new member

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi.Iam new my age is 69 yrs. I live in western Sydney I only started to garden 3mth. ago I know very little about gardening it was great to find this site I have been reading the posts and all ready I am learning a lot I love the photes with the names of the plants every one has beatiful gardens . Sammut.

Hi Sammut ...welcome and we love daves garden too ...there are lots of friendly gardeners here and in all the other forums too ...don't be shy if you need any advice ...what are you growing in your new garden?

Thumbnail by
western sydney nsw, Australia

Thank you Chissy 100 for the wellcome I had a boring yard grass and 12 big palm trees .now it is part tropical I made a small pound with a nude statue sitting in the centre and and plants under the palms today ia going to a market to buy more plants . I must be doing things right This morning I saw my first seeds coming up sunflowers now I can call my self a L plate gardner . Sammut .

Merino, Australia

Hello sammut. You will find lots of friends on here. Everyone is very friendly and helpful. Don't be afraid to ask questions as there are so many to answer them for you.. Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
western sydney nsw, Australia

Thank you Jean I know I will need a lot of help I must learn how to post photoes I will try to work thate out tomorrow . Sammut

Christchurch, New Zealand

welcome Sammut :)
I lived in Sydney for a year - in 1980...
no garden as we were in a 3rd floor flat.
I had a mini jungle in my bedroom tho!
Dave's Garden is just brilliant for learning new things.
Long before I bought my house somebody must have loved the garden.
After they moved on it suffered years of neglect & was incredibly over grown.
I have spent 8 years weeding & pruning & adding new plants here & there.
It is really starting to come together now & I have had lots of fun searching Dave's Garden for ideas, advice & clues to help me identify some of the older plants here.
Hope you have as much fun as I am having here:)
Look forward to seeing some pics, once you get the hang of it it isn't too hard.
cheers - Dalfyre

Thumbnail by dalfyre
western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Dalfyre thanks for the welcome I bought here 3 yrs ago there was only grass and big palms in the back I have had a lot of fun over winter trying to plan the yard I dont have a lot growing the ground is ful of tree roots but I have a lot of statues and I made stands to give hight and features it is original
after a hour this morning I dont think I will ever post a pic. Sammut.

Christchurch, New Zealand

if you click on browse it should bring up a list of your photos saved on your pc.
Just click on one &then hit 'open'. once the file name of the pic shows up in the image box hit send...

Thumbnail by dalfyre
western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Dalfyre I am Still trying I dont know where they go to this is the 3rd. time Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi, This shows more of the bottom of my yard as you see I love features Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Yay sammut, you worked out the pic posting! Love your yard and your features. I'm a feature creature too!
I used to live in Penrith, and found it hard to garden in the heat and dry. Especially as I like the tropicals, and they like water!
I saw a bromeliad in your first pic! I'm a big fan of bromeliads! (don't tell anyone)
Welcome to the Aussie forum. i hope you stick around for a bit!

Thumbnail by weed_woman

Good for you! Sammut well done's fun isn't it!

Christchurch, New Zealand

Good stuff Sammut!
Your garden is great, reminds me of the time I spent living in Aussie.
Can't grow plants like that here - out doors anyway.
Cheers - Dalfyre

western sydney nsw, Australia

Yes this is fun I got a few more goodies for the garden yesterday they are carved wood .---Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut

You look like you are really enjoying yourself ...some interesting stuff you have there ...don't forget that is is going to get very hot yesterday whew! some of your plants will need a little shelter and mulch to keep the roots cool's exciting to watch a garden evolve ... have lots of fun/

western sydney nsw, Australia

I have put up tarps I sloped the tarp so when the rain comes the water wont pool in the middle and shade cloth and all pots are now under cover I watered last night and this morning I bought a sail but I have not put it up yet still dont know the best place -----Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut

You sound like you know what you are doing Sammut ...that pretty fushia needs dappled shade.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Those were beautiful wooden carvings sammut, and another couple of broms! Stop teasing me!

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi. yes the fushia lives in my bbq area I had them out to make a pretty display when i was having a morning tea day 'it was hot to day
I heard it wont be so hot to morrow so far we have not had the stormI hope it blows out to sea.
This is my resting spot ---------Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi, It seems I share your love of bromelaids this morning i did a count there is 8 and some have babies goming up .when do I feed them and whate is the best plant food to use .---------Sammut.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

If you post pics of them for me (numbered) I can Probly ID the species and give you some indication of what each one might like.
Most of the ones that have colourful foliage and a flower down deep in the centre, like >b/b< (and sometimes bright filtered light) to get the best colour. Fertilise them with half strength Liquid fert to the >b/bb/b< to improve leaf quality, flowering and pupping. Most of these prefer some, (but not to much) shade.
I use Liquid Charlie Carp or a New product called Ecofish (by Multicrop) and dilute at half the recommended dose. Try not to get it in the cup/centre of the plant though, as I've read that its not good for them. Both are available form Bunnings. The Ecofish is cheaper, and is also certified for use in Organic Gardening!

western sydney nsw, Australia

HI ,I will buy the ecofish next week , I got another 5 now its 13 some are the same I paid a lot for one pot $50 it had 3plants in it but one had a red flower and one a yellowflower and the other was a differant kind bad luck the son damaged the yellow one so only half a flower he did not lay the pot down when he closed the ute lid wham half went to heaven - they put them in a fancey pot to charge more .the tag did not name them but it listed where its from the house of bromeliads Brisbane and phone no. I cannot do the new pics., from my camera my p c is not importing waiting till my daughter in law has time to come and sort it all out for me ---------
this is the pond I made---------Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Love your pond Sammut. Sorry about your brom getting broken! BAd luck! Also bad luck about your camera. You need a visit to Coffs Harbour to see you right! Come and join in with some other lovely gardeners who are visiting. We have some from UsA and some from Britain. Come and see.
Just click on the link and you'll be instantly transported to my place!

Thumbnail by weed_woman

Oh ...a magic carpet ride could I resist! ...let's go

western sydney nsw, Australia

One minute Chrissy I have to tie my hat on will the carpet take my weight I am 11stone .weeeee good take off.

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