Weight Loss Challange Sept. 13th - 20th

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I have a shiny clean keyboard so I'm trying hard to not eat while at the computer or even use the keyboard with sticky hands. Of course there is damage from the cleaning. The right hand shift key no longer works. My own fault. This key board if one of the split ones & are very hard to find in stores so I need to have Shad use his small computer company connections to get me one at a good discount online. I need a new transistor for a Eureka Boss sweeper/vac too if he can get it at a reasonable price.

It is a lovely cool, overcast morning with just a gently SE breeze that is swaying the large weeds. It will be a lovely morning to work up the apples that are ripe. This is a month early for the Braeburns so I"ll try to not do too many. If they will stay on the tree until mid Oct. I will know that they are ripe. We do have a few to pick up off the ground every day tho. I'll make the crisp for the DG RU in Odessa on the 27th of this from the ones I picked up yesterday after the storms had passed by. If I get it done today I can have it in the freezer & we'll just reheat that day if we want it served hot.

I thought I had heard a roll or 2 of thunder a bit ago. I just looked out the window to see it is raining. A trip to the bird house to turn them loose & feed them let me know it is an off and on drizzle to fairly good shower type rain. The gauge has another 1/2 inch in it from when I emptied it before the rain came yesterday afternoon. I am so glad I got that mother hen and her 10 or more babies into the building. I knew when I did it that rain was predicted until about noon on Sunday. Now they are in and dry all the time and the only problem is keeping the bedding and feed separated and the water not filled up with bedding. I give them some salad type tomatoes nearly every day since they are use to being free range and eating grasses, insects, etc.

One of the women from my church & her 20+ year old son are damage assessors after these tornados so she stopped to be sure I was ok. I didn't know she does that and it is comforting to know that she will probably always check on me when one of these storms passes this way. Our pianist lives about 10 miles E and slightly N of me and she checks on them too. Cheryl(our pianist) was in Sedalia with her mother but called her DH about it. He reported that he saw the tornado go past.

My coworker who gave me the plums and crab apples gave me a jar of jelly yesterday. It was a bad mistake to take it. I made Magic(Malt O Meal)muffins in a loaf last night and ate half of it and half of the 12 oz. jar of jelly. I used some of the whipped oleo that is suppose to be lower in fat, etc. that the food bank gave out a month or so ago. I had it in the 'fridge for some reason. I'm low on my ff Parkay so I didn't use any of it. Of course I woke up this morning with a very upset lower digestive tract and diarrhea. I put the rest of the loaf in the freezer and will give the rest of the jelly to Holly, Kyle, & Skyler. My system just won't handle that load of sugar anymore. THANK GOD for that blessing. Stupid me didn't take the Phase 2 or Metamucil capsules when I laid down and remembered them. Too sleepy to get up and walk to the kitchen for them. There is my big transgression for the week. Plus a few cookies and a piece of stale Russell Stover candy at work during the week.

I am thinking of my precious DG family in the path of IKE this morning. I pray all of you are safe. I also pray Vic gets the rain she so desperately needs after the drought. I am watching a weather report that sometimes shows the path of these storms. K.C. is getting a lot more rain than we are. They just now said we will be in the path of the rains from Ike. LOTS of rain. We had been having a several year drought when our new pastor came 2 years ago in June. He said he had a word from the LORD for us. "The drought is over". And it was. We have had plenty of rain since then. He said last week it meant more than just a lack of water and we have seen some real spiritual growth in our community.

I need to vaccum the rest of the house, do some laundry, wash some large toys that were brought to the store pretty dirty. The sink there is large but not large enough for this size items and I have no spray hose, etc. to really clean such items. I can get them into my bathtub and use the handheld shower head on the somewhat power position and get things much cleaner. There are also some house shoes that the 'incoming' people were going to throw away because they needed to be washed. We have a nice washer and dryer at the store and do a lot of laundry there in an effort to salvage many items. I guess I should have left these there to be washed. But if the 'incoming' women had seen them in washing pile they would have been mad at me and the directors wouldn't have known what happened. I'm suppose to be a watchdog for that sort of thing since the director can't be everywhere at once. It puts me in an awkward position at times.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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