Ask Tplant

Corte Madera, CA

Hello. Yet it's me again =). I thought posting my question here may be of help to others also.

I reviewed your threads; however, I did not find EB-grown potatoes just yet. I also looked at EB's list of "What to Grow" and at EB's Research Center Site and did not find potatoes on the list.

I would like to grow fingerling potatoes in EBs. Your thoughts?

Thanks, Tplant.


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I would not waste my space as they can be grown in a plastic container but that does not mean it can't be done? By all means go for it and I'll bet you will have delicious results. Potatoes like strawberries don't require large amounts of water so I would water once every four days or so no matter what the weather. However if you see the tops wither than do water.

Corte Madera, CA

Thanks, Tplant. I will try what Grampapa does (GS Potato Bin) and save the EB space for tomatoes and peppers.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

All in all Moonglow you have raised my curiousity and there is not anything that tastes more delicious than fresh picked potatoes. I certainly have enough EBs to try one but I'll have to study up more to see if production would make it worth the time and effort? I do love the small cream potatoes that are grown in California.

Corte Madera, CA

Please keep up posted, Tplant! Thank you.

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