Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a)

Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a)

ITS done...amazing to watch!...

Lyndonville, NY

I just saw a lion at the watering least I think it was a lion.

Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a)

Debbie, I actually as luck would have it, tuned in for 10min at the same time, did you hear it drinking, you could. I think it was the leapard from earlier today...neat.

Lyndonville, NY

Yes, I did here it lapping the water....and I could NOT believe how much it drank. That was some frog or whatever making a racket.

Did you see the little critter running behind it? It was about the time the "cat" got up and walked away....the little critter just froze in his tracks until the "cat" was gone.


Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a)

Debbie, yes....I thought it was a rabbit, first a branch...then a rabbit....rabbit size...I think I would have frozen as well. Nice to able to share this with someone..

Lyndonville, NY

I am fascinated by animals, especially in the wild. And to think that big cat was full enough he didn't pay any attention to the rabbit/critter. Just stolled right off.

I was up late and checked in several times watching the screen but saw nothing else. Just the background noise is fascinating.


Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a)

Debbie, I also go in to see which birds I can id by sound...up to 20...this afternoon there was a few waterbuck drinkin and in 2 hours and a bit they should have another gamedrive live...

Yesterday they got elephant and lion and the leapard we saw...

Lyndonville, NY

I am not familiar with a game drive, what is that? They drive them over by the camera? At first hearing that I was afraid I would see them shoot something...then though, no, don't think so.

Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a)

debby ...get to the site...wild pig having mud bath

Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a) when they go out with a camera looking for animals and discussing them when they find them. You some hear a bird go "KWEEEEEEE" this is a Kwêvoël in our language, "Grey go-away-bird" in english. They are unmistakable and fairly common in that area. The sound always reminds me of heat and bushveld.

Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a)

Right now there is 2 big KUDU bulls and an Elephant wow!

Lyndonville, NY

OMG Look at them all, thats a lot of elephants!

Lyndonville, NY

Those little babies, how sweet!

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Herd of elephants taking their mud morning mud bath...Thanks for the link...leaving it up for my class to enjoy this morning:-)

Lyndonville, NY

What a great experience.

What grade is your class?

Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a)

The little one is so sweet...he belongs to the "Matrearc" (spelling--sorry).. lead female.

Lyndonville, NY

I loved watching the little one roll in the mud, didn't want to get out of the bath.

Lyndonville, NY

Was that the bird you were telling me about?

Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a)

its back right can hear it..

North Port, FL(Zone 9b)

I didn't know about this. Absolutely fantastic to sit here and watch the elephants with their little babies. I could watch this all day but got to get off to work!!!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Thanks so much for sharing this site .. I'm mesmerized by it :-)


Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a)

now..hadeda ibis,

Lyndonville, NY

Is that the bird that rides on elephants and such and gets the parasites?

Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a)

no...big bird...the one you talk about is the oxpecker...yesterday there was a few on one of the other animals (buffalo) that came to drink

Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a)

I am is what I will do, whenever I see something I will note it in the other thread...wildlife cams I started yesterday....I will try and give names to whatever I let me know if you are active at the same time.

Lyndonville, NY

Ok, will do. I have to get going also....lots of running errands today.


Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a)

this thread will move to above link keep everything nice and tidy!

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