Has Anyone Received Their Order from Chalk Hill?

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

I just wondered when to expect them.

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

No and I have not got any e-mails either yet. I believe they will be shipping to the coldest areas first. Has anyone talked with Murray?

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Me neither, but it's still hot here, though supposed to "cool down" to 85 tomorrow! But, I'll take it!. Samantha

Athens, PA

I have been wondering about that myself - especially being in zone 5b.

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

This was their reply to my email
We began shipping to this region of the US Monday (9/15,) and will continue
through October. You will receive an email confirmation from UPS with a
tracking reference once your plants are sent.

Athens, PA

interesting - you are in zone 7. I'll have to send them an email to see when they are going to ship to 5.

Thanks melvatoo

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Marie, you're correct. They send to the coldest areas of the country first.

I saw and copied this from another website to give you an idea of their shipping schedule.

PLANT items: Your order will be shipped when planting conditions are optimal.

1. AZ, CA, FL, OR, WA: March through June and September through Mid-November.
2. AL, GA, LA, MS, SC, TX, AR, KY, NC, OK, NM, TN, VA: April through June and Mid-Sept. through October.
3. CT, DC, MA, MD, NJ, RI, WV: Mid-April through June and Mid-September through
4. IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MO, NE, NY, NV, OH, PA, UT: Mid- April through June and
Mid-September through October.
5. CO, ID, ME, MN, MT, ND, NH, SD, VT, WI, WY: May through June and Late-Aug. through September.
6. AK: May

*Shipping periods may change depending on weather in your area.

Athens, PA


Thank you for posting that. I am overanxious. I think part of it is that it seems that Fall is arriving early here this year.


Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

I received my order last week (zone 4B/5A)

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

How was your order?

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

I ordered 5 of them and they look great. One was even blooming, but yes, I cut it off (sob, sob).

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

That is great to hear. I cannot wait to receive mine although where I think I am going to put 24 clematis I have no clue!! I guess I better get busy figuring out what their growth height are.

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

Do you know when they charged your card? Was it just before shipping the plants?

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Boy, not real sure but I think it was shortly after I placed my order.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Wish you had shared a picture of your Clematis in bloom that you received, goldfinch4. Which one was blooming?

My credit card was charged shortly after my order. That seems to be what I've been hearing from the majority of people who placed their final order with Chalk Hill.

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

They charged my card right when I ordered. I can't wait to get the plants!

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Hi Shirley, It was Miniseelik that was blooming and I did get a picture of it. I'll try to post it tonight.

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

So what all did everyone get?

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

I have about 20 coming. I am glad you all posted this thread as I was beginning to wonder what was going on. And yes I was charged for all when I ordered them months ago!
I have to find my order as I have no idea what was on it now!!!
OH MY!!!! I did too much buying this year!

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Here is a pic of the Miniseelik I received.

Thumbnail by goldfinch4
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

A closeup of a flower. I also got Asao, Alice Fisk, Dorothy Tolver and Rouge Cardinal.

Thumbnail by goldfinch4
Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Love that bloom and that plant looks great!! I cannot wait for mine although like I said I have no clue where I am going to plant 24 clematis!!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Some people have started receiving their clematis..they will send an email to notify you that they were shipped is what I was told.They charged my card a couple months after I placed my order....Jeanne

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Wow, goldfinch - that clematis is BIG! Very pretty, too! I keep checking my e-mail, but way down here in the South - it might be weeks before I get mine! Samantha

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Hang in there - I'm sure they'll arrive soon! Yes, they do sent beautiful plants and they arrived in such nice condition. They will surely be missed.

Delaware, OH

i called chalk hill a week or so ago and was pleased to get my planned ship date. spoke to kay, the gracious owner and was thrilled to hear they are simply closing the retail clem business and still will remain solidly in business with the wholesale cut flower business (rose and clem) that was the original business that they have maintained while they entered the retail clem business. and best news, the mary toomey garden will remain intact as a private garden. if the plan for the garden is still on their website, i highly recommend you peek at it and print the page. the design is gorgeous. having been lucky enough to see the garden twice, and it is a design inspiration.
i have about 30 coming and have to get in gear to prepare to plant!

Richmond Hill, GA

Wow, 30!!! I just bought 7. Florida Pistachio, Countess of Lovelace,
florida var. sieboldiana, florida var. flore-pleno, Miniseelik, Teshio, and Oonagare.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Miniseelik is lovely and will be a wonderful addition to your garden.

I have to find my list of approx. 24 Clematis that I ordered from Chalk Hill. My oldest son also gifted me with more Clematis for my upcoming birthday in November. I've been preparing beds & covering tree trunks with chicken wire with the knowledge that I've got to plant these Clematis in my garden shortly. Hopefully, my garden will be ready by the time they arrive (probably next month).

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

***Shirley said: I've been preparing beds & covering tree trunks with chicken wire with the knowledge that I've got to plant these Clematis in my garden shortly.***
WOW..I can't wait to see the new clematis flourishing up your trees..now ...if I ONLY had mature trees to copy your idea...Jeanne

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm holding to the edge of my chair as These will be my first ever to grow. Do they send planting and care instructions with their plants?

The area that I have planned for them is a full sun/afternoon sun. I would like to create an trellis that would be 10-15 feet wide and at least 8-10 feet high. I would like to put them just in front of our living room window in hopes that when the vines grown next spring they will fill it in a provide much need shade and protection from the heat of the sun in the afternoon. We just had our roof replaced last year and down went the old awnings and man this summer the heat made the living room too hot to live in...LOL

The picture is at the beginning of the season, I've been trying to kill off this stinking climbing vine that the previous owner had planted, and so far so good. I've had it covered all summer and just started this week amending the soil. I dug up most of it and replaced it with good top soil, sweet peat and leaf humus. I made my flower bed with this mixture and it has been incredible.

My only concern is if I build the trellis close to the house then the little climbers might decide to grow up on to my roof and in the gutter....

so those of you who know their growth patterns, how far away from my house is too far for these climbers to decide not to stretch to get my roof????

The space is only 4 1/2 wide from the front window to the sidewalk and then my new flower bed is on the outside of the sidewalk.

So any suggestions on how far from the house to put the trellis? I had hoped to grown some other items here but really like the idea of the clematis here.


Thumbnail by meadowyck
Delaware, OH

wouldn't worry about excess growth on the roof from most clems in your climate. and even when they get out of bounds they are not invasive and can be easily nipped back.

regarding how far away form the house to put any trellis, or the plants themselves, make sure your clems are not in a drip line from the roof, or in an area where ice may fall or heavy swaths of snow and ice from the roof , all of which might prove to be too much for the small plants.
chalk hill sends out good instructions. you may be surprised to note they advise planting 4 to 5 inches deeper than the current soil line. follow their instructions and be prepared to deep water several times a week this fall to make sure they plants do not dry out.
good luck and welcome to the club of obsession.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Well niobe thanks so much for the extra insight about the ice from the gutter. Up here that ice is really bad so this is a good excuse to start another new flower bed....LOL

Thanks again,


Delaware, OH

looking at your photo, can the clems be as far as possible in the front of the bed, near the sidewalk? would
this give space for slides of snow and ice from the roof line?
shame to have that sunny space not in use.
one thing you could consider is plant a sturdy hedge row that can be clipped low just in front of the drip line and then put clems on obeleisks in front of the sturdy edge. the hedge can take the brunt of the drip line and snow. the clmes can then mingle with the hedge as they fill up the structures they are growing on?just an idea. nice sunny space cries out for clems!
sturdy hedge that can be clipped low and withstand the drip line may be "taxis" or golden privet?

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I just received notice mine will be here on Thursday. I am in trouble since I am not ready at all!!

Delaware, OH

i received mine yesterday. i had gotten some help in to dig holes over the weekend and yesterday and ammend soil.(intermixed with IKE storm clean up) the holes are all ready.
i planted 7 in about 90 minutes. we did 15 inch by 15 inch for this group vs larger which i have done before and found no performance difference. the 15 by 15 works fine for me.
the 90 minutes, that's with the holes ready and the soil ready and just a short wheelbarrow away. of course there were others to water and pull ground covers away from, some clipping of old perennials etc in the area i was planting in. i did not want to put them into an untidy colony.
have to get the others in tomorrow morning viewing the seasonality here and some business travel plans later in the week.
at this speed i need about 4 more hours out there, which is what i will do tomorrow morning. fall planting leaves me uninspired, but next spring should be worth the hassle.
the plants looked above average to good for the travel. all but one of the ones i put in today had very nicely developed roots.

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

That is good to hear. I really over ordered and will not have much time to get them in the ground this weekend. I have a feeling I will be digging in the dark!

Delaware, OH

i am jealous of your zone. you can keep your new plants damp in partial shade and plant when you want, right?
in my zone there is pressure to get root development started before cold weather sets in.

clems are so hardy, i have had blooms on thanksgiving, altho i must admit not many or very large. but it's still fun to have them so late. and then of course all cold H_ll breaks loose and everybody goes to sleep for the winter.
and that's a good thing. i love the off season when i can just think about clems and plan more clems vs doing the work! and the bliss of heavy bloom season where we are out with cameras daily and experiencing the wonder of nature in such a hands on way, from the full season of work, planning, dreaming , watering and wonder of it all.
lets enjoy every minute of all nature has to offer in all the zones of north america!!!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Marie: If you don't have time to plant all your Clematis now, just pot them up in 1 gallon containers until you can prepare the sites where you want to plant them. You know the drill.

That's great that some of you have received your Clematis orders from Chalk Hill Nursery. However, I'm curious as to why warmer zones would receive Clematis plants before zones in colder areas?! I haven't heard from Chalk Hill, yet I live in an area that is 2 zones colder than 9a! Does that makes any sense?

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

I just got an email notice that mine are on the way!

Athens, PA

It doesn't make sense to me either. Based upon the above posting, I just called them and I was told my window for shipment is between the middle of September to the middle of October and that they started shipping to my area on 9/15. When I indicated that other members in zones 7 & 8 on Daves Garden were already receiving theirs, I was asked if I needed a specific ship date, which I don't, however, it just makes one wonder. I know they are busy, but one would think the colder zones to go out first and then the warmer zones would follow.

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