Happy Birthday Gordonhawk!!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

He's being shy about his birthday, but today is his birthday.

Happy birthday Gordon!

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Happy Birthday Dear Friend

Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

Happy Birthday !!!

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Gordon, there is no shame in being 29 over and over and over again, lol

edited to add: Happy Birthday.

This message was edited Oct 3, 2008 8:17 PM

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday!!!!!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Feliz Cumpleaņos my friend!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Thanks there Taylor... [ seedpicker tx ] It's Taylors Birthday also... sameday.. but a generation behind

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

They deleted most of my post... here it is again..
Thanks Taylor...
Thanks Donna... You're a Dear... Aces here...
Thanks Ron.. See you soon there...
Thanks Neary... Hope to see youagain soon..
Thanks Kim... Say...you're close enough to visit talk to Clemen she
Won't come alone
Thanks Clemen... get ready... we'll get someone to watch you.
Thanks.. All ya'll.....you've made my day...
OK a closer picture

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Well I missed it Happy Birthday with many more to celebrate. Cindy

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I missed it too! Great pics and Many more Happy Birthdays, Gordon and Taylor! (My sisters and I stopped at 39 .. Mom has quadruplets, (for a few years, too)..

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Thanks Cindy... we'll go nursery hopping again..
Oh..Bonnie... sorry to hear you are so old... as Neary said.. no shame in being over 29... that's the loop I guess I'm in ... but there's no shame in being 39.. don't let them tell you different.. I'm looping for the second time now..... It's like an amusement ride after acouple of circles...
OH.. am I getting amused.. pertty soon all I'll be able to manage is just...sitting down and laughing..
Birthdays are funny lots of tie ins with them.. like finally finding my gggrandfathers grave in MS.. just before they clearcut [ logging ] the hillside.. I was able to string surveyors tape around the cementary... to preserve it..as there was little left to alert them... his one headstone was down.. and the other markers were just PineKnots...[ the limb knots full of sap.] knots driven in at and the head.. and now covered in moss his headstone..with his death date was the same as my birthdate.. some 3 generations later..MMMMM talk about transfering sprit.....we've since restored the headstones.. and have a chainlink fence around it.. and have the Boy Scouts attending to some light cleanning... and we've a MS historical marker on the roadway... noting the first settlers of the area...I felt real connected to him.. shareing the October 2 nd date .. in different ways together.. kind of like my vine relative... Taylor..
Thanks again All... Gordon

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Gordon that family history is very interesting. Course you know all us southerns count kin down to the 9 th cousin removed. Makes for a more interesting tree that way. You know a southern family just doesn't count if it doesn't have pirate, a swindler, a traveling preacher that has several families tucked away in different towns and last but not least by any means a great grandfather that was an officer in the Confererate Army. Does this resemble your tree. Now don't go coy on us just because you transplanted to New York. Born Southern always Southern. Cindy

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

yaCindy... it's at least that involved.. and sorted.. yes.. every war since the 1776 war.. 1812...New Orleans..[ he never left New Orleans ] one bunch set off to go to Jackson.. which was a few shacks on the pearl river then..but the indians and panthers drove them back.. for awhile.... they would set off west with two waggons... one full of wood timbers and the other of household items... they would drive to where the trail was impassible.. then they would build a bridge over.. or through.. the waggons would cross.. and then the empty one would dismatle and load the timbers...and then catch up to the other waggon.. or get to where the next obsticle was.. where they would repeat the building and loading after process....going west... [ do you think they carried seeds with them ]
most of the direct line stopped at the river... delta folk... first plowing... flooding... the boat under the house... to float away on the bogue.. incase of high water.... ridding the levy during the flood... to keeep the floks from AK from comming across to destroy the levy on the MS side..
besure to get your picture taken.. before you set off on this ride...
Funny confederate story... Clearance was off to war leaving behing his wife my GGrandmother and kids on the high mountain MS place ..when the Union guys came in on them.. [Was thatColdMountain } rousting folks and stock...going throuhg everything... till they cameupon the Masonic papersof Clearance... at which point the LT gathered his men up ..appologized for causing pain or discomfort to the family of another Mason...and left them with everything. [ some things were stronger than the war ]
I had 36 first line aunts and uncles..and countless cousins... hardly needed to go to 2-3-4th removed folks.. unless they were close by.. but they would never forget.. them
see ya'll later there.. Gordon

Gosh I am late with Birthday greetings too ...I hope you had a truly special day ...you give us so many special moments when we get to peek into your paradise ...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (belated) mate!

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