Here we go... Buckle your seat belts please!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm sure glad you told me Commander! I would have been heartbroken to not see it all of a sudden! Crazy lil birds.. I am so thrilled.. It's awesome!!!!

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

oooohhhhh, should I run outside in the dark and candle an egg Shelby is sitting on.. or just wait? (8 days) depending on which egg I look at.

londonderry, Australia

go and candle its fun

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

good morning Josh and welcome back. How was you trip? Sorry to hear about you bird.

londonderry, Australia

hi and it is good night here lol

my trip was great but i was kind of a bummer when i got the call the DAY after i left that it was gone but stuff happens so oh well

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey Josh welcome back..
What do you mean your bird was gone? Maybe he tried to follow you??

I tried to candle yesterday.. but the light kept getting in my eye, I was nervious and wanted to get her egg back to her.. I will try again after I rig something better up.

londonderry, Australia

by gone i mean it died

bet luck next time on the candling remember the further developed they are the less riskier it is to candle except when they stop turning then it is hads off.well i try to make it hands of any way it is hard not to candle when u can see it has broken through the air sack lol

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

oh.. I am so sorry.. how sad.. Yes I will reread how to candle and try it maybe tomorrow night. You'll have to read my thread about Shelby Lucky.. LOL.. she has 8 eggs now.. but thats all she gets.. I put a stop to it.

londonderry, Australia

lol it is hard to stop them

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