Need grass advice

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Who in Georgia an give me some advice. Few weeks ago I tempted to rejuvenate my almost 2 yr old grass. It looked very dead in some spots, especiallly where there had been a pine tree! So... I scraped the soil away but new soil in AND new grass seeds again. Covered it lightly with hay and low and behold I have now lots of new babythin grass coming out where there was NO grass before! But when, if ever do I take away the hay? Should the new grass be more exposed to elements?
Thank for help. Tulip

Tulip, I'd keep that hay on there for awhile longer. It's so hot and dry and it is acting as mulch. If we got rain tomorrow, I'd say wait until the hay dries a bit and then blow the hay off of it. You can't rake it for awhile. The hay should be on there fairly thinly, and it breaking down is only benefiting the soil and the new plants!!!


Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I agree - let it alone since it will break down and add to the soil. When the grass gets big enough to start mowing most of the straw will be cut up as well and you won't even see it then.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Huh.. interesting. Thanks, I will do so. In fact I will do other parts of my lawn then too. I am happy enough that the seeds are at least coming out. Guess it takes a while before pinetree will wear off under ground.?

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