She's About To..........#17

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Hello! Time for a new one I guess...Love and kisses, Karen

Thumbnail by darkmoondreamer
NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Found ya.. lol I need to go confir about the dinner prep... will try to catch up to you all pretty soon.. will check in for our hotties down south, anyone heard anything on Nadine, Maggi and Ken?? I should go find that thread about it.. Karen, love the Maxine... Clemen left a msg on 16.. Werewolf, hang in there with us.. we do talk brugs and seeds too. Dinner is about ready, chicken, rice and muffins. I may try Becky's cell, too.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

TY aunt en you, Karen you trouble maker hee hee, love it though. I am ready for dinner, will be back soon, love yall

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I hope Wolfy got the welcome mat on the other thread lol.

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Welcome, Wolf! You'll be treated so many ways here, you'll have to like one of them!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Girls, hotties.. be nice! :) Dinner is getting cold.. I'm outta here.

South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)

Hi hotties,
Welcome werewolf, I wish I could answer your question but I have purchased seed also and right now it is an airtight container in the fridge. That is the only way I knew to store it so I hope it works. The pix of your burg is beautiful, and the story so wonderful. I think your burgs wanted to help you feel better so they are back for you and your wife to love and care for. Sometimes that is what we need.

Karen so sorry about your yard, hope all is not lost.

Thanks Peg for the post letting us know that Becky is doing okay.

Kim, What is that thing, never mind don’t get that close.

AuntB, how that toe doin?

Clem glad you found your way here

Louise is still there on #16, if she posts there again I'll go get her.

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Wolfy, I just keep my seed in envies in room temp in the house. They seem to grow ok. I have some new brug seeds stored I am gonna start this winter.

South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)

Hi Audrey, I miss you before, glad to see you posting.

Louise, is room temp better for burg seed?

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Don't really know but my house stays a pretty even 68 year round. Last years germinated 100 percent.

South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)

Humm, maybe I should get mine out, my house temp is about the same. It’s a little cooler in the winter though, I keep the heat really low when I’m at work.

Minneapolis, MN

Hey all, Got dragged out the house unexpectedly this morning. Just got back. AuntB, thanks for the suggestion for the pectin. I will try that out. My right knee feels like someone's drilling right to the bone. Did everyone make it safely out of the storm? How did everyone's plants survive. I read Wolf's story, yeah for re-birth

Carrollton, TX(Zone 8a)

Welcome Wolfie - no help on your seeds - I'm new to brugs - love em tho

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I'm helping Melissa grill, I thought she was waiting on me.. lol Guess we scared Wolf off.. don't think anyone is posting on #16.... anymore ;) I just loved his story. I left long cuttings in a bucket outside the garage all spring and summer one year, didn't do anything.. potted them up in late summer and took to the ru that year. I think Joyce got a versi and Pink Beauty.. now we go shopping together.. aint brugs the greatest? So we keep the seeds out of the frig?

South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)

Mine have been in the fridge for a month now, woops. I should have asked before.

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Don't take my word for it! That is just what I do personally. Store them all at room temp.

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey all, talked to Maggi and she is fine! Wolfman I may have to back to Ebay and consider that royal blue lochroma again....Did the plant get to you in good shape? What was the seller's name?

South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)

OMG what an idiot I am, I go to WM while I there I decide to pick up hair die. Because I am not having my pix taken with the brand new baby looken like a old haggy Nana. I get 2 because the hair is so long now. I just put in the first bottle, mousy brown, get about ¾ covered and go to open the second one and it is RED. Now the ends are not covered, I tried to pull it though with a pick but there is just not enough. I haven’t done this in years so the grey goes all the way to the bottom. Oh well, ½ hour and I’ll see how bad it is, maybe I’ll just cut it off, needs a trim anyway. I should have looked better, when is anything in the right place in WM.

Now I have to go look up that blue plant!

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Donna hahaha, oh girl I hate that!!!! Pile the ends up on top of your head and squish that dye in good!!! You can leave dye on forever without hurting your hair, squish the ends in and leave in an hour total. (I'm a liscensed beautician but don't practice anymore)....On the other hand, darn you could have mixed them, might've been a real pretty color.

Minneapolis, MN

Hotties!!! Wolf is still posting on the old post. What should I do? D-mail him? Or do one of you who has actually spoke to him want to D-mail?


Heber Springs, AR

DARKMOONDREAMER, my royal blue lochroma got to me in excellent condition, its about 18 inches tall and i set it out the day it arrived. its growing daily and doing well. i got it from berniwr6. i hope its not against the rules to tell u that. lol. ANDDDDD TKS TO EVERYONE FOR THE VERY WARM WELCOME.

South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)

Sandy, I posted there to let him know. If he doesn't post soon maybe you should Dmail

South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)

Oh good, you found us werewolf. I love the the last plant you posted on #16 it is just beautiful.

Heber Springs, AR


Thumbnail by werewolf1
(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Wolfie! Sorry hon, but you are just Wolfie to me, it stuck, LOL! Thanks for the Ebay info. It is never against the rules here to tell where you bought a plant from, just to discuss the 2 major Brugmansia Associations because there is some friction there. I will check out this seller. Funny you mentioned that plant because I had just discovered them looking on Ebay for Brugs! I like the bright red one too. I am assuming that the blooms are beautiful, but smaller, and don't open as much as regular Brugs do?

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Welcome Werewolf, are you still howling at the moon??

No, I am just joking, welcome to our thread. Your story of the brugs was beautiful. Sometimes, our mental health is definitely effected to our plants and our time outside. I know I have always hated winter and had a hard time keeping from feeling depressed. But, now, I'm on my first year on DG and I bet, actually it's no bet, I know, this winter is not going to be that depressing with this group. :)) Welcome and stay around. We don't bite, just get crazy some times. Promise!! And oh, do we come up with new plants for everybody to look at.

Before all of the hurricaine, we were asking everybody, if you could get one more plant this year, what would it be? Care to join in? We have had some very interesting plants show up and it has been fun.

I'm still lurking to check on more people I know in Texas, but there is still a lot of people I "know" MIA.

I am also really tired from our "Hurricane Party" last night. So, I will poop out early here.
((Hugs)) and love to all. Peg

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

I like them too and plan to own some ha ha ha !!!

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh Kim, you AWFUL enabler, you!!! LOL, I'm sure I will too. Here my entire yard is destroyed (girls you would cry too if you saw it) and I'm looking to by more???? Wolfie, Ebay says that's not a valid did say berniwr6?

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

:) Werewolf, yu are welcome to chime right in.. we welcome your point of view and we might learn something. What is that bloom? And I love your tall bushy morning glories.. Donna, the toe hasn't been propped all day, still kinda ugly looking, but I think it is healing... Peg told me today would be the worst, it was this morning, but now it feels pretty good. Nana Donna, sorry bout your color/WM woes... hate the place myself. I'm sure you are gorgeous no matter what color your hair is.. but I do understand you wanting to "fluff up" a little for those pics that will live on forever.

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I will check in later girls gotta take hubby to the doc he has a kidney stone!

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Werewolfie, (see you already got renamed),
That is not a "red" brug, that's a Star Hibiscus... ladies, I think we have found a gentleman as ornery as we are! I love it!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Peg, you are precious. I too had a fun time at the PJ party.. sorry too, I couldn't make it all night.. Karen, I could cry for you hon, don't go buying a lot, all of us (well, me for sure) have more than enough and I've give you anything out there if you find some comfort in it.. what are you wanting to replace or add to be different this time?

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Louise, please tell DH that this too will pass.

Or at least we hope it does. Those hurt bad!!

Heber Springs, AR

no DARKMOONDREAMER, its ..........bernier6...............try that.

Minneapolis, MN

I am glad that you all are here and I am saddened for any distruction any of you received and I am just wondering if any one has heard from Sandi? Welcome WereWolf

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Oh NO! Louise (lavender) .. how awful. Red star hibiscus... it is gorgeous and the leaves are pretty, too! You know those eavesdroppers are called Lurkers, here at Daves... we have many, on this thread, but we like the input, too. At the top of the thread, it shows how many posts and how many views... 31 post, over 100 views -- (AuntB waving like Granny Clampett--Hi Lurkers! ;)

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Karen, I know from our ice storm last year, it can be sooo devastating. Take time to regroup and heal a little bit. Things that had solid roots will surprise you and come back. And if something is missing, let us know. I honestly think we could find anything for you if you let us all work on it.

Here's where I was last November...

Thumbnail by merpeg
(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Sandy is doing fine!!!

I just found this on the Texas forum and am waiting to get her phone number

Cincinnati, OH
(Zone 6b)

September 13, 2008
3:16 PM

Post #5547721
I just talked to ilovejesus99 in Baytown, TX.
Sandy ^8^ says she's OK!
LOTS of yard damage but her house appears to have weathered the storm in fine shape.
No power but her landline phone is working fine...
She says it's blazing hot and humid.
So hot her feet are sweating!
AND she's eaten so many Klondike bars she's sick...
If anyone whould like to call her DMail me please.
She said if she doesn't answer it's because it's too hot to run to the phone! LOL!


NE, KS(Zone 5b)

No Sandy, I haven't heard a peep...I do have a special brug baby for her, cause she was ready to give up on brugs, but does anyone have any contact #'s for her? I didn't get Becky on her phone, I'll try in the morning, again.. I just can't imagine what it's like.. my thoughts and prayers go out to them all.

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

{{{{{{{hugging Peggy and Bonnie}}}}}}}}}}} Aw, I just love you girls. I don't think their is really permanent damage to the plants themselves, it's just how awful it looks right now. The vine covered archway halfway across the yard....big tree limbs down everywhere....Even my WELDED flagpole holder broke off of the front porch!! I couldn't believe it. It could have been much worse....

Wolfie I LOVE Star of Texas Hibiscus!! They were a passion of mine this summer. I have a red one and a white one!

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