all can do gargners

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

leoo carrielont and cando1 as well as leaft-leady. yesterday i was in a moof of not thinkink i could go to the doctor for the pre-op visit, utterly convinced. but, this a.m., mt thinking was differert and reralized i could do it. i'm not a devout person, a place in which i'm comfortable, but yesterday really helped mt mood just wanted to share this you. lee

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Lee, I'm sorry, but I just now found this thread. Have you had the surgery yet? Did you get to the doctor for the preop? Your typing wasn't quite what it normally is so I am concerned. I haven't been to this thread for a few days and now I find this. Are you ok now? Please let us know. We really do care about you and know you are going thru a bad time. Who is there to help you?

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

hello leaflady, thanks for asking but the surg. is scheduled for the 23rd of this month. i find myself getting more anxious as the timr draws nigh. i'm going to have to have an epidural due to this asthma. i practically begged the anesthesiologist to give me a general but he said he'd prefer an epidural. well, i got angry and scared and told him he might prefer an epidural but i'd prefer a general, so i suppose it's the former i'll have.
my typing is bad as i'm still having problems with the ulnar nerve inflammation of my felf arm. had it injected last week and got glorious relief for about a day. he injected it with marcaine, lidocane, and 40mg. of depomedrol.
will be in hosp. for 3 nights then transfer to our local hosp. for a week ot two of rehab. will let you know how things are when i get home. i shall miss all of you in between.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, Lee, I just found this too! I hope I didn't miss you before your surgery... You can get through what lies in front of you. We're all climbing our individual mountains. I hope yours isn't too, too painful. Please be back in touch as soon as you can. (Crossing my fingers that I haven't missed you!)


Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

carrielamont, see my previous posting referring to your and others kindness. like blanche said in 'streetcar...', ' i have always depended on the kindness of straners'. lee aren't i silly? lol

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

So have we all, Lee, none of us can do it alone. I mean "no man is an island" but WE know that more than anyone else does.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Lee, I'm so very sorry. I too have'nt been back. and just discovered your thread.Tomorrow is the 23rd and you will be in my prayers all tomorrow.
Please let us know if we can do anything for you. Get word to us as soon as you can to let us know how you're doing.
We came to DG about the same time and i think you're a very special person. So hang in there friend.

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

vickie, thank you my friend. glad to see you back on. i took the sleeping pill the doctor gave me for tonight but only slept about 4 hrs. just wanted to stop thinking a while. will be in hosp. 3 nights, then transfer to the local hosp. for a week or two, then home and will HOBBLE lol to the computer and let you all know.
it's not often i'm referred to as a special person and i appreciate your doing so.. yesterday, i wasn't too special. spent the day weepy. off by myself, as to not upset owen. don't know why, a mix of fear, anxiety, etc. and anyway, i'm quite attached to my knee no matter how bad it is. LOL
i've to be at pro-op holdin at 11a.m. tomorrow and surg. starts at 1pm. the surgeon said it would only take about an hour. less time than a little nips and tucks i've had. yes, men are vain, too.
until next time.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Well guess you wont read this for awhile.Glad you wrote before you went to hospital.
Worked outside today and kept you in mind.

It has always astonished me that men were not supposed to show their feelings, like heavens knows us women do. Are men a different species of human that their neurons somehow fire in an alian network. Don't really think so. : K Weepy crying can be a healthy response at times.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Refusal to let their feelings and emotions show is why more men have high BP, strokes, HA, ulcers, etc. We women let it all out and outlive them by several years.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I've known my share of weepy men, and it has always struck me as curious the lengths to which they will go to conceal their tears. My DH (a big crybaby, the sweetheart) used to cry outside my hospital room, along with several other members of my family, while I was allegedly dying. I decided not to die, but they didn't fool me. I could tell he'd been crying, and my mother had to have been crying, although she had a better stoic act.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

My DH was the same way.I only saw him once with tears in his eyes and they were for me in pain.

Carrie, i'm so glad you decided not to die. I've no doubt you made that decision.

I'm a weepy person too.DH never could understand that i could cry for happy.LOL

leaflady, you sure are right abt letting out stress keeping us ladies living longer.

I've been wondering how you two were doing. Have been tied up on a trade meet on another forum, Texas where i use to live. Have'nt forgot my friends here
Have a safe nite.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm quite clear that it was MY decision - the MDs had written me off. I looked at those pictures of my kids and at my blubbering husband and thought "I can't leave these people in this state", and just kept breathing, although they thought my heart should have given out and I was scheduled for a respirator. I even thought about my memorial service, and thought "they don't even know what music I want, I can't let them decide!"

When I say thought, it was somewhere between a hallucination and a dream.

I'm glad I stuck around for Act II too, Vickie!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I'm glad too. I would have never met you if you had exited, stage left, lol. Not really funny. I've been close to that stage a couple times but not that close.

I have my sevices planned, paid for, etc. All anyone has to do is show up. It will be on Sunday morning. They will sing the songs I've designated and whatever other ones they want to sing, the pastor has the scripture passage I want, and it is to be a 'normal' Sunday morning service. Some of my children haven't been in church on Sunday morning for 20 years at this point in time. The last time 3 of them have attended at all was their father's service. I wish I had thought of having it on Sunday like that for him. He would have liked that. His last time in church for his physical remains.

I'm praying for Lee a lot. Wish we could hear from him. I know he may be wondering why he let the doctor talk him into this.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

I've been wondering about Lee and praying for him too. i imagine he's pretty miserable about now,or totally out of it. Hope the latter.

My arraingements are pretty well made out too. A simple graveside service,with old gospel songs. Comes about with eveyone going before me except my DD,s and grandkids and nephews.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Yikes! I'm glad I decided to stick around for the second act, too, it's been even more interesting. Not sure I'm ready to plan my service, quite yet!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Hey, I'm wondering if we can resurrect this thread for Lee and others who might not be as comfortable with posting on this forum. What do we think?

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Carrie, I like the idea. I've been sick for several days and off line and have really missed everyone but just was'nt up to communicating with anyone.
I've been posting on several forums but not really staying on any of them. I love all of them but can't keep up with all,will have to decide to post some to all or more to less. Not really up to decision making at the moment either. Need someone to tell me to pick myself up and go on. Pain will pass and so will depression. I beleive! Lord help my unbeleif!
I've been wondering about you and the warm weather in Boston but may be cold by now. Europe has been getting winter weather alot.
Hope all of you are doing ok.
My DD from TX is coming down Thursday so need to do some house cleaning. Hopefully!! LOL

Hope Lee is doing well also.

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Hi Carrie and cando1, thank for the concern. I am up and about. Have PT at 8:00a.m. Yuck!! I just keep on keeping on with some minor cursing mixed in. .Vickie, I was worried about you as it has been a while since I saw any responses. Glad to hear from you and Carrie, as always, it is good to hear from you, too.
All take care. Lee

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I met a lovely woman named Rebecca at a scrapbooking event this last weekend. She and her sister both have muscular dystrophy. Her sister is in a wheelchair, but she is still able to walk with the aid of braces. Rebecca loves gardening, especially roses. She shared with me how discouraged she is about gardening because of being increasingly unable to maintain her many flowerbeds. I told her I can relate because of my shoulder and back, and wonder sometimes if we shouldn't just go back to grass! LOL I hope to encourage her to join DG if she has time, because I know this forum would be a great encouragement to her. At any rate, keep Rebecca in your thoughts and prayers. She's a neat, creative lady with deep faith and a great sense of humor!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I think we do need to reserect this thread. We all need each other more than words can say.

Lee, try saying Thank You JESUS or Praise the LORD when you feel like cursing. Ok, I know I'm probably medling or preaching but I found watching the words we say really does make a difference. Being positive and thankful in every situation is so much more uplifting to our minds and spirits than being negative. I know how you feel like expressing anger and pain in PT because I have been there. No joint replacements, but other issues that are painful.

Cando, it sounds as tho you are having a really bad time right now. Make a real effort to be upbeat and positive. I know that sounds like a huge order but please try it. I will add you to my prayer chain. I'm glad your DD is coming. Just having her there may be a big help.

I know I sound like a PollyAnna but I have learned that being this way and having an attitude of gratatude for every tiny blessing or glimpce of hope helps so much. Listening to the kind of music you enjoy(unless it is about depressing, sad, bad things)speaks to the mind and soul helping one to rise above the blues and depression.

GW, it is so good to hear from you. We don't cross paths very often but I think of you almost daily. Thanks for the tip about your friend. She needs communication with those who understand where she is in life.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Hello ladies and gents! I have been greatly preoccupied, and probably will continue to be, but I love this little forum. More and more I hear people on DG saying things like "and then I got rheumatoid arthritis" or "that was before I broke my hip", but people don't like to think of themselves as "disabled."

LOL - we have a new ramp at my church, which leads up on to the lectern. Some of you may remember me talking about our Nazi choir director, who would rather hold choir up in the choir loft then down on the floor so I can be in it. So she keeps referring to the "handicapped ramp." Lady, the ramp is just a ramp, it's not handicapped, your mind might be!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Carrie,I have been using ramps instead of stairs for years for many reasons. Heart, lungs, hips, etc. Yes, I am on disability, but there are still a lot of things I can do. That choir director should think about how his/her attitude brings shame to GOD. Her life may be the only BIBLE someone will read and that kind of attitude could turn them away for GOD.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Hi everybody! I just found this thread. Hope all are doing well and making a positive "step" in life one day at a time. Looking up sure helps me and also looking forward. I find mymind gets in a bad space when I'm wasting time looking back and behind me at where i've been thinking of all the what "could haves" or "should haves" or "ifs".
Just a thought I had. hope it helps someone ^_^

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


Sheri, you can really make me smile sometimes - thanks.

Did you know that Leaflee is "removed - no longer active?" I wonder whatever happened to him.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Carrie, i did'nt know Lee had left. I liked him and have been wondering.
Hope he comes back.

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