Hi Everyone

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Haven't posted in a while. How's everyone doing?>

Mrs Bronx and I had to run north for a funeral. Our sister in law passed and her funeral was on my 50th birthday. She was my birthday buddy.

What's everyone up to. I've been planting all kinds of winter stuff; collards, salad greens, mustards etc. The deer ate 2 whole beds of romaine lettuce. 2 whole beds!

I replanted a lot of my garlic. Didn't care for it correctly last year. Looking for better results this year. My potatoes were a total bust.

Our market has really grown this year and has kept me busy as well. We have extended our season until the end of August. Come on by if you live nearby.


Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Sounds like a herd of deer is stalking your garden!!! I've been doing mostly garden cleanup and getting ready for the mini-RU here. Are you and Gwendolyn going to be able to come? Its Nov. 8.

I just can't get in the mood to plant anything. I hope all your greens do well so I can buy some. When is the last market day? Oct 25? Will you sell stuff later than that?


Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)


The deer are definitely here. Will have to deal with it this Winter.

We plan to be there on the 8th. Dmailing you about it later. We will be selling stuff past the end of market


Hi BB!
Sure wish I lived close enough to visit you and Mrs BB! LOL I've planted turnips, mustard and spinach so far, and did my garbage can potatoes for the fall again. They did so good this spring, I did 2 cans instead of 1. It's a nice way to get a few fresh taters for 2 people. :) It's a bit late, but I'm going to throw some sugar snaps out and see what they'll do. If they make it, they'll sure be tasty and if they don't ... well, I'll have wasted a few seeds.

Sounds like you need to go hunting and sell some deer meat at your market, too. LOL As for the garlic, mine was a complete bust also. I've marked that off this year. Might give it a try again another year. Had $50 in that crop with no yield so will let that rest. grin

Y'all have fun at the RU. Sure wish I could be there, but it's a bit too far. Hope the weather is just perfect for you!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Bronx, missed this thread. Sorry to hear about your SIL's passing. Please pass on my condolences to Mrs B too.

We have done a little planting in the past month. We are not wanting to put too much into a Fall garden until we know that the peripheral fences will hold the deer at bay. Nothing was touched this summer. Shrubs and perennials that were planted and forgotten years ago are suddenly emerging as surprises! We have planted rutabagas, red Russian kale, collards, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and several types of lettuces. Arugula and Thai basil self sow as has some India mustard. DH just came in with around four gallons of McCasalan and Kentucky Wonder beans. We are picking and drying several other bean varieties. Spring greens are taking off again. Planted twice as many tomatoes and had half the usual crop. The second planting peaked about a week ago. We should have a steady supply until freeze. Okra is pouring in as are my 'Amazing' peppers, tobascos, jalapenos, cayennes, pepperoncini and eggplants (especially Ichiban). The herbs have outdone themselves.

Been busy squeezing and fermenting tomato seed and putting on the hazmat suit to deal with the pepper seed. LOL There have been a few interesting surprises such as several hot cherry and tobasco peppers that were planted over a winter compost spot. They are over six feet tall and loaded! Here's a pic.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Holy coe!

Talk about manna from heaven.

I planted collards, several varieties of kale, salad greens, cabbage. All the usual stuff. I have had to come up with a system to protect my crops from the rabbits and deer. I have made some PVC hoop houses on some on my beds and I have covered them with lightweight row covers. So far so good!. I am going to experiment with hem as a mini coldframes this season.


Somthing strange happened with my garlic. I thought I pulled it all but I started getting TONS of sprouts. I pulled one and to my surprise was a garlic bulb. I have replanted these in beds that I have better prepared and I am really interested to see how they will do. Asde from the elephant garlic I think I won't have top buy any more seed. I'll keep you posted on my "experiement"


Okay, let me know. :) I'll be interested to learn what I did wrong. Maybe I'll try planting some directly in the ground instead of in a pot. I use a * lot of garlic so I'm all ears! :)

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