I just received lonicera seeds - Now what to do?

Havelock, Canada

I am hoping that fellow vine-lovers can help me.

I just received lonicera seeds that were harvested from a plant in Calgary last week. The very generous sender tells me that the seeds are from her lonicera non-fragrant honeysuckle vine that is a massive bloomer and bee magnet.

Some of the seeds still are in the seed pod, some are out and partially green, while others are dark. I understand that these seeds can't be stored. What do I do with them? It is almost mid-Sept. and I am assuming that it is too late to plant them outdoors. Do I start them in a soiless (?spell) potting mix and keep them indoors until warm weather? Do I wait until they are all dark and out of the "skins"? I am kinda a newbie so any help would be appreciated.

Perhaps someone can also pinpoint what the exact name is of this honeysuckle vine. The person that sent the seeds has never started them from seeds as the vine came with her house. HELP please!

Keeping my fingers crossed for a response.

Hugs Elaine and Otis

Thumbnail by Procrastinator

Look in the other thread you put your picture in.

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