Brooder babies and more due soon!!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

sizzles are good. showgirls is good, they are all good. i need eggs! you people have created a monster. i need a support group OMG! i did not say that

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

i have to run the school nurse needs me to pick up my one son early from school cause he sprained his ankle, uggg!! i hope he is alright!!! i'll talk to u when i get home from the doc office.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

hope you son is alright

(Zone 7b)

Wishing good thoughts your way :)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Harmony - re credit cards - yes you can hook your card into a Paypal account and have that work instantly too.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Harmony, re credit cards, i take them too, if you want to place an order for Chocolate OEGs... gonna get as many as possible. no paypal needed... no Am Ex...

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

well i'm fineally back. dom on a dare, ugg... jumped off a set of cement stairs and landed wrong and when he did twisted his ankle. the doc said he sprained his right ankle and about half of the top of his foot in a spider webbed effect. he is doing better now that we r home and his ib profen kicked in and he has it elivated with ice. no bruiseing yet but she said it maybe tomarrow or next depending on how severe it is but she didn't feel there was anything broken, which is really good. so he is home resting and all is well for now.

Clarkson, KY

Lovely....;-/ So nice when the kids do just enough damage to learn from!! (I HATE it when that happens) My grandmother always told us that you knew you were OK when the damage was just bad enough to make an impression. Don't mean anything unfeeling, but huge sigh of relief!! Very glad it is no worse and I'm sure your poor son is exhausted (you too)

Thanks for the update.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

glad he is gonna be OK. my son did that and broke his leg!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

glad to hear he is alright

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Silkey chick
Did you go to the bath show?
I was there,saw a lot of showgirls.....
Saw some cute seramas
lots of nice silkeys
how'd ya do?

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

awe thanks ya all, i was very relieved it was not major. first thing he said was mom i'll never be that stupid again before he told me what happened,lol. yep he's a hurten so i think he learned his leason.

yep crested i was there too. haha most of them were mine i think only my partner teri and 1 other person had them there besides me. i did awesome but to many to list. i brought silkies and seramas too. look at my website it has a few pics from the ny show and their ribbons and wins posted in some of the albums. i was really proud of how they all did!!! what did u take for show? wished i'd of known u were gonna be there so i could get to meet you.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Sorry to hear about the accident. I can TOTALLY feel your pain. DH had a rock climbing accident on 08/27 and I'm still picking up the slack from that one. He broke both his tibia and fibula and long story short ended up with a plate and nine screws! He's our stay-at-home dad, so I've been scrambling to care for him, the kids, the animals, and still get in my 40 hours to maintain what supports us all! *UGH!*

Glad your son didn't break anything major and like the other gals said did just enough damage to maybe learn a lesson.
Hang in there,

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

wow, that is so horrible, blessings and prayers to u and yours. trust me i so know how that all goes and i've been there.

a few have had stitches but in 12 years and 5 kid's this is the closest thing to a break so we will pull through this good long as the kid's stay away from his leg and foot. i think that is a great track record for that long and so many kid's not one broke bone, knock on wood.

eggies r due to move tomarrow to the hatcher, i so can't wait to share pics again,lol i forgot how much i like to be cam happy. i'll keep u posted and thank u all for being there for me and ur kind words about dom. he was happy to hear u all were asking about him,lol.

Thumbnail by silkiechick
(Zone 7b)

BEAUTIFUL!! Angel Trumpet an you thought i was goimg to say chick i took pics of mine last night and it is full of blooms not yet open and my other was blooming OH THE FRAGRANCE IS HEAVEN!!
I too get camera crazy and love to experiment taking shots LOVE THE BRUG!!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

So glad to hear he is okay.. or at least more okay than he would be with a cast! A sprain can be as painful as a break... I do hope he heals quickly. I've broken my ankle running down steps.. do make sure he takes the time to mend so it is strong.
That is a great track record! LOL I think it's easier to be the one with the broken bone, than it is to be the parent of a child with a broken bone or stitches!

Beautiful brug.. I can smell it now! Creamsickle is giving me something nice to look at.. while Miss Emily Mckenzie gives me the heavenly scent!

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I took some bantam polish whites ,laflech and sumatras and a large fowl blue sumatra who took champion AOSB
I was wearing purple and had one of my great dane puppies with me.....a blue named Diesel
Rick Porr had his bantam WCB there and he kicked my butt
But he's one of the best in the country
I was happy I had at least one bird on Champion Row

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

don't have time to write much so will more later. love that brug!!!!!! mine smells like spice or something, so good!!

crested, rotfl i know who u were there. me and teri-prancingpony and teri's husband robert were right beside u at the door when they were calling awards. we were the 2 blondse to the left of u. i think she might have talked to ya about ur dane before that. i saw him quite a few times throughout the day and boy what a GORGOUS little putchie!!!! LOVED it!!! congrats that is awesome!! i have yet to get a champion but someday hopefully,lol.

(Zone 7b)

Hey I broke my wrist 2 years ago cried like a diapered baby tripped on a root all the other folks at the ortho broke theirs doing all sorts of cool stuff. When the doctor ask me how i broke mine and all eyes were on me i wanted to say oh i broke it while sky diveing off a cliff in jamaca during a eclipse of the sun. LOL!!

(Zone 7b)


Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL Harmony! People keep saying that at least he did it while doing something he enjoyed. That's funny. I'd be the one that did it tripping over a kid toy or something. HA!

All of those trupet flowers are gorgeous! Guess I know what type of vine I want next year... this year it was the honeysuckle and passionvine.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Thats too funny that we were all standing in the same place and didn't even know it

Yeah I love that puppy
His first show is in November
(just what i need ,Chicken and dog shows...LOL)
I love the blues
If I rebreed his mom I'm gunna keep a blue female from the litter.
There were 8 in his litter and 5 were blue

Have you thought about that rochester NY show?
Its in Mumford
Entries close sept 27th
Its my favorite show
Its at Genesee Country Museum in Mumford NY
I think you can find it thru google for driving
Its so cool
Its a old village,people walk around in period dress,riding those big front wheel bikes
Theres a small horse show,mostly with carts
People making barrels ,stuff like that

Also,they have ducks and pheasants in the show
some of the oddest ducks I've ever seen

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Afternoon all...

Crested Chick... do you have a pic of that large fowl blue Sumatra who took champion AOSB??? I wanna see that one really bad....You KNOW how much I want the Sumatras!! LOL

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

heres the link for the mumford show grounds at the Village

I haven't taken any pictures but I am searching for who I am showing at the Mumford show so I'll run out and take a picture

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Hi Silkiechick!

As the silkie expert, can you tell me whether you think this little one is going to be white, or possibly buff? I hatched it from eggs from someone who has black, white and black/white splash silkies, but it doesn't look totally white to me....

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here's its other side.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Tempe, AZ(Zone 9a)

buff--most white silkies have white or whitish chick down; this looks too dark. With that colour spread from the parents though, it could easily be a non-standard colour.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Thanks Suze! That's what I thought, although the lady I got the eggs from says it will be white. I just wanted another opinion...cuz it doesn't look that white to me!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

sorry crested i won't be able to make that one but lots of people have asked me if i was going. i hope to next year when the kid's r a little bigger, it's about a 4 hour drive one way from here. some of the pics i've seen of there r gorgous so i'm hopeing to next year!!!

the silkie baby... hmm... i say it's either a buff w/ blue smutting, a white w/ blue or splash smutting or a what is called a tortoise shell which is a nonstandard color also. i think the parents were a white w/ a silver ressive gene crossed splash. i started to write why i thought those colorations but would take forever to explain and confuse it, lol so that is the short version after much debate between me and DH mike. i wanna see pics as it grows, i'm curious to see what that little cutie turns out to be!! i can tell u for sure it has a vaulted skull but not to big, awesome fot feathering and is a bearded.
hope that helps,

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

we were leaning more towards nonstandard white. look at tips of it's wing feathers comeing in they look white from the pics. here is a pic of our white recessive showgirls. i do see similarities but the down on urs is more golden than cream color that's why we thought it had an added color to it.

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Thanks Silkiechick! Fascinating assessment - I would not have guessed what you said so it is very helpful to read it! I am excited to watch how it changes as the days go by. Thanks for the information on the vaulted skull and beard! I didn't know it was bearded! Yes, it has great foot feathering already - I did notice that. It is my first silkie. I am hoping it will be a good broodie (and obviously hoping for female!) but we shall see.


Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

mabe some of these pics will help too. these r all from standard colored seperated pens.

left is a clear buff and right is a splash silkie

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

u r most welcome and congrats!! haha , silkies r awesome mom's and stuborn broodies so if it's a girl u should have no probs at all.

this is a bb red serama left with a clear buff silkie right

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

ok i finally found a normal white colored one. i'm trying to find all the light colors for ya to see to see if it helps u to know differences in colors when u see them in the down feathers so it helps u later to if ya need it.

this pic- white silkie without silver resesive gene, splash silkie w/ bb red serama in front, then a gray silkie(yes, they look partridge as babies but it is a gray) and farthest over is the clear buff again.

i'm gonna try to find ya a smutty buff pic too. but i have to look back through lots of pics for some of these,lol so bare w/ me.

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

this pic is to similar can't tell which is which,lol, in the brooder and now i can but this is a light partridge and a smutty buff side by side. the one with the most buff look to it is the buff but the down was so similar it was hard to tell apart till they got some of the wing feathers in.

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Those guys are so cute! It makes me miss my little silkie bantam cochin crosses! *WAAAAA*

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Wow, so many variations!! I will give it a couple of days and wait for feathers to start to show and then take some more pics. In the meantime I'll do some comparisons with yours and see if I can make a good guess.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

i have frizzled cochins and sizzles i'm working with for a few breeding projects. hopeing next year to be able to offer up hatching eggs for frizzled showgirls and sizzles.

yes there is and that wasn't counting most of them either lol. can't wait to see more pics!! kool, can't wait to see what ur guess is too!!!

some of those pics those peeps r now almost laying age or r mateing. like the serama baby in with the silkies above he is the bb red cockeral in my serama post. i have eggs in the hatcher now he helped father. here is a pic of what that clear buff looked like at her first show begining of aug. boy do they sure grow fast!! i'm dieing for her to lay her first eggie!!

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here's my silkie on a white cloth background to show color better.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz

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