My EB garden (and more)

Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

I have to start a thread on this forum because this will be the only place Tplant hangs out. LOL


Planted broccoli seedlings I started today

Thumbnail by BocaBob
Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

Cabbage seedlings here

Thumbnail by BocaBob
Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

pepper plants I started indoors outside today. Cover will go on tomorrow

Thumbnail by BocaBob
Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

Bush beans here, planted seed in EB 4 days ago. No going to cover these and feed with nutrient water with top sprayers. Experiment

Thumbnail by BocaBob
Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

I'm sneaking in this picture of my Romaine Lettuce I planted outside today. Started seeds inside 4 weeks ago

Thumbnail by BocaBob
Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

Here is my first planting of tomatoes, started from seed 4 weeks ago. Self-contained box garden? Sort of


Thumbnail by BocaBob
Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

EB's lined up ready to plant

Bye for now


Thumbnail by BocaBob

Bob ... I'm soooo jealous!! Do I understand correctly that you plant your plants and then put your covers on? I usually cover my boxes and make the cuts putting the plants in the holds. Either way, this is very difficult. Any suggestions?

Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

IO1 - I do it both ways. Just whatever mood I'm in. I planted the cabbage and broccoli today with the covers on first, then slit the holes. But as you saw, the peppers I'm doing it the other way. I guess putting on the covers first really is the proper way.


Huntsville, AL(Zone 7a)

I put my plants in first tnen the cover because my hands
are to clumsy to put them in with the cover on. It is the only thing
I really have trouble with, with the EBs.


Yep, that's kinda hard for me to ... but the good weighs out any difficulty. :)

Corte Madera, CA

bob, nice set up. i'll be brave to say that i like the "look" without the cover...

other than no need for herbicides and protection from rain or drought, what does the cover do?


Lilburn, GA

tomatoes and lettuce in the autumn?!?!

sorry, i am a foreigner and I thought you only plant tulip bulbs at this time fo the year...

Hi Susan, I am sooo happy you got the forum started. Thank you very much. I have a lot to learn.:o)

Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

Moonglow - The cover protects the fertilizer strip from washing away to quickly. It's supposed to last all season. The cover also really helps with water evaperation. Also spash back of the mix on the plants during a heavy rain. But I like the look also.


Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

Spider07 - That's right!!! Down here in Zone 10a, our vegetable growing season is beginning, and we have 9 full months to play, with the best growing conditions next to California.


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

The cover prevents weeds, keeps in moisture and gives protection from certain insects plus keeps animals out. Cats, etc.

Bob -- I grew some delicious broccoli a couple of seasons ago and will again when they finish the construction around me. Till then I'm limited to space and that is where the EBs excel . Less room but more production.

Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

T- glad you chimed in. We all need your expertise on EB's


Hi Spider!
It's good to see you ... and as for the forum ... I couldn't have done it without all the input from everyone else. Tplant has tried to do this before. I think the DG membership has gotten larger, or maybe the interest in EB's has grown because we've watched him grow all his goodies? Yeah, that's it! I've been green with envy! Grin! Now that we have our own forum, he can share his knowledge and experience with us ... and it can finally all be in one place. :)

Corte Madera, CA

Thanks, Bob. Thanks Tplant. I am trying to locate a thread where T discussed potting soil to use with EB's. That's very helpful info.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Moonglow -- use any quality potting mix. Miracle-gro is probably the easiest to find as it has the largest distribution area but I prefer Jungle Growth, Sta-Mix, Farfard. Stay away from anything that says soil and read the labels and instructions on the back of the bag as some will say "not for containers."

Corte Madera, CA

Awesome! Thanks, again. The EB set up is soooooo easy. That is a definite PLUS.

Off to HD I will go after church tomorrow to check out what seedlings are available.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Moonglow - Don't forgot the dolomite lime in the organic section. They have pure dolomite in 5# bags and also 10-10-10 fertilizer in the 40 lb sack. It is a general fertilizer and can be used anywhere if you are not organic. I'm not with some exceptions. Your EB did come with set-up instructions didn't it?

Corte Madera, CA

Thanks, Tplant. I have my short list now.

My EB came with instructions, a pouch of dolomite, and 7-7-7 fertilizer. I love the casters.

I sure hope Tplant threads will be moved here. They are excellent references.

Lilburn, GA

Wow, Leetomkatebob, I had no idea you can grow veggies anywhere in the winter, except greenhouses.

Susan, can you grow them in the autumn as well as you are down south from me?

We're more limited than Tplant as our growing season isn't as long? I'll be trying some spinach and other greens this year for sure.

Tplant, my EB's are sitting out there empty ... I've pulled my tomatoes now What else can I do? Remember, there are no plants at any of the local box stores here so will have to grow from seeds? Have I waited too late? I just don't know.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Don't know? When is your first frost date? You will need at least 90 days to grow to maturity so I would think you are to late for now!

Tplant, my last frost date is 10-26. Even if I protect them with a cover ... no veggies?

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Cabbage and broccoli would do OK but thin leaf spinach would freeze up. Can you find any nurseries with seedlings already started or it will be to late. We used to grow the above including cauliflower till November on Long Island, NY.

No, haven't seen any plants anywhere. Guess that should be a sign. Honestly though, Lowes and HD stopped selling plants here in Aug. :-( Any they had, you sure didn't want to buy. They were disgraceful!

Crestview, FL

LeeTomKateBob: Ok, I notice that you have these hose like things going into the boxes, are they automatically watering the box or what? I notice that Earth box sells these, are they easy to use? How do you use them and what for? Am all ears and eyes here.

Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

joy112854 - Yes, Earth Box sells a self watering system. I can't afford it, so I built my own. I bought at Home Depot a Orbit battery timer, some 1/2 inch polly hose, a connector for a garden hose and the poly pipe, some 1/4 inch poly hose, and some 1/4 inch vinyl couplers also a 15psi reducer for your water spiget. All of this is in the sprinkler dept at Home Depot or Lowes

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

I think you people in the south are going to have to carry the forum pretty much until Spring comes to us in the north. Most of my gardening from now on will be in the gh or my plant room in the house. 32 degrees outside right now at 6:45 am.


Crestview, FL

leetomkatebob: Apparently you have plumbing experience? I don't, I love it when you men know how to make complicated things and then act like they aren't. LOL The reason I asked is I noticed in the pics you have them and noticed Earth box sells them; have no idea how they work; but am interested in finding out. The Earth box website doesn't explain it or anything. How is it used and does it work and what is it used for? I suspect it waters the earthboxes using a timer? How does it determine how much water to put in each box. I got well water, so, am lucky there right? LOL Do you have a diagram and list of parts and a how to directions for us? I'm definately interested.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I don't think the EB people recommend use with well water as the extra minerals can clog the system. I would not buy it under those conditions!

Crestview, FL

TPlant: I notice all the people who have public water are drinking bottled water these days? Hmmm, wonder why that is? Must be cause if you have your own well water, you can drink it yourself, it's perfectly safe and better for you, no chlorine or other addititives to kill germs and bacteria, it's not needed. Ever smelled city water? Notice that awful smell? Not with my well water, sweet tasting. I used to live in a big city and worked at a water filtration place, where they tested water, you'd be surprised what goes on with public water. Yes well water is hard water and maybe you are right, it might clog. I was really admiring the way he put that thing together there. Innovation is something else isn't it? LOL

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

I have well water, there are four of us using the community well, nice clear water, tastes very good. BUT after a time a white film occurs on the plant leaves. This is a very alkaline area. So tiny holes in a mist system for instance, will after a time plug up. I use rainwater whenever it is available. In our very dry area rain, enough to fill my rain barrel only happens rarely. Right now it is full. That is great until the weather turns really cold then the rain barrel has to be emptied. The trick is knowing when that has to be done.


Crestview, FL

Is there anyway to get rid of the build of as in cleaning the hoses occasionally?

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

How does one clean hoses

Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

Took some pics this afternoon:

Dutch greenhouse seedless cukes now 7 feet tall and flowering

Thumbnail by BocaBob
Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

My tomato plants (pruned to single stem) lots of quarter size tomatoes already

Thumbnail by BocaBob

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