
Townsville, Australia

Hey, don,t tell me everyone got frightened by a big mouth with a lot of bull advice. Cites 2 plants can be traded anywhere, I know this, as I owned a
nursery. All we did was sign a declaration that they were nursery raised . .Same goes for Cites 1 plants. I have raised and sold them by the thousands.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

What are you talking about???

Hey, don't tell me everyone got frightened by a big mouth with a lot of bull advice. Cites 2 plants can be traded anywhere, I know this, as I owned a
nursery. All we did was sign a declaration that they were nursery raised . .Same goes for Cites 1 plants. I have raised and sold them by the thousands.

I am so saddened and incredibly disheartened and disappointed by the above comments. Although I don't know about selling or trading plants (CITES or otherwise) within SpeciesNut's Country's borders, rest assured there is a little bit more to the process when one is selling or trading any plants from Down Under to anywhere in the United States then merely signing a declaration that plants are nursery raised regardless of whether they are species protected by CITES or not.

I hope no one thinks the subscribers taking the time to post throughout the forums at DG claiming to have had plants confiscated (presumably shipped without the appropriate paperwork to include phytos when required) are liars or scare mongers or else DG wouldn't have taken the time to post this-

Most of the threads I found discussed seed, not plants but it would only take but a moment to do a search of threads for all people losing their seed as there are many laced throughout the 200 DG boards. Here's one-
Here's another-

Please note comments made by Melody in this thread-

Please note comments made by Pixydish, poppysue, pirl, garityann, and slgrowers in this thread-

Please note comments made by baa here-

Seriously now, there are very real reasons why the US (and many other countries) imposed restrictions on importation and exportation of plants and plant parts-
The above thread sums it up quite nicely.

I don't know how long ago SpeciesNut owned a nursery or when SpeciesNut sold thousands of CITES plants or where SpeciesNut shipped them however here are some links that might be helpful regarding what SpeciesNut's own government has to share about the current situation-

Most interesting from Australia's own Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade-
Without the correct permit, your product will be seized by Customs and stiff penalties could apply.

Even more interesting from Australia's own Quarantine and Inspection Service setting forth the correct method for the completion of Phytosanitary Certificates and the need for accuracy and standardisation-

Please note the worldwide ban on CITES plants mentioned below but also mentioned at hundreds of other sites-
One can do their own internet search using one's own country of origin if one is interested in learning more.

Very good point made here and this has been my understanding-
I think it is best for all of us on both sides of any transaction to not falsify the contents when completing our customs documents for the sake of swapping/selling seed or plants. Is a plant really worth it? That "I'm going to beat the system and save a buck or to get seed or a plant" mentality that so many subscribe to is exactly what sunk my friend. The person he bought from falsified the contents of the shipment and he was on the receiving end.

Please, let's not paint with such broad brush strokes that misguided statements as pertain to CITES species are being made in which good people might be led to believe there's not a care in the world sending or receiving them. Information is literally at our fingertips at official government websites and I can pick up the phone and talk to a real live person at APHIS any time I want and they happily answer all my questions. My bet is other people's governments have representatives ready to help de-mystify the process too. Sheesh, these days even the shipment across international borders of any plant or plant parts is a big deal if one hasn't dotted all their i's or crossed all their t's. Should mention that sometimes even when the shipment is only state to state within the US a shipment can be a cause for concern these days. Compliance benefits all of us while circumventing the system can have potentially devastating consequences. We don't live in a bubble, who wants to be responsible for the next Emerald Ash Borer? How about the next Soybean Rust, Corn Flea Beetle, Dutch Elm Disease, Asiatic Rice Borer, Citrus Canker, Potato Wart Disease, Tomato Looper, or Cotton Fusarium Wilt? Does anyone realize what types of pests and pathogens can be harbored in a chunk of wood let alone a seed or a plant? It's not just about protecting threatened or endangered species, it's about globally protecting our food supplies and our natural resources.

And tommyr2006, I believe the original poster is talking about comments I made in another thread.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks, must have missed it somehow.....

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