Chicken Fairy Spotted!

Clarksburg, MO

I am assuming the chicken fairy was here! I was sitting at the chicken auction today, waiting for some of my birds to sell and all of the sudden My vision went blurry and I kept seeing repeating pictures of chicks and White Crested Black polish, Rad laced Polish and Barred rocks. I was hearing someone shout numbers and it took me almost 2 hours to regain my senses. When I came to, I was in the truck and there were six boxes of chickens in the back. I felt my head and there is a slight knot there.

My husband said that he saw a chicken with transparent wings fly through and then I just went crazy and lost my mind.

But I guess I should say thank you because we are now the proud owners of 4 barred rock chicks(approx 2 weeks), 1 crested black polish (appox 2 weeks), 7 RIR chicks (3 - 4 days old), 1 WHite Crested Black Polish Roo (about 1 year), 2 White Crested Black Polish Bantam roos( aprox 1 year) and a trio of Red Laced Polish (approx 1 year old).

Just to warn you she flies fast, but I know she was in Missouri today.


Clarkson, KY

I guess I'm too close to laugh then......shhhhh!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

rotfl, way to go CF!!!! woot!!

hey, i'm jealous i always ask for polish babies and she don't share them with me,lol glad to see she did with someone. mabe next spring i'll get some buddies for mine too. she better come visit and sprinkle some of that magic hatching dust again cuz i got babies due to hatch in 3 days and can't wait!

anyone else waiting on CF to come visit??

Lodi, United States

Yes! Have you ever noticed that when you want her to come...she is nowhere around. But if you are innocently walking down the street not even thinking about chickens, or cowering under your bed thinking you are safe--BAM!

Come and get me CF! I double-dog dare you!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

ROTFL! I think I'm safe so I can laugh out loud. I'd love to see pictures of all, but especially that red laced polish. Those sound gorgeous!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

LMBO - Knslwilliams you are hilarious! I was having a drink as I read your post and nearly sprayed my monitor I was laughing so hard. Chicken with transparent crack me up.

Congrats on all your new feathered friends. We do expect pictures you know.

Shoot, she was in MO, then she's close to Iowa. Better take cover...

Lodi, United States

I just set 17 eggs including Jersey Giants and Blue Bantam Cochins! Did you see the pictures of the Barred Rocks I got at the feed store?

Come on CF! Get me if you're so great! Hah!

Wait a minute........

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I think you were already "gotten" LOL

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

i got 25 goood eggs in the hatcher so we shall see how her magic works this time,lol. yes, definately want pics, we all LOVE pics and congrats on ur new babies!!!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

OMG, i wonder if she has anything to do with my missing chicks? i am still counting, but gee, i could be missing at least 50 easily...

i have been on her naughty list, has she ever been know to TAKE chickens?

oh, i miss them so much...

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

well i'm hopeing she didn't wammie me, :0( my incubator was mysteriously unplugged this am when i got up and when we went to bed it was running fine no probs. i don't know who unplugged it or for how long it was like that. cross ur fingers!!!!

Lodi, United States

I fear we have not been treating the Great CF with the reverence and dignity she rightly requires. But she is magnanimous, merciful and overrun with chicks and hatching eggs. So I predict certain and generous forgiveness and MANY MANY Gallus domesticus in our futures.

Keep your pecker up tf (Oh yea, that is the one I remembered the other night! It is an older British term for keeping up your spirits and determination up--like during the Blitz and rationing)


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

TF - so sorry to hear about the chicken theft - that is simply AWFUL! Why on earth would anybody do such a thing. I cannot imagine. I'm sure we can all bring you some chicks/starts/adults to MO. My heart goes out to you.

I thought the chicken fairy might be visiting me this weekend, but no, in fact it was her cousin, the goat fairy. Today, we welcomed Opal into our arms. She is a dwarf Nigerian goat who was very lonely at her home because there were no other goats. We got her from Craig's List from a lovely lady who has 10 horses and not enough space to bring in more goats, not to mention enough time.f

Here is Opal, on my lap. She is a very affectionate goat....

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Comander Moxon.. I LOVE that goat!! I designate myself as Grand Parent.. and as General, I can do that...I COVET that Opal Baby...yep I do....BIG TIME!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Dear Grandma Dusty,

Mom says you like me lots, and that's really nice, because I need all the friends I can get. Mom has 7 nubian goats and let me tell you, they are HUGE! They kind of scared me, so I escaped out of the cattle panel fencing that is installed around them. Mom's eyes got the size of saucers when I squeezed through that cattle panel, and she came runnin' over all in a tizzy. Now they put me in a chain-link dog run until they can figure out how to mini-goat-proof the pasture. Imagine that - they thought those cattle panels would keep me in there with those big ol' scary goats. No way nuh-uh. I made my best bleating noises when Mom went inside, and it got real dark out, and I jus' kept on bleating, but nobody came out, so I stopped after a while. I think they abandoned me. I'm gonna start up bleating again in the mornin' and see if they pay any attention. If not, ya might have to come rescue me.

Love and goat kisses, Baby Opal.
p.s. Please send more carrots

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh Claire!
Baby Opal is SO cute! Give her a little scratch behind the ear for me!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Dear Grand Daughter Opal...

If your Mother does not tend to you in the proper manner for a darling young lady such as yourself, you write Grandma again, and I will come and get you and bring you home with me...I have your room allll ready upstairs next to mine....You will be a verrrrrry pampered House Goat...
Shame on your Mom for scaring you like that...You are just a baby girl...
And shame on her for making you cry!! Why aren't you sleeping in the bed with her??

Write back soon and let Grandma know you are okay...

Love and big huggggs and Kisses
Grandma D

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

oh, how cute!!! princess opal is such a doll!! here is a pic of my friend star i get to see every summer. she is a nubian x sunaan. i'd love for her to come live with me!!!

Thumbnail by silkiechick
(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

The dearest most sweetest thing happened yesterday. The CF came to me with arm loads of birds. I got the coveted roo. An Ameraucana. He is so beautiful. I got all kinds of chickens my head is swimming to remember what they all are. The people I got these birds from even delivered them along with some of their homes. about 159 birds. Buckeyes, Deleware, Leghorns, Jersey Giants, bantams of all sorts, Omg like I said so many and so different that my head is swimming. Will get pictures later.

Love ya CF

Clarksburg, MO

In Missouri on Saturday and Oklahoma on Sunday. She is making her rounds folks.

Tia congrats on the new chickies.


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Star is a cutie! Maybe she would get along with Opal better than our Nubians do!

Wait a second here....159 birds appear in Oklahoma, and 158 birds disappear from Texas....ummm....coincidence or what????

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Dear Grandma Dusty,

Well it's morning now and I am OK. Mom says I can't be a house goat because I am not "house broken" and I would destroy the hardwood floors. I don't get it. Who wants a broken house? What is she talking about? And why does anyone want wood floors. Dirt floors are better - then the pee just goes away.

And, she said I might poo in the bed. The thought of it!!

I keep sniffing noses with those nooobians. I don't know about them. They smell kinda funny. And they are so very big.

Love and goat cuddles,
Princess Opal

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Claire I am thinking the same thing. I wonder if all the problems that Tamara was having with neighbors and such the CF intervened and brought them to me knowing that I will not let anyone harm them. And I have no neighbors to harm them.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b) aeroplane frizzle....sob....sniffle....

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Claire she is gorgeous! Try adding some welded wire to the cattle panels. You won't need the thicker type since the cattle panels will stiffen it.

I think that goat fairy hit here too. Silent Angel is back at her seller's place to be prepped for a goat show on Saturday. When she comes home two other does are coming with her! One is named Daisy and the other is named Bravo.


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

I also got rumor that I to will be visited by the goat fairy. Probably next weekend.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Sure wish I had a little goat like Opal. But I am afraid one goat would probably be lonely. I have plenty of space but only banties and 1 Guinea Guy, plus my little Llaso Apso who has finally learned to leave the chickens alone.

Here is a picture of part of my chicken flock. I have one old ( 8 or 9 years) Amercauna Roo and one hen that came with him. She is too old to lay any eggs but who could get rid of a pet. Have2 noid black small banties that were given to me a year ago They both laid on eggs in May, from them I have 3 , 4 month old mixed breed young, 2 are Roos and 1 hen, and from another hen there is a2 month old noid. she is blackish with an overlay of gray feathers.


Thumbnail by rutholive
(Zone 7b)

Nice birds ruth and i see your swing in the back i bet you sit and watch your birds just like i do.
They are such facinateing creatures.
I been to alot of chicken folks houses and there always seems to be something to sit on so they can watch them chickens.

Nice Goats!

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Ignore the tacky sun shelter in the corner. The chickens are free range all afternoon.

Thumbnail by rutholive
Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Thanks Harmony. Yes, I agree chickens are fun, and very busy. I am organic gardener so don't worry about what they might eat. I just wish they could find the darn earrwigs, but those nasty little bugs hide daylight hours.


Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I fed my girls an earwig the other day and they both wiped their peaks and turned their backs to it... it must taste just as nasty as it looks. ha!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Donna - love your guinea! Very nice birds all around!

(Zone 7b)

I wouldn't eat a earwig if i was a chicken

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I can't imagine what I'd have to be that would make me want to eat an earwig. Ick.

(Zone 7b)

Mine love to catch gnats it's ssssssoooooo funny to watch them in a frenzy and you can't even see what their after LOL

LOL Grandma and grandbaby goat . What would Kira think ? of a baby goat in your house Dusty ! LOL
She is adorable Cmoxon . :) Opal is the right name for her.
I think i have chicken envy ! ? :(

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Thanks Taynors! I just love her to bits - she's such a sweetie. She is always wanting head rubs. Today she tried cucumber for the first time and it's a hit.

Red Rosie and I went up to dig potatoes tonight. While I dug, she scratched about and ate worms and crickets and a beetle, but no earwigs. She doesn't think she likes earwigs...I asked her. ;-) She says there's not enough meat on 'em. She likes the juicy worms. Personally, I prefer the potatoes. She said that's just silly and I should really try a worm or 2.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Tell her that since you eat the potatoes that leaves more worms for her ! LOL


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Good point Molly! She seems to think the potatoes might be related to eggs. She sometimes rolls them with her stubby little beak.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Hmmm, the CF left some clues... first, a large roo feather, GOLDEN LACED. id ont' have any of those here, could it be the prized roo Tia got?

second, there is a specific bottle of wine missing, my very LAST Forest Park Merlot...

and finally, perhaps worst of all, the Braziliam chocolates are missing! dusting showed no fingerprints on the freezer doror handle, then i realized, that is no finger print dust, that is FAIRY DUST!!!

thanks goodness my birds turned up. i was so busy investigating, i didn't notice their havens and brooder cages were gone as well...

so, a fairy tale ending to my missing chicks.... PHEW! [wiping brow]

ya'll look out! CF is on a rampage it seems! hopefully she knows what to bring to MO.

never fear Claire, CF knows that is YOUR Aerosmith frizzle...


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