first bulbs of the season.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

My first shipment of S. African bulbs arrived today from White Flower Farm. They substituted Rock and Roll for Razzmatazz, both African red/white striped doubles. Appartently there was a crop failure of Razzmatazz. At least they were honest enough to tell me. Think of all the times last season that bulbs were substituted, without correcting the labeling. The suppliers figured that we were too stupid to notice that the ID was wrong.

What did you order this year? Anything special?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Just got back to DG after a week away. The other bulbs, that I ordered from WFF, are Pink Rain, Exotic Peacock, Madrid, and Moonlight. From Garden Web, I just learned of another source for bulbs, American Meadows. They have some varieties that I've never seen anywhere else. I took a chance, on a company that I do not know, and ordered Paris, Amsterdam, Full House, Splash, and Neon Rose. If they are a disappointment, I will write it off to an expensive! learning experience.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I think I bought something from American Meadows and I was satisfied. can't remember what. I haven't seen anything must have yet. I may just go to WM and get some Red Lions to thicken my patch. Could use some pink ones but don't see much of a variety. I will ck AM just in case.

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