are walking iris and japanese iris the same

Williston, ND

just wondering are japanese iris and walking iris the same,im looking for a walking iris (ok i got one yesteday a blue one and I want a yellow one,im gonna grow them inside,any suggestions
and are there other colors to look for


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Short answer: No they are not the same.

Japanese iris is a hardy beardless iris that is grown outdoors in zones 4-9.

Walking iris is neomarica and is only hardy to around zone 8. Some not even that hardy. I think most are only hardy to z9 or 10. They come in white with blue edging, blue, and yellow. I understand they like a lot of water, and acid soil, and some shade.

Hopefully someone on this forum can give you more info on them. If not, maybe try the houseplant forum.

They sure are pretty.

Williston, ND

Thanks Polly,

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

You're entirely welcome. I'm sure someone will come along with more info on the walking iris.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

I received one in a trade last year. It has done better for me by being inside near a window. The lady that gave it to me said it has to have 12 leaves (representing the 12 apostles) before it blooms. Mine has a way to go.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

While we are on the subject of 'other' iris, what is a water iris? I have some seeds that someone gave me from a purple water iris. The seeds look like chocolate chips. I planted a few and have 4-5 baby plants. They are so cute, about 4 inches tall.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi Raggedyann,

Congratulations on your new babies.

Water irises can refer to a lot of different irises. Your best bet is to grow them until they bloom, and then show us pictures.

You can be sure they want lots of water to grow in, though, LOL. Even in your area, though don't leave any water irises in standing water over the winter, as it can smother the crowns. Until you know what they are it's best to grow them in a planting area with regular soil, but keep it pretty moist.

South Hamilton, MA

People in this area grow 'walking iris' as houseplants in a sunny window.

Williston, ND

cool,thats what Ill be doing


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