The Goat Thread for General Dusty, Ma'am. (salute!)

Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

Thanks, Molly, I'll check into that more carefully. Do you think they're not getting enough milk, or are you thinking more about the bonding?

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Well the bonding could be weakened but I would be more concerned about the time they're going without milk (which is their primary food at this age).


Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

I always kept the dam and her kids together in a stall for about 5 or 6 days then I would turn them out with the other goats. The kids learn quickly to stay w/ mom and we never had any instances of any kids getting hurt. We had plenty of floor space in the barn and pasture. I have had instances where I moved mom and her kids to one side of the barn that had it's own pasture and stalls. If she is the only one with kids I let them just hang out together. When everyone else has their own kids to worry about, they generally don't cause trouble.
The last few years, I would wait until 6 to 8 weeks then I would separate them at night so I could get one milking per day and let them be together during the day. -this was for twins. Moms with single kids you can milk sooner. If you don't want to separate them at night you can sneak in an am milking. The older the kids get the less drinking at night so if you get out to the barn early(goats do sleep in!) you can get a milking in before the kids! If not previously separated, I would totally separate after 3 months.

As for bottle feeding(sheep or goats), we would start out with three feedings then down to two aday when they start eating grain and hay.
I don't think there's any one way of doing things-whatever works the best for your circumstances. Just as long as the kids continually gain weight and are healthy.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Just catching up on things -- I've been out of the office for a while, which is where I have the net. This has been a great thread, but I can't help thinking: CLAIRE, weren't you going to get three hens and that's it!?!?!?!!! I wonder if the chicken fairy got drunk with the goat fairy one evening and their dust bags got mixed up...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Brigid....yes....that was me. Key word = WAS. Now I have over 70 chickens at various stages of life, and 17 goats. The fairies really took me on....

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Took you over, is more like it! ;)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ever see "Invasion of the body snatchers"? Kinda something like that....

Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

So far, so good with the goats. Even with us milking the mom in the morning (kids separated at night) the kids are growing and thriving.

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