Where should my honeysuckle cuttings go?

New Milford, CT

I just bought four Trumpet Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens ) cuttings, and they're now in a pot of Miracle Grow potting mixture with Root-tone on the stems. I know the honeysuckly is hardy to my zone, but with cuttings I'm trying to root, I don't know whether I should put the pot outside here in Connecticut (Zone 5a) or leave it indoors for the winter. What do y'all think? TIA!

Atkinson, NH(Zone 5a)


I have propagated several Honeysuckle they take root real easy. I would try to keep them in a warm shady spot until it gets a little colder. Then if they have rooted put them in a protected spot
under some light mulch for the winter. If you bring them in the house and they are in a warm area they will also take root and grow. After they have rooted its OK to keep them in a cool dark area until spring then plant them outside.


This message was edited Sep 30, 2008 8:31 AM

New Milford, CT

They're easy to root, huh? Maybe that will actually come true for me, Ms. Brown Thumb! Thanks for the input, I'm pasting it into my gardening journal. Cross your fingers for my babies!

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