Beauty berry bush

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Hello all!

I've found a beauty berry bush at the back of my property on my fenceline. It seems very small possibly due to simply bush hogging. I was wondering if I could move it or easily root it? Anyone know?

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Now would be a great time of year to move it. Try to get as much of the root system as you can. In the new location, plant it at the same level it was growing before. I'm not sure about rooting. Someone else may have ideas on that. What a great find. I just bought one and have yet to get it in the ground. I'm trying to find a place where I can see the birds eating the berries next fall. Good luck. Becky

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

I stuck 5 cuttings Aug. 8, and they had formed roots by Sept. 18. Berries had already formed so I worried Aug. 8 was too late. I think it is too late now to try cuttings though. I agree with Becky about moving it. Then next summer you can try rooting cuttings. I love it and want to plant more around the property. The birds do not spread it for me but a DGer locally says it's almost invasive for him! Go figure.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

So I should not both move it and take cuttings? The berries are definitely mature. I've (ahem) swiped berries from botanical gardens before and have never been successful in getting them to come up....

I'll move it tomorrow..... Fingers crossed it goes well....water well and then water ever two weeks lighter if no rain? I'm nervous. I've tried so many times for this bush and never been successful.

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Just a note that today I saw deer eating the beautyberries that were dry and hanging on their stems. I had not realized they ate them, but they must not be a fave.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Ah. I was unable to move the bush it was so woven in the fence. I did take an accidental break off and stuck it in dirt, but nothing -I don't think - yet.

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Jenks, I'll try to root some next summer and put one aside for you! They are such great plants; I think of them as Dr. Seuss-like because the large clusters of improbably purple berries look kind of alien!

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

O that would be great! I'll keep trying to root them if it comes back OK in the summer as well....

Thomson, GA

I have two of these beautiful plants in my front yard, I just wish they were in my back yard, because the birds love them, too, and that's great, but they leave purple "reminders" of their meals all over my car in the front yard. My plants were here when I got here 3 years ago, so I don't think I will try to move them. But I may try to root some this year for the back yard.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

I already have that problem with poke weed. Dark purple poo on just about everything. I try to yank it, but it's in other yards/woods close enough...

Prattville, AL

Jenks, remind me in the spring and I'll send you some plants. I'm usually pulling them up as too many. Just let me know.

OH, just thought, you could come and get them and teach me how to better care for my adopted shetlands with all your horsie knowledge. :O)

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Ha! LOL deal! But....shetlands? I will give em a shot!

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