Brooder babies and more due soon!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Midwest ground crew having a chick party. Adorable!! Blue frizzled cochins are very much coveted by midwest ground control.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

thank you!! i'm just worried cuz how tiny it is. i'll have to take a size compair pic for ya all. seriously it is only 1.5" tall sitting in my hand and about as big around as a quarter? if it was a serama i'd not be worried but i've not seen that from this breed even when hatching the adults. the only other thing close i can cmpair it to is button quail, just a speck bigger than those hatch. it looks healthy, belly absorbed and it's a happy little thing so it fine just size worries me.

Clarkson, KY

Don't worry til you have to SilkieChick!! She looks happier than you sound...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Sounds runty to me silkiechick. I think you should send it to me immediately for a check up. I think you don't want that little baby chick - it will just throw runty genes into your stock. Definitely you should send it to me for analysis. I will be very happy to take it off your hands. Then you don't even have to think about it any more. Yup, just send it on over...


(Zone 7b)

I had one hatch this past summer out of a tiny egg and experiment to see if it would hatch and it did tinyest thing i ever saw but he was fine. He grew into a cute little rooster i don't have him anymore but he was just that small so don't worry.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

quick update: 3 babies total. 1 black serama, 1 blue cochin and 1 i think porcelain d'uccle.

in pic is cochin left, d'uccle middle and serama right. look at them little buggers!!!!

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

oh silkie, they are so tiny. can't wait for my eggs

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Awww....wook at the fwee widdle cutie-wootie....peep peep widdle chickie-wickies!

(moxon is compelled into baby chicken talk as a result of viewing picture)

Clarkson, KY

So that's how I'm supposed to hatch mine! Do they ever have trouble getting out that way?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I tried it and it worked well except for the ones that pipped on the wrong end this time, and then zipped vertically instead of horizontally. Normally it works great!

(Zone 7b)

Are yall refering to hatching in that egg carton thats a new one on me. I just lay them on thier sides on the wire 3 days before they hatch and they hatch just right I was told they had to be on their sides and lie still so they could orient themselves in the egg for hatching?

I was told that you do that because it's like they are when under a hen and if you think about it i've never seen a hen standing up her eggs.

This message was edited Sep 22, 2008 2:16 PM

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I learned it from someone else Harmony....I forget of the nice things about hatching in the carton is that there is less mess because all the eggshell bits and any goop stays in the carton. Less intense cleaning of the incubator is required. I think it might be Silkiechick that I learned it from. They have all done it just right for me, putting the large end up and the small end down, except for those ones that pipped at the bottoml, which is why I took them out of the carton because I didn't know what they were doing! I also read about it on I put them in the carton like that 3 days ahead. It means that I can have some eggs (younger ones) still turning in my bator and some not turning and just sitting in the carton. That way I can keep different eggs going at once. The increased humidity for the hatch time hasn't seemed to affect the other eggs - maybe because it's just for a couple of days? I'm not sure...but so far it hasn't had any bad effects. Now I have the extra bator so it's not as necessary, but I will still use the egg carton method to contain the mess.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

ok sorry took me so long. been a long day mostly not at home,lol. 3 babies in the brooder fluffed now, woot!! i'm a very proud momma and all r doing great!!! oh heck no, i can't share that tiny one i'm in love already, rotfl. i'll take better fluffed up pics after we eat supper. those were taken when wet still.

got a buff orp pip and not sure what else haven't had time to look yet.

i don't have a porcelain d'uccle, rotfl. i was right mixed pen but it is a splash cochin now that i see it in the light in the brooder with killer foot feathering!! so that one is a cross breed from the kid's pen. dad is i believe bantam blue frizzled cochin and mom i think millie fluer d'uccle. last baby like that someone hatched was blue and gorgous!!! i'm excited to see how this ones grows it is only the 2nd cochin cross born from that pen.

i have GQF cabinate bators so i use cartons the whole time and yes that was them in the hatcher in a 18ct carton. i'll comment on the cartons after i eat here real quick and take a few more pics.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

here is a pic of the new babies w/ about a 4 day old black silkie i got from someone. lol, u can see how tiny they r.

i used cartons in my foam bators when i had them but they were a little bit of a pain to use but worked great. then i only used them for last 3 days since they were so bulky. i was told to try it from a serama breeder i got eggs from told me he had better success hatching them with it.

in the bators now i have an auto turner which holds 3 trays. i have the spiked egg holder racks for them but sometimes when turning the eggs fall out so i don't use them. i just put the cartons in next one goes in on the first ones lid. i do that till last one and i cut the top off of it so it fits. they stay in them during whole incubation. on day 18 i move them to the hatcher in the other gqf. just move whole cartons over and let hatch. the hatcher is a metal screen and wood directly under so no real way to sterilize cuz ya can't get the wood wet. so much cleaner and safe for the babies. if it gets messy i grab a new one and change it i don't have to wait to steralize the bator and worrey eggs will cool down.

babies seem to hatch better and faster, they zip quicker, less helping them hatch, hatches usually a day early. i don't loose as many in the shells, the eggs don't knock around and babies don't get bellies rubbed on the wire and i have had better hatch rates also. that's all i can think of off top of my head.

got pipped now- 3 buff brahmas, 1 serama, 1 cochin, 1 buff orp, 1 splash showgirl/sizzle egg and i thought there was 2 more but can't remember which now. i'm so excited, i didn't think any were gonna make it after the bator unplugged and the 5 power outs from ike effects hitting.

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

serama baby next to a mini bic lighter,lol. can ya tell i'm getting ansy to see more babies!

Thumbnail by silkiechick
(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

oooh, you all have me wanting to run out and buy an incubator and bidding on eggs! those are just sooo cute!

where is that CF zapper?!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh go on AnjL, buy one! You know you want to! We can all help you choose eggs.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

newest update 1 standard buff brahma baby in the hatcher!!

i saw that somewhere too and i wanted to ask the same question,lol.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Woo Hoo! Way to go silkiechick! You're having a great hatch! And what a great assortment you are getting too.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

hey is that a big bug zapper to keep the CF away??? rotfl, that's the only thing i can think it would be.

i got one almost all the way around cracked and trying to kick out but not marked breed. looking at it i think it is another brahma egg or mabe a spash showgirl. to many pips to count and buff brahma baby is in the brooder now.

we r enablers here, lol i think everyone needs a bator or 2 and lots of eggs!! if i had room to do it i can hatch about 700 eggs at once with my 2 bators, yips. i just would have no where to house them all after, hehe... could u imagine dh would killl me.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I think it's a patch, Silkiechick. Josh in Australia is holding out on us. He made it. It is top secret. You just wear it on your arm and it stops the chicken impulse cold in its tracks.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

That is so exciting.. I love that mini... LOL Are you gonna name it Bic? LOL So cute!

I'm dying to get mine!!! This is making me crazy!

Congrats Silkiechick.. they are darling..

(Zone 7b)

I think all of us should take over and entire state and call it Menagerie and we could all live in the main town and the rest would be nothing but farm land full of vegetables and fruits and all the animals we all wanted to raise and we could live off the land and raise our own feed for our animals sell our eggs and chickens and our own organic vegetables and fruits it would be self sustaining with wind power and natural medicine it would be a loveing peaceful place.

Clarkson, KY

With at least 20 acres apiece 'cuz we would definitely overfill anything less with critterage!!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

haha, an impulse patch yep i definately need me a bunch of them. thank u ZZ and i didn't think of that,lol that would be a cute name. wow, that would be the life wouldn't it. all our friends together and all our critters that would be awesome!

another baby in the brooder and i was right it is another buff brahma!!

This message was edited Sep 22, 2008 10:56 PM

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

You've got something there! DH and I would be in for that! We keep trying to convince just close friends of ours to buy acreage with us and then build a couple of homes on opposing ends of it. Then there would be common grounds in the middle for playing for the kids, gardening and raising animals!

Clarkson, KY

PS. SC how is that son of yours -who flew through the air with the greatest of ease? His movements so graceful, all girls he does please? (well, sorry, I'm singing...)

(Zone 7b)

It's just a dream i have i would be a perfect person for this i love animals of all kinds and i love Harmony thats why i chose my name and sometimes i feel like and old soul yearning for old simple times. I get so tired of snippy people and the ones who say >you raise what< i long for wide open spaces and simple things like watchin the chickens peck the ground or seeing my veggies grow(sigh)

To dream a dream of hope:)

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

amen harmoney, me too.

dom is doing great. he has a nice blue bruise above his ankle but it almost back to normal walking already and hasn't had to take the ib profen for a day or so now. he went back to school today with no probs. thanks for asking.

Clarkson, KY

Great news.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

You sound just like me! DH and I both feel like old souls yearning for simpler life and more land. My folks just retired a couple years ago and moved out to East Oregon. Its just GORGEOUS out there... every time I visit I grab realstate (sp?) flyers and dream of how we could pull it off. DH wants to raise organic buffalo and I want to so a CSA, plus Organic Chicken eggs of course! *sigh*

(Zone 7b)

Just good friends and peace and quiet and harmony and 40,000,00 acres.

(Zone 7b)

Well it's 11:30 better get off here and try to get to bed Talk to yall tomarrow.
Goodnight and may all your dreams of Menagerie be sweet.


Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Good night!

Thumbnail by Lazy_Ladies
Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

baby # 6 is another black serama!!! i'll post more pics tomarrow for ya.

total so far-
2-black serama
1-blue frizzled cochins
2-buff brahmas
1- splash cochin frizzle x

i can't wait till morning to see all the babies pipped out!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yay! Great hatching silkiechick! I can't wait to hear your morning report!!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Yay! Can't wait to see more pictures!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

holy babies galour!!! i'll try to remember them all,lol.

added to brooder-
1 buff orp
1 buff brahma
1 blue silkie
1 splash silkie
1 blue cochin

in the hatcher still and hatched-
2 blue showgirls
1 blue silkie and 2 more i can't remember

Clarkson, KY

Ack. How do you do it?! I'm up to 4. in brooder.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

lol, takes lots and lots of practice and many eggs with problem hatches to figure out what not to do. however i'm very shocked so many have made it. because like 6 times the incubator has shutt off or been unplugged. i expected no more than 3 to make it if any. i'm in baby heaven!!!!

showgirls and silkies r now in the brooder and another serama. one still working on it still in egg takeing a breather in hatcher i think that one is a cochin and don't see anymore pips yet.

soon as i find my cam i'll take pics again, i'm not quite awake yet,lol.

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