Gary's Health and Seed Exchange

Louisville, KY

I am Gary's wife, Katharine, and he has asked me to send the following message:

We were without power from September 14 - September 21st, and thus unable to be on the website.

As some of you know, Gary has had health problems over the past several years, mainly heart-related. He has had atrial fibrillation since the middle of May and was being treated for this.

On Sunday, the 21st, he began experiencing the loss of a lot of blood, and we went to the emergency room, after which he was admitted to the hospital. The hemorrhaging continued. The colonoscopy he had in June didn't indicate any major problem. They found it necessary to do a 2nd colonoscopy on September 26, and he underwent surgery the following day. He is recovering and hopes to be home soon.

In the meantime, the treatment for atrial fibrillation had to be halted; it will resume sometime in the next several weeks.

Gary will celebrate his birthday tomorrow - September 29 - in the hospital. Getting older has its challenges.

Gary has received seed from a number of you. He will be in touch with those of you who have sent seed when he is able to do so.

Regarding the SEED EXCHANGE: Since he doesn't know when he will be discharged from the hospital, Gary suggests that the seed package be forwarded to the next person on the list, rather than to him. The package can be forwarded to him after the last person has received it.

For those who have expressed interest in tomato seeds, he stated that he'd be in touch with will just take some time...

"I covet your thoughts and prayers."

Gary & Katharine

DeRidder, LA(Zone 9a)

Gary doesn't owe me any seeds....just wanted to say your both in my prayers. Hope Gary gets well soon.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Kathrine Tell Gary i wish him a speedy recovery and everything. sending good thoughts a prayers. hugs Marie


Katherine, I have never traded with Gary before but please wish him a full and speedy recovery from me.
I hope he has a very special birthday, despite being in the hospital.


Cave Spring, GA(Zone 7a)

Katherine, My thoughts and prayers will be with you and Gary. I hope he will be better soon. Please take care of yourself too. Linda

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Prayers for Gary and you.

This message was edited Sep 29, 2008 5:32 PM

Katherine~ no trade here neither..but enjoyed reading about Gary's delicious tomatoes he grew and shared with your neighbors. Sending prayers for complete healing and a speedy return to the garden.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

This is regarding the Round Robin he is participating in....

We all hope Gary is doing well and wish him the best. He is in our prayers.


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Gary will be in my prayers -- wishing him a speedy recovery and hope to see him soon on Dave's garden. Wishing Gary a very happy birthday.

Danville, IN(Zone 5b)

Best to Gary, and to you, Katherine. It's not picnic for the family when a loved one is in the hospital. Hoping Gary has a rapid recovery.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

so sorry just found this .praying for a excellent recover and his strenght returns more each day. thinking of you both hope your better to.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

((((hugs)))) and prayers for both of you. Hope he has a speedy recovery.


Downers Grove, IL(Zone 5a)

Gary- wishing you a quick and complete recovery! And a belated Happy Birthday. Take it slow and easy.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Thank you for letting us know so we can keep him in our prayers! Your husband is a lovely man and a cherrished friend to many of us.

Hugs and prayers to both of you!

Greenacres, WA

I am new to the group but I am sending my best wishes and hope for you and recovery.
A yellow rose for friendship
Marcia from Spokane WA

Thumbnail by MarciaS
Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Gary & Katharine,
Prayers for you both...Gary for your physical healing and Katharine for strength to keep you going. Happy Birthday, Gary...may you have many more!

JoAnn & Gary

Louisville, KY

I saw my Urologist and Colon/Rectal Surgeon this week; they want to see me in three months. I saw my Family doctor for a follow up visit after developing Bronchitis last week; it has improved with treatment.

I went from there to the Protime Lab to get a reading on my blood thinner. It is 2.3 and they would like for it to stay there. I go back on Monday for another reading to make sure it is in the desired treatment level. Then I guess I will be hearing from my Cardiologist about a follow up on correcting the Atrial fibrillation. He talked about shocking my heart and also about a second defibulator. So I don't know just what they will do at this point.

Katharine was able to get a stronger pain med. She goes as long as she can before taking one. She is in bed a lot and sitting/lying on the sofa for a change. She has an appointment with the Pain Management Group at Baptist East Hospital on Monday and we are hoping that they will be able to help her. She will be working with a team of folks then.

I am getting my strength back and tqking it easy as needed. We are able to manage as long as I can be up and about. I have been driving to my appointments myself and doing a bit of shopping as needed. This is sometimes difficult and I tire easy!

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. and concern.

Gary and Katharine

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi Gary!!!!!!!!

Glad to see ya post, but sad to hear that you and Katherine both still having a rough time of it. Healing prayers are being sent to both of you.

Take it slow and easy and rest when ya can. If you haven't gotten a " ..pee monia ( spelling) shot yumight ask yoru doctor abotu gettign one, will help keep ya from gettign that broncitis returning.

If ya need anythign holler. ((

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Nice to see you posting, Gary! So sorry for the issues you are both in the midst of. I, too, will be keeping you in my prayers.

Blessings to both of you. And remember to listen to your body, but it tells you take it easy, IT MEANS IT!!!


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Good to hear you both a holding your own. Prayers are with you.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

((((hugs))))) Gary and Katherine, you are missed when you don't post much. I may not always post but you have been a big help to me over the years.


Gary ...
I've been so worried and concerned about you. I'm so glad to see you posting. Thanks Katherine for letting us know how he was doing, and please keep us informed if/when he can't post. He's much loved here and we do worry! :)

Take care of yourself Gary ... and get well!
Hugs&blessings ... ~Susan

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

So glad to hear that Gary is doing better, Katherine.
He and I have traded tomatoe seeds and he got me started in heirloom tomatoe seeds.
I will keep you both in my prayers for a speedy recover for him and blessing for you in your stressful situation.


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Gary, good to see you back to posting. You rest and take care, you know that you and Carolyn are the guru's of tomato seeds, can't do without either of you and your knowledge.

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