Mary Toomey Clematis Display Garden

Delaware, OH

Clem lovers, if you haven't been on the Chalk hill site and reviewed all the garden site plans for each area (by clicking on them from the main garden layout design plan) do so. i am not sure if it will remain up and if you love to drool over well designed gardens, click on each area and archive the pages for future inspiration.
I have been lucky enough to visit the garden twice, both unforgetable experiences. just archived the pages so i can use them for inspiration in the future.
Mary toomey designed the garden and it is so special and the photos are great.

Parkersburg, WV

What a beautiful garden. I am in love with 'Venosa Violacea'. I will have to put on list for next years garden addition. I love some of the different "frames" or structures they are using and the pergola area is what I imagine the entrance to"gardeners heaven" to look like.

That would be amazing to see in person but I do not know if I would ever be able to leave. I could just wander around in there for days.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks for letting us know, Niobe! I just took the visual tour of Mary Toomey's Clematis garden at Chalk Hill and it is gorgeous! Here's a link for anyone who would like to view these gorgeous gardens.

Delaware, OH

yes the structures in the garden are amazing. did you notice the jewel garden with the globe type and all the clems around it? amazing. inspirational. i saw the garden the first year it was in and then a year or two later just after peak bloom season. it is amazing. kay specializes in roses too and some of them were out of this world and the combos just gorgeous.
glad some of you are checking it out in case it is not up for long with the clem retail business closing.

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