The Hadeco growing fields...

Ewing, VA

"At Hadeco we still favour traditional work methods for Amaryllis as available machines have yet to meet our strict criteria. Each young bulb is planted individually by hand and lifted with a fork at the end of every season during it's three-year juvenile period.

By the time a mature bulb leaves our Company premises it has passed through human hands nine times as an individual bulb."

Thumbnail by mariava7
Ewing, VA

"Pride in offering the highest quality possible is central to the Hadeco philosophy and we look forward to continue introducing exciting new cultivars to you in the future"

* Quotation and pictures reproduced from Hadeco Data Pack with permission from Mr. Charles Barnhoorn (Hadeco)

Thumbnail by mariava7
Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Amazing photos!

Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

Beautiful fields but look at that hostile landscape behind the fields.These pictures also make you appreciate the huge amount of hand labor required to grow bulbs on a commercial scale.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

WOW!!! Great photos! Look at all those amaryllis!

Tucson, AZ

I'm speeechlesss. Those are amazing photos, I have never seen that before and I thank you for sharing.

Ewing, VA

Thank you and welcome. And thanks to Hadeco for producing such wonderful bulbs...

Thumbnail by mariava7

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