Nice to see this forum

Benton County, MO(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone! I LOVE native plants! I don't know how I missed this forum, but I did. So glad to meet you all. :-) I have been working on IDing the native plants here in Missouri. I just moved to the country, in the Ozarks, from living in town all my life and I am loving it! Before I moved, I would go to the country a few times a week, walking creeks and exploring with my youngest son. I have learned many, but still have a lot to go! I had a "wild garden" while I was in town. I had all kinds of things growing in it from stinging nettle to wild ginger, black raspberries, skullcap, golden seal, poke and more. I loved my wild garden. The people who bought the house took all my stuff out. :-(

You will find that most of my submitted plant pics here are wild ones. ;-) I don't grow too many domestics. I do have some tulips, iris's, and showy stonecrop, and lavender, but that's about it.

Welcome creekwalker. I'm sorry I missed your post till just now. My daughter lives in Missouri, she just moved from Hannibal to Joplin.
This forum is my favorite. I would love to hear more about your native plants. Post pictures from your walks anytime!

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