Seedlings for the 2010 AIS Convention In Madison Wisconsin.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Did anyone send bearded iris seedlings to the 2010 AIS Convention ? If so, I hope you will post photos of them here. New seedlings are such a thrill to see... interesting to see what may be on the market in a few years.

I sent 9 seedlings... a first time experience for me. Here's one, Holt Seedling 03-21b. It will be in the Breezeway and Becker's Gardens.

Thumbnail by zacattack
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Another, Holt Seedling 03-21d, which is a sibling to the above. It will be at Breezeway Gardens.

Thumbnail by zacattack
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Holt Seedling 03-24a. It will be at Breezeway Gardens.

Thumbnail by zacattack
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

One more for tonight.... Holt Seedling 06-1a. It will be at Breezeway Gardens.

Thumbnail by zacattack
Raleigh, NC

We can see beautiful flowers, zac - how are the substance, form (although it looks good in photos), vigorousness, budcount, branching, stalk strenght, disease resistance? can you add those types of attributes to the seedling photos? have you trialed these anywhere but where you are to see how they grow elsewhere?

(dana)Owensboro, KY(Zone 6a)

you can trial the second one here ;)

Cherryvale, KS

Zacattack-- Looks great!! Very pretty. One of my friends in Indy used to try flowers out for a commercial garden!!LOL I may try my hand at hybridizing next year! Hopefully with two bionic knees, I'll be hopping all over the iris beds!!LOL

South Hamilton, MA

Hey Zac congratulations in sending the seedlings. We did as well, photos not in the computer--not there as skills as yet. I did send SDB Reddy Set (red amoena) will be finished bloom by convention time, but the locals will see it. John sent MTB Isabella Anna. both were introduced this yr. If anyone has a copy of the Medianite, the pictures are there. I also sent named, but not intro neglecta MTB seedling, a MTB seedling under number & several BB seedlings. Us older folks are just not up on computers.

Raleigh, NC

a red amoena? I'd like to see that!

South Hamilton, MA

That is "iris red" I tried to find my file for a seedling, but it tells me 'not valid'. I certainly have to learn a great deal about computers. zac is your 2nd picture the BB? I hope so. It has a lovely flower & looks like a great bud count.

South Hamilton, MA

For those who want red amoena picture & have the Schreiners sale catalog--their bonus iris looks like one

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

All I can say is that these are just lovely. I'd purchase any one of them for my garden. I need to learn to have more patience and try to grow some from seeds. When you can grow them from seed and get these kinds of results, it's defintiely worth a try.


Raleigh, NC

oh irisMA -didn't you know Wellesley gals believe octaganarion rhymes with CD-ROM? you're doing fine on computer. igrowinpa - keep in mind they grow a LOT of seeds to get one or two good ones. the rest, as Keith Keppel keeps reminding me, make great compost.

Lebanon, OR

the first time you do seedlings, and you have to compost because of time, room and the fact you can not grow and keep every seed, it just kills you to compost. In time it does get easier...HONEST!

I sent all my 2009 intro to the convention and this was a first for me...Sent Fern's Magic, Oregon Sunrise, Kick up your skirt, Blueberry Sweetie

This one is BBS an SDB that also smells like blueberries I am told, I can not tell as I can not smell well.

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

It's the "Berries", dating myself with that one! Good Morning all.

South Hamilton, MA

Dee--lovely form. I composted several yellow SDBs this yr. I pulled another one & realized it was fragrant & had 3 buds so replanted it. Who can get up after getting down to sniff the smaller classes. Not me.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

OOOHHH. I like BBS. The colors are incredible!

I like yours very much too. I gather you aren't the hybridizer? You were growing them as guests? That must really be interesting.

Lebanon, OR

Well I am not always down at the level either but when I am going thru the seedling I pick one each to tear apart for pictures and to smell, now I have two others to smell for me.

Got all the iris done:) now on to the daylilies

Today doing the charting and counting...

See ya.

Lebanon, OR

Zac is the hybridizer and lucky for me I will be introducing his for him

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Congratulations, Zac. I somehow thought ( duh) that your seedlings would be ZAC-12345. Your seedlings are very beautiful and congratlations, Dee on being the one to introduce them. It must be exciting to see your seedlings get introduced.

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Not sure I could compost my seedlings, so maybe I better stick to growing what I already have and will purchase/trade for in the future. I understand what you mean about not all seeds producing a keeper. I live near a couple who are hybridizing daylilies and I've walked through the seedling beds many times. Some are too short, don't produce enough buds, not enough branching, blotchy flowers, ect. I just know how I am, and I'd be spending time trying to find homes for all of my "rejects!"

I've seen friends grow irises and daylilies from seeds from year to year, and I'm always surprised at how nice the flowers seem to turn out for them.

You guys are turning out some beautiful plants. Really nice work!


St Joseph, IL(Zone 5b)

Congratulations Zac!! Pretty blooms there. Madison is like only 4 hours from me, been there before, not a bad drive, so may have to make this one. Way to go!

Raleigh, NC

Igrowinpa - on those blotchy flowers your friend has. I've been looking for a daylily for years like the one I lost - I ADORED it. it was hot yelloworange, a neon color, and it had what must have been an irregular scarlet eye - it came off as jagged "lightening streaks" of a lava color, and no two blooms were alike. Since I can't find anything with an irregular coloration, I'm guessin now it was a seedling. If your friend ever has anything like this, please ask him to contact me! I really really want what you might call a "blotchy" flower.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks everyone… I sincerely appreciate the comments and compliments. I would encourage anyone with even the slightest interest in hybridizing to give it a try.

irisMA... I’m looking forward to seeing your intros and seedlings. Congratulations on the intros! You have always been so kind and informative, and I especially want to thank you for encouraging me to send seedlings to the conventions. Yes, the second photo is the BB we talked about. Hopefully it will remain at the height it has shown during the last few years. The first year that it bloomed it was quite a bit taller, but it has retained the smaller height since replanting.

bonjon... I agree that the attributes you mentioned are very important. Also, that climate and growing conditions can make a big difference. None of my seedlings have been subjected to other climates… I have been very content just growing them in my own garden, but am excited to have them grown in the convention gardens, and by Dee, at Snowpeak. Thanks for your comments and questions.

I am very honored that Dee has offered to introduce for me. Dee is a wonderful lady with a great reputation… I couldn‘t be more pleased. Dee, I’m glad you posted your intros, Blueberry Sweetie is lovely and has a great name. I can’t wait to smell it.

pajaritomt… I can see how my user name, zac-attack, may have caused a misunderstanding. The name actually comes from my youngest son, Zach. One of his baseball coaches nick named him that for the way he hits a baseball. Just seemed like a good name to use when I registered with Dave’s.

This is the first chance I’ve had in a couple of days to spend a few minutes on the computer. I have a few more photos to post, but in the meantime I’m hoping some others will post their seedlings and introductions too.

Thanks all… Dan

This message was edited Sep 28, 2008 4:46 PM

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

broken color ?

Lebanon, OR

my broken color that will be intro in 2010 is Splashed Silk now in TN, Canada, NE, and Maryland...

The funny thing with this one is that no two flowers are even close in color one can be more purple based, one more burgundy and the other more gold, but I love it and enjoy its uniquiness


Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

This one will be out next year, named in honor of my mother who passed away at 53 1970...

What I really like about this one which is an SDB is the perfect preportions of the overall plant, 1/3 1/3 1/3:)

Fern's Magic


Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

Dan thank you for the courage to have me introduce your iris for you once decide if they have the right growth, bud, and branching, then you will have to come with names, which is the hardiest thing for me to do but I got the priviliage of naming one of Augusto Bianco's for him as his English is not very good and gave the iris the Blob! Awful name and finally told him so, well he asked me to come up with a name of this jewel, gave him Wisteria Lane, Such a Beauty, Rare Gem and he picked in that order, so we will see.

It is Wisteria S with magenta falls super and wish I had a picture to show you

Thank you also for the wonderful compliament on the BBS as I liked it the first time it bloomed.


(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

OO-Dee one of the BBS had better have my name on it for this next years order;) Lovely intros Zac-congrats!!

Cherryvale, KS

Dee , I really like yuour Splashed Silk!!!!

Lebanon, OR

Thank you


Raleigh, NC

ok - I'm not much on broken hot colors, but you've got my vote and my order for Splashed Silk. That's a beauty.

Lebanon, OR

I like it too and not really big in broken colors for crosses but this just stund up and said look at me NOW. lololo

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Dee it a good looking iris
i love broken color use to have all of Alan Ensingers got to tour his garden
before he retired,.
i think Keppel introduced the first one back when they were hated by the Iris purest of that time

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

WOW, They are fantastic!!!!!!

Zac your first photo, I have a suggestion for a name if it's not taken, "Easy Listing", the coloring is easy on the eyes, but yet draws your attention.

irisloverdee, I like em all, Splashed Silk, would be my Fav !!!!!!!!!

Lebanon, OR

Thank you:) I had a time naming it...

Yet two names came to me easy when I was looking at the browns one and surprised me when neither name was taken, cup a jo and cafe mocha...which I would have thought that Ghio for his browns would have taken along time ago.


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Dee, I can't wait for you to introduce Blueberry Sweetie, Splashed Silk and Fern's Magic. Zacattack, thanks for straightening me out on the hybridizer name for your intros. I especially like 03-24 and 06-1a. Can't wait until they are out and available. You both to wonderful work and I look forward to owning some of your introductions.
BTW, I love broken color iris that aren't the same old thing. We have seen quite a few now and we need to see some different ones. Splashed Silk is certainly one of those. I can't wait until it is available.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Dee-are you already taking orders for 2009 for these 3!!LOL It looks like you will sell out pretty quickly;)

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Dee, let us know when you are about to sell them, so we can be the first to stand in line !!!!! LOLO, same with yours Dan.

Lebanon, OR

Well I can not post to all, but if all goes well the new and improved webpage will be up about the middle of Feb. That is the date I shot for every year.


Thank you all for the compliaments and the encouragement.


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