I don't have the best luck with clematis. Advice, please. I need pink, purple or white, hardy to zone 5a-5b, tolerant of some shade. I prefer ones that are "everblooming" and are tough enough to survive my care.
Please send names of your favorite tough guys.
names of clematis, tolerant of some shade
The lighter the color the more tolerant the Clematis will be in partly shady conditions. Light colored Clematis will have their color bleached out by the sun, so they do very nicely in these locations. However, no Clematis will bloom in full shade.
everybody has a different definition of partial shade and full sun. when we are outside in spring what seems like partial shade becomes fuller shade as the trees leaf out. evaluate the shade/ sun
level in summer vs winter or spring....a lesson learned by relocation of various clems has reinforced for me.
i agree with shirley. many clems struggle and perform poorly due to lack of adequate sun (along with water and fertilizer). if you are in doubt over partial shade being adequate, it is probably not enough sun!
some good partial shade bloomers for me in zone 5 are ones without the longest bloom season. comtesse bouchard and hagley hybrid bloom well for me in partial shade as do relatively early bloomer alabast, gilian blades and early bloomer guernsey cream.
shade often means large tree roots that can run a long ways from the tree itself competing for water and nutrients too..... so best to go for the sunnier spot!!
Clematis pitcheri
It is rated zone 5, is considered a "woodland" clematis. And, sounds like what you are looking for in color(purple).
how about rubro marginata.....trouble free, free flowering and very vigorous.
I have never had much luck growing clematis either. I got Polish Spirit this last summer and have it growing in full shade. It never gets direct sun. Grown in the shadow of my house up against light colored siding. It is doing great. Got quite a few blooms this year.
one clem that i find looks nice in shadier conditions, and this corresponds to shirleys advice with lighter colored varieties is pope john paul II. does well in semi shade for me and if pruned afrer blooming comes back nicely for a second flush. it is a good bloomer.