying!!

Have been to the rented hall, set up tables, and decorated, and now have until about 4:00 to do some other stuff. Like make the church bulletins, do a load of clothes, and unload the dishwasher.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks all for all the good wishes and T&P's....We both appreciate them...

I changed the beds, and put the flannel sheets on them, did my grocery list and got them put away...what few I needed...Mostly animal feed and laundry stuff, and I'm about to hop in the shower and get ready for my interview...Less than 5 mins away... LOL

I'll check in when I get home tonight...and see how exhausted Bons is... LOL ...Sure wish I could be there!!!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Hi, Dusty... SO glad to hear all went well with Jim!

I'm getting ready to start adding mega amendments to my veggie garden, and then to plant garlic and shallots. I have hired a man (sight unseen) to start Tuesday to help with the heavy stuff. He work's part-time at a farm stand/nursery down the street. Cross your fingers for me that he works out. I think I've finally figured out the "trick" to keeping a worker... just don't pay them until the job is finished. My back still stabs me where I did something 10+ days ago, but I've been hauling and stacking a little firewood anyway... just MUCH slower, and in smaller daily amounts. I think/hope I may be down to just one more load... Sorry the photo isn't better... I had to aim right into the afternoon sun to get it all in the frame.

Bonnie, you asked about raspberry yields... so far I have picked 12 cups, which made 3+ cups of juice. There are about half the berries remaining, unripe... but the yellow jackets are getting quite a few, plus we've had 2 light frosts already. Don't know how many more I shall get... I sure can tell my wild raspberries from the tame ones by size!

Thumbnail by darius
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Just checking in for a minute - Dusty - that's great about Jim!!! Hope your interview went well!

I had several errands to run today and when I came home my Mom had an apple pie in the oven. I cannot remember the last time she made a pie. We went to a local orchard a week ago and bought Pinova, Honeycrisp and Jonathan apples. She made the pie from a combination of Jonathan and Honeycrisp. I tell you I don't think there is a better apple than a Honeycrisp, but the Pinova's are awfully good. The apples are HUGE this year. They said because we had NO apples last year. I think we will go after some more Honeycrisps tomorrow before they run out. They are SO good.

Off to trim up Pebbles shaggy feet and legs. Need to get as much done to her as I can... Taking her to the groomers next Saturday for a proper trim. I try to do as much as I can to her myself. Less stress on the old dog that way. This will be her second trip ever to a groomer to have her hair clipped off. So much less hassle for me than that looooonnnngggg Aussie coat to deal with.

Has anyone ever been to "The Wilds" near Zanesville? I am thinking of going next Sunday. Can't really walk around to go to the zoo any more and at the Wilds, they take you around in a vehicle... I think it's something like the way the people went around in Jurassic Park - except of course, the animals are not dinosaurs... LOL. Anyway, with the fall colors and the animals, thought it might be interesting.

Waving to all!!!!


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hey all...just wanted to say hi. Not doing so hot today...and gettting ready for bed here.
Dusty...glad to hear about Jim! Hope your interview went well.
Talk to you all tomorrow...when I feel better.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Honey, I am home!! Gosh, I am whipped. Went to the hall about 4 p.m., and started frying fish and hush puppies, and was on my feet until just about 1/2 hour ago. We had about 85 people, couldn't get a real good count, as I would start at one table, and there would be people getting up, and walking around, back to the food table, etc. So I am calling it 85, and I don't think anybody will dispute that. We fried almost 150 pounds of fish, and 20 dozen hush puppies, and there was a good selection of veggies, salads, and oh, my gosh, you should have seen the dessert table!! Most all of it was eaten, we did have a few people who asked to take plates home to elderly parents, and people who were not able to come, so probably all in all served about 100.

There was only 1 UNINVITED guest. The nerve, she had been invited before, but last time, failed to bring anything, and I told DH that she was not invited again. She waltzed in, bringing nothing, and was glad handing people, and I made a quick exit back to the kitchen, and completely ignored her. I was afraid if I spoke, it wouldn't have been a welcome that came from my mouth.

Well, I am heading to bed shortly, my feet and back are really protesting, and I need to stretch this body out. See you sometime tomorrow, it will be a busy day, early church, have to meet the insurance adjustor after that, and then take DGD to a city about 25 miles from here, so that she can attend her neice's birthday party. I told DH we would deliver her, and then eat out, as I don't plan to cook a morsel of food tomorrow!!

Good night peeps.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Got home from the base at 9pm...Jim is sound asleep...I had to do a little intervention tonight...Mr Macho BullHead, was refusing heavy pain meds...He was literally grey with pain, and I had to help him to stand from the side of the bed as he was so weak and in so much pain he was shaking and could not get up off the bed alone...I got him fed, into the bathroom to take care of biz, and then back to bed...I layed the bed down flat to get the pressure OFF of his spine, turned him on his left side, and went after my darling lil 2nd Lt. male nurse, and he followed me back in with a nice big dose of morphine in his hand and filled up his IV with it...Less than 10 mins, he was asleep and the color was coming back to his face...

I warned him last night that today he would feel like they used him to mop up every floor in the hospital, and slung him into each corner, and he just laughed at me...Score one for the ole Spinal Surgical Nurse...I won!!
I left orders for the nurses to use the Doctors orders verbatim that he and I had already worked out and agreed to, and the patient was to be ignored...I have full POA so I can do that...We have a whole list of goodies on his pre-ordered drug list at our disposal, and they will now be used...Doc told him this morning that he met the Col. yesterday...I had to think about that for a bit...but he was speaking of the 2 of us sitting down to plan out the drug list since he refused the morphine pump, and how it was to be administered, according to the other meds he has to take and how I know he would react...His main issue with narcotics is a fear of being out of control...That is the main reason he fights anesthesia so much...especially waking up...He absolutely must be completely restrained...and they now believe me...He tried getting off the gurney yesterday before they got him completely tied down after surgery...With as much work as Doc did, all that manipulation and banging around is causing more pain than his heart needs to be stressed with, and that can't be allowed...So yeah, I do go into Col mode..

Interview went very well, and they wanted me to start right away, but I had to pass on it...After adding everything up, with less hours and nearly $2 an hour less in pay, I just can't do it...If the hourly would have stayed the same, I could do it once I figure in the cost of gas that I'm spending now...I still have a couple more apps in, so we shall see what comes up...
It's not like I'm without a job and in dire need...I just want something closer to home, and decent regular hours...I think I am going to file for my Social Security too...I can still work and earn a certain amount before I get socked, so that may be an option for me...

I have about a 1/2 bushel of apples I need to do something with...I think I will just slice and freeze so I can make fried apples or pie out of them...
Gotta do something quick, or feed them to the goats... LOL

Bons...You sound as dead on your feet as I do...Get some rest sweet lady...I know tomorrow you wil be back at it cleaning out the rented hall etc...I remember last year and your *Day After* routine...I'm sorry but I do believe I would speak directly to the uninvited guest....and tell her exactly why she was not welcome or invited...and I agree... invitations with RSVP's for next year...No card, no entry to the party...

I think I am going to head upstairs to the tub...Time to soak this withered ole bod, and unwind...I realized earlier that I was just slightly exhausted... Hopefully the Mutts will let me sleep in a bit in the morning...

Have a restfull night all and a great day tomorrow...

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, everybody! Some good news on the Isabella front: she's still in ICU on a respirator, but today her doctor said "Well, we've stopped the avalanche, now we need to start digging her out," which seemed like a very spiffy analogy to me. Actually, having her in a medically-induced coma let Isabella and her mommy and her grandpa all get some rest. I hope the let them all rest a little more before they start waking her up!

Chele, I would make sure that, whatever practice you end up in, they take your BP with the same sized cuff, or the numbers will differe. I would ask for the "big girl" cuff so you don't get an unnaturally high number. Also, don't let them pump it up, decide halfway that they can't hear, & pump it all the way up again. That's another technique issue that will get you a false high reading.

Just curious-- how long have your previous labors been? And where will you be delivering? I suppose if you're at 16 weeks that it'd be too cold to deliver in the hot tub! LOL
Your comment abt OB's that don't see a mama until the head is showing rang bells with me from my year as an OB nurse. It was at the Valley, and we had residents from Wright State, I think, and some were better than others. ROTFLOL-- we had a foreign resident from a land where basically women take care of women and rarely see a doctor in labor. This doc was really freaked out by women in hearty labor. But he didn't handle it too well-- he just got a couple catch phrases to try & deal with it. I had one patient that was getting ready to deliver. I'd checked her, I'd been taking care of her, and I knew she needed to go to the delivery room. For some reason, this doc didn't believe me. He went in and looked at the patient (didn't examine her or look at the monitor or anything) and said "I think you are very anxious," and walked out of the room. I walked out after him and said"You'd be anxious too if you came to this hospital todeliver in the delivery room and you were abt to give birth in the labor bed!" And I walked back in the room & told the patient "Here we go!" and got her into the delivery room-- in time, but we didn't have much time to spare. Sheesh.

I'm still waiting on the insurance adjuster, who's supposed to come Friday. I'm not sure what evidence of disaster he thinks there will be after a month. I took pictures of all the stuff in the freezer so he would know that I really did have 9 bags of black walnuts. AT least this happened before the Black Walnut festival, rather than after.
We love black walnuts & bake with them a lot, so I need to stock up before holiday cooking & baking becomes an issue. Jam cake & brownies without black walnuts would be yech.

Sue, congrats again on the house. Let us in on the phone number when you find out what it is!!!
Dusty, very glad to hear abt the outcome of Jim's surgery. Maybe you should start a catering business for the VA patients-- I bet you'd earn a mint on that one! Or smuggling meat dishes into Kettering hospital!
Ric, very jealous of that plasma TV purchase. I bought a small LCD before it was trendy, just because it was light & I could move it all by myself, & I got hooked on having a brilliant picture. Would have preferred the plasma, but didn't have the $$ or the set up for one. But enjoy it, it sounds super.
Defoe, I'm going to a choir picnic tomorrow. I already have my dish made. It is very irritating when someone shows up without a dish who knows better. Congratulations on feeding 100 people anyhow!

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Dusty, I'm glad Jim's surgery went well.

Marcy, I'm sorry you're having a bad day, I hope by the time you read this it's better.

Sue, I hope you're loving the house even without a phone!!

Pat, I hope they can get Isabella on the right track.

I just don't know where the time goes to, I really don't. I mean to post, get up to do something else, and don't get back to the computer.

I did start a fall tomato seed round robin and a swap if anyone is interested... I needed that little diversion from my regularly scheduled programming right now. :(

I'm having a good news/bad news life right now, and I'm ready to pull my hair out, so it's time to get it off of my chest even if no one responds, I'll feel better for having gotten it out.

My closest brother, the one I love more than life itself has cancer in both of his eyes. It started about 10 months ago with having problems seeing, he thought it was his glasses, went to his optometrist and after checking a couple of times, referred him to another doctor for glaucoma/cataracts. After taking a wait and see approach for 6 months, they finally did a biopsy a few months ago, and found it was cancer. He doesn't want to worry anyone else, ever, so I never know if he's telling me everything or not. Last night was the first football game of my son's he's felt like going to all season, which is SO not like him. This is the first year he's missed any of sons games since he played peewee ball. :( As of right now, it's not anywhere else in his body, a few days ago they drew spinal fluid, and found nothing in that, which I guess indicates it's not in his brain... and will draw spinal fluid a second time to be sure, and if it's clear at some point, he'll be admitted to University Hospital, and will go through a one time chemo therapy treatment that is dangerous enough that it has to be done as inpatient and monitored closely... if he survives that, they say the cancer will be gone.... so... please, keep him in your prayers if you're a praying person. I can't think of a world without him in it.

The 'good' news, is he was at son's football game last night, which absolutely made son's year. :) I think son had 14 relatives in the stands last night, and he had an awesome game. A smaller Division 1 school in Bonnie's neck of the woods is scouting him now. They've been to two games, and called him twice trying to set up a visitation which of course thrills him beyond belief. I just worry that he'll make the right choice, and be happy with that choice, and that he doesn't hurt himself beyond repair... so while I'm happy that his team is doing so well, and that it is looking like they are going to make the playoffs for the first time in school history, I also worry that with each passing week that they remain undefeated, not only are more and more colleges drawn to the games, and he's exposed to them... but each week the team they play wants to be "the one" to beat them... lots of cheap shots are made by kids on other teams trying to hurt them just because they're better than they are... it's so not right, but it happens every week with more intensity. Last week a kid about half son's size punched him in the helmet, trying to get a reaction.. because everyone knows it's not the one who instigates who gets caught, but the one who retaliates.... so far son has done well to retaliate legally in the game... but, I'm afraid one of those cheap shots will do what they intend it to do and son will be hurt badly. Too much on my mind to worry about right now I guess.

I had two observations this week, my supervisor from Xavier came and observed me, and wasn't too complimentary... and my principal observed me, and that report came back glowing.... so while I was upset about the Xavier observation, I was thrilled with my principals observation... so again, good with the bad, and in the interim, my emotions are on a total roller coaster!

Sorry for being a downer, and sorry for venting. I hope everyone else's week will be/was wonderful!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Melissa, I just read your post, and honey my heart goes out to you. Sometimes, we have to deal with things that just don't make any sense at all. I will keep your brother in my t & p's, that the cancer will be confined to the eyes, and doesn't travel anyplace else. There are worse things than losing your sight, and this is a classic example of that. As one who is dealing with dimishing vision, this has been a revelation to me, if faced with a choice of vision or life, guess which one I would choose!!

As for the football, glad that he had such great support from his family. It is so sad that even in sports there is such petty meanness. Trying to injure someone just to win a game. I am sitting shaking my head over that. Guess I am so naive that I had not thought about that happening, and I had a son who played football!!

Pat, such good news about Isabella, I know that she isn't home free yet, but at least, it seems that they will be able to stabilize her from the infection. You sound like you are giving Chele some sound advice, which comforted me, don't know what it did for her!! Always good to have someone knowledgeable to help us understand the medical jargon sometimes. I guess I had such a bad birthing experience, that I never wanted to go through that again. It is sad really, because my DS comments sometimes about not having any siblings, and will be so lonely when we are gone.

Well, I am not usually up at this ungodly hour, but had the worst nightmare, and was worrying about Mr. B, as he insisted that he go out about 2 a.m., and the coyotes are really close in the woods behind the house. He was gone for about 2 hours, and I was getting ready to get all the flashlights in the house and go looking for him. He is now sleeping peacefully at my feet as I type, and I am as wide awake as if it was high noon. May read a few pages, as that seems to always make me sleepy, watch it get to the interesting part of the book, and I will need to keep reading to find out what happens!!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi everybody. I've been keeping up with everyone's posts and keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Still have been in a kind of weepy, emotional head space and keeping quiet, but am starting to feel like my old self again (I just mistyped "my odd self"....Freudian slip? LOL).

(((((Melissa))))) I'm so sorry to read this news, my heart goes out to you and your brother. Prayers being sent, candles being lit, sending healing, comfort, strength, and love. You vent all you need to, we're all here for you. I'll check out your Round Robin thread! I've never participated in a RR, but I'm really wanting to get into tomatoes in a big way in '09.

Dusty, You and Jim have been (and still are) in my T&P through this ordeal. So glad things are looking good so far.

Marcy, I'm thrilled that you've done so well! Sounds like yesterday was a snag in your progress, but as well as you've done, I'd imagine that's to be expected. Hope today goes better for you.

Chelle, I just can't imagine how you deal with all the stress you've had lately. Its no wonder you've had BP issues. Do you ever get any quiet time? I know you could really use it now, just a little while each day to quiet your thoughts and focus on relaxing the mind and body. Been thinking 'bout ya and sending good vibes your way.

Sue, I'm so excited for you! Hope your getting settled in :-)

Bonnie, the fish fry sounds like a great success! I'd have been irritated about the uninvited guest too, under the circumstances. That reminds me of this pet peeve I've been having when our friends have gathered here lately. I've been putting the word out that dinner will be potluck, and I'll provide a couple of entrees and usually some dessert(s). I don't like to cook much while I've got a house full and typically get my dishes done ahead of time. I don't like to be distracted while cooking, and when people start arriving the counters get full of stuff people have brought and I don't have the work space I need. Well, lately some have been just bringing grocery items that need preparation, but making no efforts themselves to prepare them. The last time some had asked what to bring, and I said raw veggies for a relish tray would be good. I thought I had just been too distracted and oblivious to notice the relish tray, or that it had been gobbled up while I was outside around the fire. After everyone left Sunday I found all the heads of broccoli and cauliflower, bags of baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, and dips still in the 2nd fridg!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning all.
Oh Melissa...you have all my prayers and thoughts for your brother...and for YOU! Any way we can help you...we are here!
Dusty...I'm glad to see you are taking care of Jim! In my case, it was others that thought I shouldn't be taking the morphine...instead of me!
I say...if the dr ordered it...it was because he knew I would need it...oops....that's 'kneed' it....lol. I'm just not into pain myself....but like you said...some are just too 'macho' for their own good sometimes!
Pat...good news on Isabella! I hope it continues.
Bonnie....I'm glad the fish fry was a success. I agree....by invitation only next time! Hope you get some rest today.
Neal...how good to see you here! And I'm with you on guests bringing things to be fixed. Fix them at home please!
Well...seems to be warming up quickly here today...lots of sun!
I am back to using the walker for a bit. Seems using the two canes to walk, just wasn't making it yet. Guess I was stretching something too far?
Also...we went to Bob Evans to eat last night...and that wasn't a good thing. I never gave a thought to the chair height there....and they were too low. I seem to really be having a problem with chair heights. Anyway...I did get set down...but it was ohh so hard to get back up.
I think I will be staying home for a while!
Well...time for some lunch here! I hope you all enjoy the sunshine today...and the warmer temps!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Marcy, Melissa, Dusty... (and whomever else needs some), ❝BIG HUGS!❞

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Melissa...I am so sorry you are having such a rough time right now...The news about your Bro is heartwrenching, but hopefully they will be able to stop it...Bonnie is right, sight or lack thereof can be tolerated, and Life takes precedence...I will keep him in my prayers...
As for DS...Just remind him that no matter who recruits him to remember football will end, and the academics are what will prepare him for the rest of his life...Many schools have excellent athletic programs, but are not rated very well scholastically...and vice versa...I am sure he will make the right decision...He knows what those others players are out to do, so hopefully he will stay on his guard, and not let them get to him...
I wouldn't worry too much about Xavier...Your principal knows you best on a daily basis, and the *scuttlebutt* from the students...That person is the one that will convince the school board that you are a fine teacher and need to stay there...As conscientious as you are, I know you are doing terrific...

Jim was feeling much better this morning... He walked with the walker down to the end of the hall and back, and was ready for a nap...No point in my sitting and watching him sleep when I have so much to get done around here...
I pulled a Marcy and washed the kitchen windows and French doors, and got my curtains washed and hung back up...LOL I made a dent in getting the counters cleaned off...Mostly tools and screws etc...The Library is cleaned out and up...I watered outside...and worked a bit on the porch...I will take the rockers and swing upstairs to the plant room for the winter...

My Son called me again from MI to check on Jim, and we talked for nearly 3 hrs...Jims son has yet to call and he lives right there in Dayton...
My kiddo is Maintenance Supervisor at a Potato plant there in MI that is shipping to a place here in Urbana called Michael Farms..Reallly strange... He and his crew built that massive facility up there, and the owners offered him that position since they knew he put together most all of that machinery there..alot of it built from scratch to spec...Kinda like the stuff Bro Ric works on...Massive, complicated stuff...
Kiddo is trying to convince me to move up there by him...There is a farm not far from my Grandparents old place, and a 1/2 mile from him that he is buying, and wants us to move into the farmhouse...Payment free...The land (about 90 acres) is leased out, and makes the mortgage, but there are 12 acres and the barns, paddocks etc. next to the house we can have...Kiddo is PO'd that the whole reason we moved back up north was to get some help from Jims son when we needed it...and that has yet to happen...I have seen MY son more in the last 3 yrs than Jims that lived less than a mile from us...
I gotta tell ya...I am sorely tempted!!! It would mean I can finally retire, and not have to work outside the home...Got alot to think and pray about now...

Marcy...Take it one day at a time sweetie...Kneeees are a bear cause ya gotta stand on em...But you are so far ahead of the game at this point it is unreal...Just try not to get frustrated...and sorry to say...this weather is not helping you at this point...Get some kneeee wrappers to keep them warm...the chill will stiffen them...It still does me all these years later, and they said my knee was only going to last me about 10-12 yrs MAX...HA!! I wish my whole body was in as good a shape as this Bendix knee...The only issue I have is in the bitter cold, the rods chill and then my entire leg aches from the bone cold...The rod in the femur is nearly 6 inches long and the one in the tibia is about 4 inches long...once they get cold, they cause the whole leg to ache...Mine is not nearly as fancy as yours. I got a whole new ball and socket.. not like todays fancy knees...

Thanks Darius...I needed one of those today...I think I'm tired of being the strong one around here...

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Dusty, you don't have to be the strong one, come here, collapse, and we will help you carry that burden, that's what this is all about! Invitation goes to Marcy, and Melissa and any others that are having a rough time.

Grown children are supposed to be able to return the support when parents age, and need help. Don't spend your time fretting about Jim's son not helping out, let your son help you, and in the grand scheme of things, Jim's son, will have to carry those thoughts of guilt, and they can become quite heavy!!

Matter of fact, I tell my DS quite often, be sure to get yourself settled, and do all you want/need to do early in your life, because there will come a time that I will want and need you to help DOM (dear old mom) out!! Why let them go through life with no thought of what is expected of them at some point in time, I love handing out guilt, and just sitting back to see how they handle it!!

Well, got a little nap this afternoon, and then went to the rented hall, and cleaned the deep fryers and brought them home clean and ready to make the trip to the attic for storage, until another event. So now, we will be able to get on with the next thing in our lives. We always take a November trip to Gatlinburg, TN, usually about the middle of the month, when the lights are turned on for the Winterfest. Just a 3-4 day trip of rest and relaxation.

Need to get the kitchen cleaned and read a bit, so that I will be ready for watching Desperate Housewives.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Heyyy Bons....My DS tells me it will be a verrry cold day in a very warm place before he lets me go to a facility...My Son is a very compassionate child...err Man...He recently had an elder friend with brain cancer live out his last days at his farm, and he did everything for him...He has been this way all of his life..He truly has espoused the ways of our people..If he has nothing, he will give 1/2 of his nothing, and promise you as soon as he gets something...he will give 1/2 of that too...and he does...I am truly blessed to have a child of his nature given to me to enjoy by my Creator...
He always gives me peace when I am hurting...

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

I called him back a bit ago and told him I will discuss the move with Jim...I am of the opinion at this point, that we may make the move... Kiddo said he will fill the propane tank to be sure the house is heated and the pipes don't freeze, and we can move when we are ready if we choose to...The house is clean and ready to move into and there is a downstairs bedroom & bath as well as 2 more upstairs, and a full cellar, dining room, and he says a huge kitchen and even bigger utility/mud room...I may take a day and whiz up to see it before the weather hits...It is only 3 hrs from here, so I can do an up and back in 1 day...Kiddo has a truck and trailer (53' semi) and can load and move us in 1 day if I am packed and I would be obviously...Jim, dogs and I can go and let the boys load and follow...
I am so aggravated and depressed tonight that I just want nothing more than some peace...I came north and stayed here because of Jim and his son, and I think now it's my turn after 3 yrs... At least my Son has respect for his stepfather, and cares about him...

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Dusty, given the state of the economy and everything else, I'd say "GO"...

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Gosh, so much going on. Melissa, so sorry to hear of your brothers health problems. Hope he's good as new very soon.

Marcy, you feeling any better? I know you'll be up and about in no time, you're such a trooper!

Neal, I've been the same one. Trying to keep up but not posting much. You'll find your balance soon. After what you've been through it just takes awhile.

Bonnie, sounds like you had a great time. Hope everyone appreciates all the work you put into it. Wish I could have been there ;) YUMMM!

Dusty, gosh we would miss you woman but to be able to retire AND have your son local to help would be so wonderful I'm sure. Y'all need to finally put down some roots :) Such good news that Jim is doing so well! After some input from the Colonal of course ;) I don't like to be out of control either but I know Jim would have to have much more reason and a much harder time with it than I do.

Worked outside with the bunnies all day and my body is aching awful :( Will get in a hot shower soon as dh is done in there. If I'm lucky that will help with some of the pain. DH helped me move some old metal kitchen cabinets out of the old house we use for storage. Put them in one of the bunny sheds to use for storage and a grooming/work area which will be a super big help for me and my back. Makes it look neater, too. He also helped me move some cages and get them hung off the ground in the shed, makes things so much easier. Starting to do some bunny shuffling to get pregnant does in the more enclosed shed since it's getting colder. Safer for the newborns, have about 7 does due in the next couple weeks. Have lots of buns to get sold before I run out of room, things are tight as it is. DH is getting some lights from a work site his company has been working on. I guess they're no longer needed as the construction gets completed. He put the same kind of lighting in the other shed years ago when I had goats. Now he has an even bigger shed to get electric and lighting into. Also, needs to fix some of the outdoor lighting over there that had a tree fall on the wires and cause a short. I think we have the wire he just needs the time to do it. When I had goats he had it fixed to where I flicked one switch to light up the whole outside around the work shop, hay shed, and goat shed/feed bin area. It was soooo nice, can't wait till it's fixed. He also hauled lots of water today and filled a 55 gal drum and a claw foot tub that I use to water the bunnies. They both are roof catch but with no rain for so long they keep running out of water. There's also a small cistern over there he's going to get cleaned out and working for me so I'll have water close at hand over the winter. Tomorrow will get nest boxes and more cages scrubbed and disinfected with bleach. Think the next show I'll make it to will be the 19th in Dover, OH. Hmmm, right in Amish country ;) Will have to hit Der Dutchman's bakery again...LOVE their food!

Hi to everyone! Sue, how's the move going? I know you're waaaay excited about getting into your new house problems and all. It sure is beautiful.

Well, better quit gabbing and get in the shower. TTYL


Some Holland Lop babies from earlier this year. My website is www.daisypatchrabbits.homestead.com if you want to see more bunnies :)

Thumbnail by Wvdaisy
Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Oh, darius, I meant to say was glad to hear you finally found someone to help you do the heavy work. I know it's been hard for you to do it yourself. Plus, you've had such trouble finding reliable help. Hope this one works out for you!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Lana, if I could, I would plan a great gathering of my DG friends, and treat them to a fish fry, camping, horseback riding, swimming, and yep, you all could bring pot luck dishes, and plants and help me get them in!! We have 29 acres, and would love to have a week long do, and people could come and go at will. I love entertaining, and DG friends are the best kind of people, so it should be no work at all!! Sounds like you have great plans for the bunnies, and their offspring, how are you gonna garden and raise the broods at the same time?

Dusty, the deal sounds really good. I say, you and Jim should take some time to talk about this, and if it is in the creator's plan, it will happen. Did you see my tongue in my cheek as I typed the part about imparting guilt to my crew? Being a mother sometimes is fun, and you can send your kids on all kinds of trips, the guilt variety!!

Darius, has the new helper started to work yet? If so, what is your early verdict concerning him? You have the right idea about the pay, only pay when the job is complete, any who asks for pay at the end of the day, probably won't be back the next. Been a farmer's wife too long, not to know that!! Good luck.

Neil, sure hope that you are back in "your space" soon. Sounds like you are working on it. Yep, that would be a major peeve here, bring the ingredients and expect the resident cook to turn it into something. Not gonna happen but once here. Another thing that sort of irks me, is to invite someone and them not offer to help at all with the clean up. I have been known to take over someone else's kitchen, and do the majority of the clean up. If they are good enough to invite me for a meal, it is the least I can do to repay them.

Marcy, you are doing so good, I sure hope that you won't let some pain set you back in your rehab. You are so much further along than most at this stage of the game. Just try to take it easy for a couple of days, and keep up the exercises, and before long, you will be ready to take off without the assistance of canes or a walker. I predict that you will arrive at the spring RU at least 4 inches taller, and giving us lessons on jumping hurdles!!

Joyce, please forgive me, I have been remiss in telling you how much I enjoyed your fall RU, and the hospitality that you and your DH showed us. I know that you feel that your house and gardens are a work in progress, but honestly, if I had not known, I would have guessed that the gardens had been planted years, instead of just weeks. Tell Bertie that I enjoyed her opening her gardens to us, and I just fell in love with the water feature. I have started dropping not too veiled suggestions that we could do the same here, as we have a sloping back yard. Thanks again.

Well, gonna check some other threads, and I will be heading to bed, as I didn't sleep well last night, and hope that I get rested tonight. Don't know what is on the agenda for tomorrow, but you can bet, I will have a full day, doing something.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Thanks to all for the t & p. I appreciate it more than I can articulate. :)

Bonnie, I'm sorry about the rude lady....

Dusty, as much as I'd hate for you to leave this area... I think your son's offer is too good to pass by.....

~~~~ to everyone, I've got to try to get some sleep.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Goodmorning everyone! Just a quick post before I head outside. Getting started on "winterizing" everything on the homefront before I head up to WV to be with DH in a few weeks.

Hate reading that so many have so much pain or stress in their lives. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Dusty, you've done a lot of work on your home and it would be hard to walk away from that. OTOH, as we get older, we need to be thinking about our future as we age and what our needs will be. Sounds like a wonderful opportunity for you and DH. What does DH think about the idea?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Dusty, I second Melissa's comment, hate to see ya leave the area, but it sure sounds like a cherry deal. Guess if you could retire, then it would be easier to schedule trips back down to the area. We might get to see more of ya!

Pat, I meant to say earlier, I'm so glad to hear of Isabella's progress.

I've been in the process of cleaning up and bringing in plants, and am over half way there! Sure makes the house look pretty with all the green everywhere. This little collection is mostly from y'all. Bonnie, see that gorgeous begonia you brought me on the bottom! The one on the middle shelf on the left was from Pauletta this spring- love those burgundy undersides of the leaves, and its done soooo well! The one next to it came from DGr, Tammy. Top left was from Ric last year (Ric, I can't remember what this is, do you?). And on the right is the Curcuma from Chelle this spring- it has babies sprouting!

edited to say I didn't choose that wall color in the kitchen- I hate it! Hopefully gonna be painting it soon, LOL.

This message was edited Oct 6, 2008 9:54 AM

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Elephant Ears from Ric and Rox, and Coleus from Melissa and Chelle.

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Morning all...Chilly 53* here this morning, and overcast...

Robin...I haven't done anything here in this house except paint the front doorway and get that downstairs bathroom cleaned up, accessible, and get the new tub ready to install...I got it for free off Freecycle, so I'm not out anything...
I haven't talked to Jim about it yet...But I will later on...Just talked to Doc and he has him in a brace, and he is getting fitted for a bone stimulator, and he will let him go home later this afternoon...He said he is doing exceedingly well now that we have the pain under control...and he just roared laughing... (evil grinz)

Just talked to Sue..hopefully her internet/cable will be installed today... She has an extra queen size bed she is donating to my Vets, and I am going to use it in the Library for Jim until next week when he is allowed to do the stairs...so I gotta go help her get it loaded up in the truck...
I guess its a good thing I got the Library cleaned up yesterday...LOL

Jules...IF we do make this move, should I pull my daylilies and put them in a tub in soil now before they get comfy in the yard???

Beautiful Neal.....Better not let Taynors see that chicken collection...She is addicted!! Yep... If I can retire, my time will be my own, and I will be able to do lots of things... ;-)

Well I guess I had better get dressed and get busy..Looks like it is going to be a verrrry loooong day... LOL

Have a great day all!!!

This message was edited Oct 6, 2008 10:35 AM

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Neil, wow you do well with the begonias, mine never look that good.

Today is tackling the mountain of paperwork that I accumulate in a weeks' time. 4 bank statements to balance, and several bills to pay, and need to make some phone calls. Hopefully after this is done, I can get some time outside to do some more cleanup before the first frost.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

If it didn't involve so much rearranging, bringing in the plants wouldn't be such a big deal- after all the heavy pots and moving furniture I'm sore, but happy to see the results. I rigged up a makeshift sofa table with a board on a couple of stools to make a spot for the strawberry pot of succulents. Found what I was smelling a couple of weeks ago, and never could find the source- the kittens seemed to think under the couch was preferable to the litter box! They live outside now, LOL. I call this area my nest. There are 4 rooms upstairs, 2 larger rooms in the middle, each with a smaller bedroom attached. This is the sitting room next to our bedroom where the computers are. The plants have made it so cozy, that will be my winter reading spot!

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Neal... I LOVE that ironing board table!!! Pure genius!! I tossed the counter/stove walking black cat out the door yesterday...The other one is good and stays out of trouble, however I'm debating tossing her out too..

If we do make this move, I don't need any cats...I am already inventory-ing things to get rid of...LOL

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Dusty, I only have a minute... but I think you could pot them. Maybe winter them over in an unheated garage. I think it would be to late to plant up north.

Jazz, what do you think?

To bad I didn't know, or we could have sent them to you in spring!

On the way out the door to work!


Waddy, KY

Hey, Neal, I have an ironing board just like that. What inspiration! I think I see a coat of polyurethane in it's future. Might as well as it never gets used as an ironing board!

Sounds like everyone has certainly had a busy life the last few days. The Horse Park Harvest Festival was a complete bust. Beautiful weather, about 20 vendors, several horse shows and absolutely no visitors! I was amazed and felt somewhat sorry for the young woman that put it all together. I guess it's just too late in the season to get many visitors. That plus there was very little promotion from what I could see. We didn't go back on Sunday due to a raging sinus headache.

Is anybody making green tomato pickles or green tomato relish this year. I want to make some but all my tomatoes have gone downhill to the point that I'm not going to have any. Maybe I can locate someone that's not going to use their little tomatoes....

Don't blame either of you on the cats. They stay off my table and counters or we go around with the flyswatter. They soon learn. And if they decide to use the something other than the great outdoors as a litterbox they flat out just don't come in.

Dusty, hope Jim does fine once he's home. I'm sure he will with your care. Moving again is a big thing but what you're describing sounds too darned good not to give serious consideration to.

Melissa, sorry to hear of your brother. Having you close by to lean on will be a blessing to him in the coming days.

Have a good rest of the day everyone!

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