Here we go... Buckle your seat belts please!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Say it with me..

I will buy no eggs until it is time....

I will buy no eggs until it is time....

I will buy no eggs until it is time....

Think it's helping??

That would be awesome to have 2 bators and a hatcher! I'm in heaven.. LOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I will buy no eggs until it is time...
I will buy no eggs until it is time...
I will buy no eggs until it is time...
I will buy no eggs until it is time...
I will buy very few eggs until it is time...
I will buy no eggs until it is time...
I will buy no eggs until it is time...
I will buy no eggs until it is time...
I will buy no eggs until it is time...

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

lol I looked and YES you are.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)


Lodi, United States

Just keeping my head down and hoping for outbidders.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I don't know how to keep myself away from the bantam silver ameraucana eggs on eggbid...

Lodi, United States

Moxon--we're here for you. Remember your mantra--forget your inner child. Be strong. Be wise. Feed the pig.

Hey, I don't remember silver ameraucana bantams on! Maybe I could go and just look at what else has shown up in the last few hours....

Yes, yes, You'll be fine. Strong, wise, pig....Gotta go.....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here, let me help you forget your inner child too. Be strong and wise. Feed the chickens.

Lodi, United States

Ha! I already looked!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ooooh, lemon, blue and grey d'uccles...

Lodi, United States's not so easy being good is it?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL I'm stayin out of this..

Catscan, there is ALWAYS room in my bator for your eggs.. Just go with it.. LOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

ZZ....the extreme enabler....

Lodi, United States

You heard ZZ! It is in writing. Apparently she is unaware of the true magnitude of last nights egg bender.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Egg make it sound like you were drinking them!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL Well, I'm just tryin to be neighborly... he he he
Do you realize how many "spots" we have between us?
Good thing Ed has 5 acres! LOL

Lodi, United States

I was drinking--in the great diversity of chickendom!

Lodi, United States

I love Ed.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)


You've got dmail...

I moved the coop frame today... (sometimes it would come in handy to have a significant other) I'll be walking like a chimpanzee tomorrow..
But it's level and in the permanent place. I will never try to build a coop without plans again... I've worked on it enough to have two built by now and it's still 1/2 way framed. Oh well.. sorry to vent here..

I'm gonna love it when it's done.

I've got eggiez to keep me busy in the meantime.

Gao, Mali

catscan and CMOXON, regarding bantam silver ameracauna eggs...

ZZ, you poor dear Chicken Head. Please have a nice long soak in the tub. I will keep watching over your babies.

This message was edited Sep 28, 2008 1:59 AM

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Ah O

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Uh...too late...

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Thank you Great CF! I knew it was you!!!

londonderry, Australia

lift off is in full swing

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Commander Josh & Commander Jordan, I set up a new thread for our communal pips.

(Zone 7b)

I have a question not to offend but are yall really paying that much for these eggs?

I can buy all of those breeds eggs $5 dozen chicks $2 each Adult birds $10 to $15 each and all are show quality.

I'm blown away how much the bidders are paying for 6 eggs>>>>Just absoulutly astonished..............

I have a trio of lemon blues just like those and i gave $25 for them.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Depends on the breed, but I'm generally paying $10 to $15 for a dozen + eggs plus shipping usually another $12. I can't get them locally - eggs or chicks. I can get chicks by mail from Sandhill Preservation (in Iowa) but only straight run and only in minimum of 25 order.

(Zone 7b)


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

The only eggs I've seen locally are white leghorns and barred rocks.

(Zone 7b)

Didn't mean to sound like it's outragous to pay that much.

I was just like OMG at the prices for hatching eggs :)

I truly understand the supply and demand thing :)

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

do you have the website that compared the incubators? HeeHee-My DH asked me if I wanted to get one! So I cautiously asked-like the one we had before?(i had no luck!) and he said no a good one.

Lodi, United States

I do, saanansandy--I'll look it up and report.

Okay here it is--I think it gives a slight advantage to the Little Giant--but I can't keep the RH up in it without sponges--ZZ has both and much prefers the Hoverbator--better RH control and easier to clean.

This message was edited Sep 29, 2008 10:29 PM

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Just saw this thread. Read where someone wanted to know if they should write on the eggs with pencil or a marker. I'd say pencil cause a marker has chemicals in the ink which might get into the eggs.
Just a thought.


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

ZZ - how are your eggs now? Have you done any candling yet? I candled eggs that I put in on the 24th and had visible development in some. Maybe you will see something now?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

There are definitely changes.. in the eggs... My eyes are not trained to know what I'm looking at enough to really know.. Out of 7, there are 2 that I'm sure aren't good...They are clear or have a moving bubble or dark dot..

The others are growing... The dark area is bigger.. no spider veins yet that I can see.. but the dark area is growing.. and no sloshy stuff.. no moving bubble...

Is that what I'm looking for? Tell me those are my babiez.. Tell me I have showgirls in there!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Probably those are your good ones. Mine I can see a reddish/brownish dot and on some of them I can see veins coming out from it. I should try to take some pix tonight and show you. The reddish brownish dot doesn't move within the egg though. It tends to be stationary against one side.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

We have spider web veins!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can see the dark area is sooo growing.. on 2 the webbing is definite.

This is where you learn to NOT get too eggcited and drop em! OR even come close and faint.. LOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Waaaahooooooo!!!!! Awesome news ZZ!! I knew you'd see 'em. Another thing about getting too excited is not pushing the flashlight into them so hard that you crack them. I can barely contain myself when I see the veins and I have to put the egg down before doing the happy hatching dance.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I will start another thread when the actual countdown begins.. but I just candled my eggs and saw a BABY MOVING INSIDE!!!!!!!! I have a tiny Serama kicking around and it is only 1/2 ripe! LOL
There are some Silkies too.. I'm goin nutz here.. One lifted what I swear was a wing stick lookin thing.. LOL Oh gosh.. The babiez are KICKING!!!!!!!!!!

No more spider veins.. we got life!!!!!!!! What a miracle of life.. I mean this is the best thing ever.. I cooked up some babiez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They stop turning Next Wednesday.....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

You go girl!!! You cooked up those babiez just perfectly! I think that candling at the moving-baby-inside-the-egg stage is the coolest thing. All of a sudden it goes from being an egg to a chick! Poof! As they get closer to hatching and you candle, you are likely to see no more movement. This is because they are totally filling the egg except for the air space, so you don't see them move because there is no air space to view them moving in. Then at pipping time, you can see some have broken the internal membrane but haven't pipped yet. You can see their beak waving around and hear peeping. It is so exciting and of course the hardest thing is just not opening all the eggs to "help" which would result in killing them all. I am going nuts right now with 7 pips and no babies. Can't even see fluff yet so colors are unknown. ARGH!

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