Cinnamon Vine/Chinese Yam

Greensburg, PA

I have just collected seed tubers (small) from my Cinnamon Vine and have them for SASBE for those interested. Please post interest here and I will d-mail. I currently have enough for about 3 people, but expect more shortly. Zone 5 hardy.

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I would love some cinnamon vine!

Gilmer, TX

Krowten, I would love to have a cinnamon vine. Will wait for d-mail. Pam

Paradise, TX(Zone 8a)

I would be interested in doing an SASBE for seed tubers (small) from your Cinnamon Vine. Please let me know if you still have any available.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

I'd like to try some Cinnamon Vine too. Will wait for your dmail if you have some to spare.


Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I have never heard of them so I looked them up in plant files but it didn't have much info. Could you tell me a bit about them? I always like to find out about new plants. Especially if it is edible.

Greensburg, PA

Cinnamon vine, Chinese yam is a nice looking vine that produces an edible tuber. In zone 5 where I grow it, it comes back year after year from the ground tubers, which increase in size year by year. Unlike many other yams and relatives, this one can set its tubers as far down in the ground as 3 ft. The vine emerges once the ground warms up and increases in size from year to year. Mine never get really huge. The leaf looks like a sweet potato leaf and the stem is a nice cinnamon red color.

In warmer climates, some consider it invasive, perhaps from its habit of creating many small seed tubers in the late summer on the above ground vines, which can be easily spread. However, very few of the seed tubers naturalize here because they tend to not get growing until June heats up when they get a lot of competition for other things.

Starting the seed tubers is not difficult, but they have a mind of their own and cannot be forced(I have not seriously tried to force them!). In other words, tubers from this fall usually will not start growing until spring, regardless of conditions. Then in the spring, they need heat to get going. I'll d-mail.

I will check on supply in the next day or two. Hopefully I can fill all requests, but may not be able to as seed tuber production this year was less than typical, although the vines grew well.

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)


Are there any more left over?

~* Robin

Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

If you've collected more, I would certainly be interested!

Let me know :)


Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I have some, too, if Krowton runs out. Thanks. Buttoneer

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)


Thank you very much Buttoneer! I'll dmail you.

~* Robin

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Mine was less than typical, too but I still got about a cup of them.

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Greensburg, PA

Buttoner, Nice pic and thanks for the offer to help. Can you take care of Seedsower and Naturewalker? I think I can do RaggedyAnn and darmadoll (will know tomorrow). My vines grew very well but did few seed tubers.


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

would like one if any left. thinking i got some this summer but hasnt produced a tuber seems more like an air potato and not one bloom

Greensburg, PA

Mine do not produce noticeable flowers either. I think they need a couple of years before they start producing the seed tubers above ground, but there should be a tuber developing underground. Sometimes they can go pretty deep. I've been considering digging one of the ground tubers for tasting. If I do, I'll get a pic and post it.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i transplanted mine and not a tuber at all more like running roots like my air potato

Greensburg, PA

im, It takes time. I would not expect a new plant from this summer to produce a tuber until the fall. I've transplanted 2+ year plants with significantly sized tubers (like sweet potatoes at the supermarket)

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Sure, I can share. Just send me a sase (padded envy please; these are little round tubers). Thanks. Two stamps ought to do it. Thanks. I'm listed in the address area.

Galax, VA

anyone have any more? I would love a couple.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Dmail us privately. I have them. Not sure if Krowton is out or not.

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