plant food

western sydney nsw, Australia

to-day I got a box of mixed 20 small flowers in pots I know not to plant till late in the day when the sun goes down I have dynamic lifter plant food do I put a little in the hole with the plant or leave it on the soil this is the first time I have used plant food .

Don't plant them just yet because it is going to be a couple of really hot days coming up ...better on the weekend ...scatter a few pellets of dynamic lifter around on the surface after the plants have been in for a couple of days and look settled. Water your plants well when you plant them so they don't droop too much. For now protect your plants from the big heat over the next couple of days by placing them in semi shade.If you have to plant your plants make sure you know weather they like sun or shade ...check the label. Good luck!

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Chissy thanks they did not have label I got them at a market 20 in the box for 10 dollars they will go in a garden in front mostly shade a little afternoon sun .can you tell me how I post pictures

Well the only way I know how is with a digital camera that has this little gizmo that plugs into the computer and when you turn the camera on the picture wizard asks where you want the pictures to go ...My Pictures is a folder I opened to keep pictures in ...but you can call it what you like. The wizard will tell you what to do.
Now once the pictures are in the folder ...when you want to insert a picture into your thread ...look down and you will see a browse button onto that and it will go to my pictures or whichever place your pictures are in. It will browse through the pictures and you can click onto which one you want to put in will say select or similar.Good luck ...let me know how you go.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Good advice for planting birthday girl Chrissy!
I always throw a couple of pellets in the hole too! But I also fill each hole with water, and water the plant well before i take it out of the pot. It seems to make the soil stay around the roots a bit better. What kind of plants are they Sammut? If you don't know the name, post a pic. I know you can do it, cause I saw your other thread!

western sydney nsw, Australia

I know there are primalas-Marigold-Daiseys-Panseys. I took the picture from the side of the box not the front another thing I have to learn .
It was the plant food I needed to know about I dumped the bag with out reading it its a big thanks for the help.
I have a water tank for the garden so I really water things in well.-----Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oh, and theres another bromeliad! Your garden is going to look smashing! Do keep posting pics eh? Lucky you to have a tank. When we lived in Penrith, about 7 years ago, we wanted a water tank, and the council said no, there is too much chance of spreading Typhoid! Can you believe it? Now they give you a rebate if you put one in! How bizarre

Thumbnail by weed_woman
western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi. I dont know much or names I walk around whenI see some thing I like I pick it up I seem to be geting a lot of bromsliads I like the look of them Sat. my son always drives me to Bunnings at minchinbury they love when I walk in we always have one or two full trolleys I spend a lot there the lady on the gate even tells me if there is any mark downs I might like not put out and where to find them also I love sola lights they have been marking them down every week.
I did not tell the council about my tank the less they know the better i did not apply for the rebate before long they will find a way to a put a extra tax really I am anti -council . sorry I thate is one thing thate bugs me.this is my yard flagI have one flying - in my drive way also.-----

Thumbnail by sammut

That Bunnings is dangerous to the pocket! know to water the bromiliads in the little centre bit ...they drink from that little funnel in the centre your flag mate ^_^

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi I Know how dangerous they are I just spent another three hundred to day thate is eight hundred this month in the garden part and the month has just started they love to see me walk in. I got 5 more bromeliads thates 13 now but they look so pretty I did not spend all the money on them I did get other plants and pots This is my morning tea corner. ----Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut

Wow look at that looks very inviting and a lovely place to relax ...we have nice cool rain today ...your new plants will love it.
The varigated fig is really nice ...keep it in a pot though or it will eat your home must be feeling very happy with your new backyard.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi, The rain was great I planted the flowers and watered in well the rain does not get to them there is a roof over the garden .
I did not know the name of thate plant it is a nice colour I will write a tag for it ----
this is the flag in frount.-----Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut

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