Have-"Broken Colors" 4 O'clock seeds.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

HAVE--a good amount of these from my 3 plants this Summer.
Will send for postage reimbursement--don't need a trade.....unless there is something really tempting....


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Burlington, IA(Zone 5a)

Hi Gitagal! I want some?? Please! I don't have any 4'Oclocks yet. I would so appreciate them. I'll D-mail ya!

Pretoria, South Africa

Hi Gitagal, you have Dmail!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Did you all see today's article on 4 O'clocks? Nice pictures too.....



(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I have white, fuschia, yello, salmon, and pink, would love some of those multicolored ones.. Debra

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Send me a D-mail, OK?

This year, my Broken Colors were more yellow than Pink. You never know how the colors will come through.....These are from this past summer.....

Not the greatest picture.....I know I had some others--but I am fast falling asleep!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OOOps! Wrong picture!!!!


Thumbnail by Gitagal
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

okiedokie .. i did i think..lol herer is my fushia

Thumbnail by joeswife
Lancaster, OH(Zone 6a)

I would love some seeds and would be happy to send postage unles you would like to trade for some of the seeds I have..
Please D-mail me......
Donna C

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey all---

It is garden clean-up time and I just dug up my "Broken Colors? 4 O'clocks as they were no longer making seeds. Fall is here--and everything needs to be cleaned up before all the leaves fall.....

I have read that 4's can re-grow from their roots. Some positives on that--and some negatives...I guess it depends on the zone you live in.

I have also read on DG that the roots/tubers can be dug up and stored (like any other tubers) and then re-planted in the Summer.

SO! I dug mine up today and decided I might try the saving mode. I thought you might like to see what massive roots they can make in one season from seed. I also found it interesting to see the white markings/striations on the roots.

Posting this for those of you that asked me for seeds---just as a FYI.


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Greensburg, PA

Gitagal, My parents used to grow broken colors in zone 5 in western PA that (original source) came from the family roots in Kentucky. The flowers were a fixture at my grandmothers sharecropper farmhouse.

We never replanted them as they formed roots up against the side of our house that came back year after year. I remember being fascinated by them, with their large textured seeds and unusually late opening flowers. As kids my brothers and I used to collect the seeds for various kinds of mischief, mainly throwing them at each other.

The roots became quite large, some of them 5-6" across. We eventually dug them out in favor of other things, but we now all regret that and did not keep any seed (it was a long time ago). Should you have seeds available next year I'd like to get them started again while my parents can still appreciate them.

Thanks for the memories.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I have been, diligently, collecting seeds and have a small bowl-full. Send me a D-mail and we will take it from there....OK?

I do not have room to leave these roots in the beds to "take over". These do pretty well growing from seeds. Most of the ones I had this Summer came up as "volunteers".....so, you can scatter the seeds NOW and they will overwinter in your bed and come up in the Spring--OR--you can sow them indoors earlier.

The seedling leaves look just like a Morning Glory's, but with a slightly shallower indent.


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I have been collecting seeds like crazy here but I love the fact that you dug up the tubers, I have three plants that come back every year without fail from tubers and prolly a few more this spring.. Good Job on the pic it is interesting to see the colours of them I think..

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I have had your envelope for a week. My daughter got married last weekend and I was pretty busy all week--had company/relatives to put up, etc.

Your seeds will go out today!
This also gives me a chance to bump this Thread up....Still have plenty to share....

Please--if anyone else is interested--write me a D-mail....


Greensburg, PA

Gita - No problem - I am just happy that you can share. I understand that we all have other obligations.

Millsap, TX

Hey! Thanks for the offer.. I sent you a d-mail...

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