Confusion between EBs and Home Made EBs etc.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

In order for this forum to work properly I think it only to be fair and proper that we mention with our inquiry the type of earthbox that you are using. So far there are three types:
1) Patented Earthbox (EB)
2) Home Made Earthbox (HEB)
3) Gardeners tomato Box (GTB)

I think it to be extremely important to distinguish the difference so we can offer advice and make this forum highly successful for all of us as there are distinct differences with the features of each system and also show pictures when possible. Hope ya'll don't mind? It will just make ID much easier and advice more accurate.

Corte Madera, CA

Good idea, Tplant. I think No. 3 is TSK - Tomato Success Kit in case Gardeners Supply is watching us =).

I will be growing tomatoes in EBs and TSK/GTB soon! I am so excited.

Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

Please add: Bob's Green Thumb Planter (BGTP) to the list. Thanks

Thumbnail by BocaBob

Whenever possible, please add a link to the product so we can read up on your choice. It's very interesting to read about the differences between each. Sometimes pictures aren't enough. :-)

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Yes, I'd like to read about Bob's Green Thumb Planter, which I've never seen!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Very good! I'm glad you all seem to agree. This will definetly provide a better understanding of types of fertilizer, watering methods, growing results and disease and insect problems.
Sorry but I forgot Bocabobs hutchicknooies! LOL

Corte Madera, CA

LOL, Tplant.

Newport, NC

OUrs are homemade by my husband. They are much more economical.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Those green thumb buckets are the same as the tomatoe buckets that someone posted the directions for last year. Whatever you call them, they work great, at least for one plant.

Huntsville, AL(Zone 7a)

There is still one more and that is the Garden Patch, it is not the same as gardeners TSK. It is

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

fbded -- Boy! that is a real knock-off as it looks just like the real and patented EB's? Wonder how they got buy the patent unless it was because of the area where they fill the resevoir.?

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Id sure like to get my hands on whatever it is they use on the top, in that last one. I would order some to use with my regualar EB's, Im not big on those plastic covers and trying to cut holes in the right place. Its the weak link in my book. Not weak enough for me to stop ordering them tho ;-)

Huntsville, AL(Zone 7a)

When I first saw it that is what I thought too.
That it must be where they fill it. I thought about getting
one just to see the difference but money being what
it is I will stick with what I know. However someone on the
container site did use it but I don't know how well it did.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

The covers are the big secret of success as the tight fit prevents weeds from getting in and water from evaporating also allows the fertilizer to do its job.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Mine seem to work just as well without the tops, so I would be willing to try something you dont have to cut. and mess with. If Im just planting two things in a box, it doesnt matter, but eight down each side, that plastic 'gets me'. I started just cutting a slit down each side tho, and that seems to do the trick. with eight holes, thats pretty much what you have got anyway.

Would be interesting to give that money back garentee a try to check them out. I'd sure love to compare different types of systems to see for myself which ones I like the best. The price is the same as the EB's ... plus free shipping! :)

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Actually cheaper because of the free shipping plus a free fertilizer which in a way seems to also act as a cover? Worth a try!

Tplant, maybe you need to talk to my DH? grin

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

The shipping is only free with the 10, but they do look nice. The cheapest I have gotten an EB for was 25$. They only offer those when they mess up the holes on the bottom for the castors. They dont come with anything, so with shipping, they are close to the 30 buck price anyway. I keep looking in the clearance section, Havent seen them again since last year. I wanted to add some.

Oh thanks for pointing that out. I didn't realize it was only with ten. I wouldn't be interested in having 10 of them. Earth Box has free shipping occasionally. I'll just keep my eye opened for that deal. :)

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

I lucked out we have a store here called S&M that is a buy out type store and I found an EB for sale for 15 bucks...I keep looking to see if they have more and the lady laughs and said they had like 10 when they first came in and if she had known she put them back for me...just kills me to know that. 14 is NOT enough

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

They had the real EBs for $15???

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

yes, they get things from HSN and QVC. Only thing this was missing was dirt/fert as I think it started off as a complete kit and along the way the dirt went poof. Since I don't use their dirt it was a steal and I called IO1 that day just a gigglin about my find. Not sure if it's the old or new as I don't remember if it had the wheels. I'd take a picture to show you but right now it's being used as the base for Halloween decorations.

Yeah ... she called me to brag. Isn't she a brat. LOL

Crestview, FL

Yes, she is a brat, $15 at a store, it seems to me that it would be more expensive, I'd think it might be a knockoff, I paid $29 for mine without the dirt also. (frown). Here is what I pay for my Earthboxes: 10 for $344.00; 5 for $175.00, or 3 for $110.10 if you are only buying one you pay $29.95 and S and H is $7.95. I'm going to get 5 before Spring. I have 6 of the garden patch boxes.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Nope, no knock off...I love this store! It mainly sells clothing & shoes but they do get in home items from QVC, HSN even Sam's etc...great buys on bedspreads, towels and such. The always have some of the $$ Christmas stuff from Sam's this time of year so can't wait to check them out...although I think I already spent my Xmas decoration budget.

I too buy in 3's or 5's from EB cheaper as well as...humm *G* I can have more. Would love it if they made something that would fit more in it but yikes it would be heavy with dirt.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

You guys quit saying dirt as it is mix that we use and will have the newbies buying top soil at $1.29 a bag as some already have for their EB and then wonder why their plants are dying after spending all that money? Afterall it is container mix which is a big difference from"dirt!" Other than that I still love ya'll! OK?

Tplant, I was once thoroughly chastised by an Island gardener softly saying, "It's not dirt, it's soil."

LOL, he really got me!

Crestview, FL

TPlant: And from what I've learned over the years, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, so I'm following your directions to a T; until you tell me that you have changed something and why. LOL

Oops, Tplant, I was trying to add to your comment! But it sounds liks a criticism!

My saying things is my bane.

I'm sorry, please do not be offended.


SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Cutting a slit down the side may be a pretty good system. Once the plants are in, a coupla neat pieces of electrical tape between them would seal that slit up nicely between each plant, keeping what's needed "in", and what's not needed "out!" Great Idea!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Not at all Mola! LO
Gymgirl -- Without the cover the EB is just an ordinary container with water at the bottom.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I muffed up the slit thing. You for sure want to mark and cut the slipt while it is on an empty eb. I made the mistake of thinking I marked and then cut, really left hardly nothing to tape to.

I cant plant my veggies deep enough with the cover and I cant plant my daylilies high enough. I like the cover once they get growing, but if I am plugging a plant in, I just dont seem to get it right with the cover, always to shallow. I have spent time this week, after I blew the slit thing, just putting the top on, cuting a tiny bit, fishing around for the deeling and pulling them out. They look beaurtiful, but to much time. SO, I have one more idea on how to get these like I like them. Will report back.

An earthbox with no top, and a container sittig in water, do not produce the same, I have done a pretty good test and comparrison on that. I wish they did, it would be wonderful, and cheeper for 300 daylily seedlings, thats for sure.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

For all my seedling plantings I cut anX in the cover while it is on the EB and use a bulb planter to plant any seedlings. It works like a charm. I've mentioned this many times before? It is a blessing
and makes your planting much easier and faster also less strain on the back. Afterwards tape the X's or mulch over them. It is easy, faster and much more efficient. This is my big secret so don't tell anyone! LOL

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Do you use the bulb planter to do the cutting as well? A hole and a cut in one motion would be just thrilling. Im thinking the x's are for the seeds?

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

No! I cut an X first. Not a large one as the cover is very pliable so it does not have to be a large cut? Can be smaller than the bulb planter. Try it and you will see what I mean..

This message was edited Oct 31, 2008 6:39 PM

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

O you can count on it!!! ;-)

Aaaah ... big smile!! :-)

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

hmmmm...this cutting is starting to sound complicated.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hardly. Im just lazy.

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