?? for anybody who grows potatoes in containers

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi. I have the rest of my patio garden veggies in EB-like containers. But this year I tried potatoes in a fabric potato tub. The potatoes were plants grown from seed (not seed potatoes). I had 4 plants in the tub, as suggested. 2 of the plants died off and the other 2 were still green and growing. When they reached 110 days (days from setting out plants on the package), I was afraid the ones on the plants that had died back would rot, so I dumped them out.

What I got are very nice potatoes ('Catalina Hybrid'), probably about 5-8 lbs (I haven't weighed them yet. but they are very small.

I mixed in a 5-6-5 slow release fert. in the soil when I first planted and then supplemented with a liquid 6-6-6 over the season. No problems with disease or insects. The plants were absolutely beautiful.

any thoughts on what I did wrong? too much nitrogen in the fert? dug them too soon?
any help would be appreciated...jan

here's a link to the tub I used


Thumbnail by grampapa
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I have had my eye on this set-up. Maybe contact GS and see if they have any suggestions, they are very helpful.
The really small potatoes just clean them up, get a pot of salty water boiling and boil the potatoes till fork tender. Drain and serve. No need to peel or cut up. PS: Then invite me for dinner. LOL
What type of soil did you use? I might try those since they are on sale.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

lady, I used the self-watering container soil from Gardener's Supply that I use in all my containers. It's beautiful. Tip over the tub, just sift thru it. the soil falls right off. you only have to rinse them. I have already cooked some of the tiny ones (marble sized). boiled and tossed in some butter...heaven.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

How many bags of the soil does one potato tub hold? And where do you get your seed potatoes, of I only want to grow 2 tubs full that would mean about 8 seed potatoes? What do you think about just using a cut up potato you have on hand in the kitchen.?

BTW... I just love GS seed germinating soil mix, have used it for years.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm thinking about 3. I started with one full bag when I planted then added a little at a time, so I'm not sure. I got my seed potatoes that I grew in the other tub from Territorial Seed. I also got the 'potato seeds' for this tub from Territorial. From what I have heard, supermarket potatoes are treated with something that is supposed to keep them from sprouting, but if you have some that are sprouting, you could give it a try, I guess.

I grow potatoes in a 30 gal garbage can. In the article it says not to feed to much as you don't want to encourage plant growth ... but want the energy to go to the potatoes instead. Here's what the article says.

"• Organic vegetable fertilizer with a lower nitrogen content (nitrogen causes the leaves to grow fast and big but keeps those tatoes teeny weenie). Look
for a 5-10-10."
Hope this helps. :)

Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)


grampapa is right in that ordinary potatoes from your grocery store, even if they sprout, will probably not do well. However, the organic potatoes in the grocery store will do fine as seed potatoes because they are not treated to retard sprouting. If the store carries a type of potato that you like as an organic (Yukon Gold, e.g.), you can use them. It would be cheaper than ordering them from a nursery on line.


Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I01, thanks much. I think that's my answer. the foliage sure was gorgeous lol.

Corte Madera, CA

hi, grampapa. thanks for starting this thread. i'm a huge fan of GS as of late (SF success kits) and would like to try growing potatoes fingerling potatoes this fall.

grampapa ... keep us posted. :)

Moonglow ... Ooooh, fingerlings ... Mmmmm! Now those are pricy!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I ordered 2 Potatoe Tubs for next season. And a garden hose on sale and Ice grippers so I don't fall this winter.
Went to this site http://www.currentcodes.com/show/range/3
and got an additional 15% off for orders over $25.00
Just go to site and scrool down to Gardener Supply.

Today was a good day!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Well, as long as there is interest, I have a second tub that I started from seed potatoes of 'Red Cloud'. The problem with these is that I started them so late, 7/12/08. We have a first expected frost date here middle of October. I can cover the tub for a frost or 2. I will see if a shot of some phosphorus will help.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Let me know how your red clouds turn out, they look good on the seed site.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

sure will

Corte Madera, CA

grampapa, i was trying to order from gardeners online, but my free shipping coupon won't work. i called them instead and received 10% additional off on a second item. now i have two (2) tomato success kits coming, but i forgot about the tomato bins. lol.

lady, thank you for the link =).

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Moon, I think you'll really like the tomato success kits. The trellises clip onto the containers so they are really secure. Be sure you take good care of the little pop-up thingies that tell you when you have filled the reservoir. I mean so you have it for the next season. I lost one and it's been a guessing game because you can't see in. I have mine on the carts they sell. I love them. It's hard for me to get down to the ground and this is just what I needed.

Thumbnail by grampapa
Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

lady, I tried the link, but I'm not getting the 15% {sigh}. probably expired. I usually look for a really good sale to buy my container soil for next season.

Corte Madera, CA

grampa, thanks for the advise. please give them a call that the discount code won't work. they will give it to you and (might) offer 10% off second item. i usually go for the free shipping. it's more savings in most cases that way.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Grampa, Your right, sorry! But that site changes quite often so bookmark it so you can check back when you are ready to order again. I would take Moon's suggestion and give them a call.

That's a good point Grampa made about the pop-up water indicator, and don't pull up on it once you have the dirt in the box, I did once and had to start over by removing all the dirt.
And the cages can be hard to snap together with the little plastic connectors, I went to those electric tie wraps that lock, now I can fold the cages flat to store them for the winter.

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