Albino Adenium

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

ok don't mind the gnawed binders/books in the pic is still blurry as I do not have a macro setting on this cheap digi.

Two weeks ago I received my order from Thailand of 100 mixed adenium seeds. I just wanted to get different colours, specifically looking for the purple (but I do not know if I will get purple). Again I got excited and bought the lot for about $6.00. After receiving them from the mail, I got frustrated because I cannot find any pots to plant them in, so I germinated them the paper towel way. Lo and behold, about 90 of them sprouted and it's been a week now. This is what I found (pic below). An albino seedling!

I've been reading on the net that they will not survive and reach the stage where they grow their true sets of leaves, BUT I've read somewhere that you can micro-graft them when large enough. I don't know if mine will last that long, and if I do get to micrograft it, their leaves usually turn green anyway. Just want to see if he'll survive. Any suggestions/comments on what to do???

Thumbnail by evr
Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

another pic..

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

I mean.. this pic.. with the trillium chem /ontario text logo lol.

Thumbnail by evr
Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

1- Keep it out of the sun, filtered bright light only
2- feed it a 25% mixture of any good 20-20-20
3- Use ST Super Thrive for micro nutrients
4-Be sure its in sterile soil
5-Bottom water only!! Top watering will lead to damping off disease a devestating fungus
Start all this at the onset of the first true leaves not the cotyledons.
Baby the snot out of it
Good luck!!

I like how it looks elevated above the rest of the soil, thats good
Dont let it get soaked. ;)

This message was edited Sep 19, 2008 11:55 PM

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

sure will malestrom! looking for a good fertilizer now; the true set of leaves have already appeared about a week and a half ago. But the cotyledons are kinda drooping; they are facing downwards i better get crackin and baby them even more!!!

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

its always a fun adventure lol!!
Good luck!!

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

okay better pictures..but smaller. This is my 4 year old vid cam. at work lol. (hey it's better than the new digi which can't macrozoom).....

Thumbnail by evr
Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

another one...

Thumbnail by evr
Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

very interesting.
Looks pinkish ;)
It would be so cool if it lived.

Townsville, Australia

They are difficult little things. I even grafted several at that size onto normal rootstock but they all died in time. I still keep hoping, but
with the count in the hundreds I am starting to let them go to the heavenly garden without a second thought now.

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

Update please?
My seedlings are growing fast
all about 2 inches tall now except the variegated
They all dwarfed on me NEATO!!
all under 1 inch lol!!
Ill take a pic as im now moving everything (500+ pots) in for the winter.

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

good timing malestrom, just uploading the pics just now. The albino is still alive and growing! hehehe although it's growing very slow compared to the others though...

Thumbnail by evr
Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

closer view

Thumbnail by evr
Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

I don't know if you can see from this angle/pic, there are now 3 true sets of leaves. Very slow growing

Thumbnail by evr
Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

aerial view

Thumbnail by evr
Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

0_0 500 pots?? that's alot of pots! The other adeniums have grown pretty quickly, I haven't been paying attention to them much. I think they're pretty hardy and forgiving. I killed about 5 out of 100 seeds: I didn't water them for such a long time. I don't know if I have any variegated ones yet and i cannot tell which one has yellow/light green leaves.

How come they dwarfed on you Malestrom? and how young are they?


Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

They dwarfed as that was thier genetic disposition.
Different parents from the others too.

Hammond, LA(Zone 8b)

evr - How did this turn out?

Dandridge, TN(Zone 6a)

I think that is good news that it is getting a new set of leaves. Keep us informed!

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)


I'm sorry to inform that the albino seedling had died about 2 months ago =(. It's not very vigor and was stunted. It grew a bit, but never grew any new leaves. I was planning on micro grafting this little seedling onto a grown adenium from walmart at 12 bucks but they were all sold out. I wanted to see the result of an albino grafted onto a normal plant =/.


Hammond, LA(Zone 8b)

Aww I am sorry about your baby.

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

Ive lost every albino as well in the time ive played with adenium seeds
Ive never seen a picture of a mature white either.
all of my vars died as I had a wicked 60 plus day bout with severe asthma and meds.
I still have many dwarfed doing well.

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