Recommend crack-resistant tomato

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

Already thinking about next year's garden. I'm really tired of tomatoes cracking.

What varieties do people recommend as crack-resistant? I don't want oversized tomatoes, just the mid-size ones.

Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)

I planted Celebrity this year. It is a determinate type. Very few, if any, cracks, medium size fruit. The plants were very productive, and I really, really liked the flavor. Some people don't care for Celebrity because it is one of the sweeter tomatoes, but that's what I do like.

Because it is a determinate, my plan for next year is to take off suckers as soon as I see them, root them, and use them for a second planting. I didn't think of doing that this year until it was very late. I have three plants now that are putting on flowers, but we may get frost before I get tomatoes from them.

This year I also planted both Mortgage Lifter and Rutgers. Lots of cracking with both of these. Also, production was very, very low. I will not be planting these again next year.


Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

Sometimes I wonder just how determinate a determinate type is.

I plan Romas with the idea they'll all mature at one for sauce making, but they stretch out their season a long time.

Tonto Basin, AZ

I'm one who think the Celebrity's flavor is good, but not exceptional. That's what personal preference is though; about the person, not about the tomato.

However! The Celebrity has been one of the best producing varieties for us and has a place in our garden. It has mid-sized fruit and is quite early bearing. I just took one out that consistently bore well since planted early 2007. We covered it with a hot frame over the winter. It is more crack resistant than other varities we grow, but will crack some if watered heavily.


ps - our Celebrity took a bit of pruning to contain in the hot frame. I assumed it was indeterminate.

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

There is certainly a variety of opinion on the flavor!

Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)


Indeed, there is. I just LOVED them. Others told me that they didn't because it is too sweet for them and they prefer a more acid tomato. Guess that's why there are thousands of varieties of tomatoes.

I think determinate types produce for longer periods than usually advertised. The Celebrity made wonderful stewed tomatoes and chili sauce. Even though they only got about two feet high, they spread out quite a distance. By the time I realized I should have staked them it was really too late for that. I'll stake them from the beginning next year.


I'm impressed with the longevity of your tomato plant. Mine did grow and fruit very heavily for several months, though. They were still producing, albeit much more slowly, when I pulled them out after several months. Next year I'll have more bed space and won't have to pull them to put in fall veggies.


Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Can you use Bt on the crack dealers that are wandering into your garden? Or a fence, maybe?

Sorry. Couldn't resist.

Middleboro, MA(Zone 6a)

I like Jet Star a lot better than Celebrity. It is about the same DTM, crack resistant, pretty disease resistant, tasty, and productive. It's a hybrid indeterminate originally from Harris. I have grown it for many years, always with good results. It is my insurance tomato along with Supersonic which is a little larger and later.

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the rec.

It's a low acid tomato, but I'm looking for a slicer, not a canner, so that's OK.

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