She's About To..........#16

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Here you go girls, chatter on!

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Here ya go ladies....

Thumbnail by darkmoondreamer
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)


NE, KS(Zone 5b)

No time to read, whew, only 2 posts here... still over there lookin at Beckys doggie, so cute and pretty! Didn't make it to Pegs for pork chops.. Turkey loaf and butternut squash... I'm coming Mel!!! MMMmmm clemen, Tamale Pie!

Minneapolis, MN

Hey y'all, Go back and read my last post. I didn't see the hyperlink or we were typing at the same time.


(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Sandra I hear you, I really hear you.....First husband, father to my two girls was a rich, wisecracking car sales executive for Chrysler, great to the public, horrible to me. Didn't want kids, paid the child support, but my kids grew up not knowing him because he didn't want to see them. 2nd husband was my cougar days, love of my life, but cheated the whole 1 year we were married with a kitten who was pregnant by another man. He was the first man my daughters called Daddy and they adored him. They were never the same after that, it really affected my Chelsea negatively too. I was a single mom for 8 years after that. It was hard.......... Met hubby # 3 through a friend and we've been together for about 9 years....He's not rich like my first, nor movie star goodlooking like my second, and we live from paycheck to paycheck but he's a good man and he loves me dearly. I can count on him in sickness and in health. And the older I get the dearer those qualities are to me. I have lived through a lot too, but it is true it didn't kill me it just made me stronger....

This message was edited Sep 10, 2008 6:47 PM

Minneapolis, MN

Oh Sista, do I hear you. Second was the Clint Eastwood good looking guy. First one was diffinately the cheater and we both had high paying jobs and great careers. Third is the rock. 16 years older, different point of views on everything but, wouldn't trade him for a young stud because of what he has done for me and mine.

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Posy been meaning to post...
Have you ever heard of Elkland??
My daughter played softball against Athens-Sayer in the late 90's
I've been to the Packer Hosp. with my dad quite abit around the same time...
I actually live in Farmington Township but as we don't have a PO our mail goes through Osceola..
We've probably shopped at the same stores in Elmira/Horseheads...

Minneapolis, MN

Well, well, well, A hottie sista not too far from me. Last time I was down your way was a couple years back to get Minnesota native plants. Went through Osceola, but the rest I am not familiar with. Sorry!


America's Next Top Model is now not going to be, because she refuses to look into the camera!

Thumbnail by Sandra_D
(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Sandy I just love the little hats you put on her, they are adorable! More little ones should wear sun hats...

Minneapolis, MN

Well, it's cuz she is baldy. Shame is..........where ever she goes........they never come back. I keep telling them people she has to wear the hat. No hair=Hat. Do ya think they listen? LOL.

It started bugging me that these days their mamas and their daddys have to have matching tennis shoes for their outfits, so I thought, she has to have matching hats like our mamas put us in back in the day. Now, we are down to just a few.

Thumbnail by Sandra_D
Minneapolis, MN

Oh, and can't pay child support because of the fashion comes first thing.

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

I have a story to share too.. all us divorcees do I guess..LOL... My 1st DH.. father of my 2 children, left to come back to TX> Didn't tell me a thing, but I knew he wasn't right! I was working 2 menial jobs in TN where we had moved to, cause I had finally said he better find a job! he came back here to Houston, met his high school sweetheart.. came back to TN to sell some stuff and then was gone. I knew he was GONE when I saw his toothbrush was gone...LOL... Anyway.. never would talk to me, and being 3 months past due on the morgage, I watched out house sold on the court house square for a $ over what we owed! We built that house ourselves, and believe me I did most of the work.. and all of the interior! Our pastor bought the house, and he had told me he would give me some money.. He didn't.. And 3 years later he sold the house for 85,00.00.. and he bought it for 26,000.00 I have let it go.. but my children haven't. I was only "single" for 8 months. Met this DH and 8 weeks later we married. AND another whole different ball of wax with him believe me.. but we finally got to a place we can stand each other..LOL 1st was 5 yrs older.. this one is 16 years older. That is another reason I don't want to go back to TN... Too many bad memories..

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Boy alot of our stories are similar, aren't they?? I too have been able to "move on" alot easier than my poor girls...I did the best they could and they are loving girls, but they went through alot of pain and poor years with me too....((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) to all hotties tonight that have lived through heartache and survived....I love you

Minneapolis, MN

Oh, the Love. We have endured too much. Maybe DH, should be Decent Husband. There is so much heartache out there. Just think of the women that didn't have this opportunity to communicate. WOW!

South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)

This hottie is going to have to bow out early tonight. I did get to read all of the end of #15 and posts here tonight, I’m just to tired to type. So nice for everyone to share their stories we do all seem to have a lot in common. So my ending comment for tonight is:

Oh yes, I survived, I’m alive and doing fine.

Have a good night everyone.

Gotta post her again tonight, this will be her only flush of the season. She has dropped all the little buds above these.

Thumbnail by DONNA_11
Minneapolis, MN

You are so lucky for having loving girls. They must be young. One of my fondest memory's(?) Is my Chelsea playing Barbie dolls with her best friend Alex in my home that was taken anabashadly from me when she was 12 or so and the next thing we are in the ghetto and the Manager coming to tell me about the condoms outside her bedroom window. To this day, I can't believe they were from her, but, I was at work, and who knows what type of Brothel my decrepit apartment had become. I lied to some one when I started here on Labor day. They asked me if Amiyah was my only Grandchild and I said yes.

My daughter gave birth on August 16, 2008 to another baby girl. She was adopted by a very nice, decent, pleasant couple.

Here is a photo of my number 2 grand baby girl I will never know, as I know Amiyah. The pain of the gain of men will never stop to astound me.

Thumbnail by Sandra_D
Minneapolis, MN

Brianna, born August 16, 2008. How ironic. Amiyah, born November 16, 2006. Yes, we do survive

Thumbnail by Sandra_D
(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Sandy thank you for sharing that with us.....It meant alot to me and I know it will to everyone. You know you can trust us, with the best AND the worst. What a beautiful girl, and you will see her again, I just know it.

My Chelsea is 21, and Taylor is 19. They are both very loving girls, yes, although Taylor is making me pull my hair out because she is very irresponsible and won't quite grow up yet, but yes I have been lucky with my girls. It was just the 3 of us against the world for many years, and they are as much like best friends to me as daughters. We are quite close. I am going to bed for the night now, as I don't feel well tonight (trying to get bronchitus again) but I love you Sandy and send warm hugs to you tonight my friend....and baby Amiyah....

p.s. My hubby said once "how can you say you love people you've never met??" Very easily I said.....

This message was edited Sep 10, 2008 8:40 PM

Minneapolis, MN

Yeah, it was sad to say I had only one grandbaby. This little baby will be well taken cared for. I could not have done this again. But, I could have. It was the best for the future of my child that thinks I am the enemy and for sure, fore most, the future of this new born baby. Whom is my Grandbaby girl. It was the right thing to do, especially when Chelsea was ill eqpipped to care for Amiyah. So yeah, I have two Grandbabies. God Bless Them Both.

Teddy Bear Hugs to both. God Bless!

Thumbnail by Sandra_D
Minneapolis, MN

Wrong pic. I'll try when my eyes are clear enough to see

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Everyone from Texas are you going to be ok from the storm?
I need a nice day Saturday......fingers crossed.....

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Sandra... please don't be too hard on yourself!! We all make mistakes with our kids, but I really don't "think" the ghetto had anything to do with it. Our children make the choices they want to.. regardless of everything we have tried our best to teach them... Blessed Baby Girl!! I know that has to be the hardest part for you. Knowing your other Gb is with someone else.. but hopefully she is Loved in the way she deserves!!

Karen.. you are right.. we survived heartache.. BUT we also survived head ache!!..LOL... I wouldn't trade the place I am now in my life for all the tea in China

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Sorry Joyce.. we sure are thinking we will be running again..LOL We'll probably know in the morning, but Ike keeps curving back towards us.. who knows where he'll go, but I am sure we will know if they are evacing Momma.. ya'll know what that means..LOL.. I promise .. this time I will let ya'll know when we get there!

Minneapolis, MN

What is Sad about this is, I was hard on myself years ago. I learned, it wasn't MY fault. But, I didn't put the blame on No one else. I didn't make those mistakes that made my child the way she is. I was hard at work, trusting. Life goes on. People you meet, greet and/or become your friend, you believe are for the good for you. I don't blame myself for nothing. It was circumstance. And, controlling figures that got in the way.

Peace, is all I have to say

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Karen, Thx for the new thread. and I love the Maxine! Loving the pics of precious lil babies.. Sandy, my heart goes out to you dear.. I'm going down for the count... to bed... Peggy and all you precious ladies.. I have NO intentions of getting back with that selfish, over-bearing, controlling jerk... He has money.. said the latest signed an 11 page pre-nup... true love... :) I say he made his bed now he can sleep in it with whomever he wants, CEPT me. I'll get my toys and DD's draft table and stereo from him and consider him an education and history... Becky, I'll be thinking about you at 10:30... I'm not going under, just a shot to deaden my big toe, I HOPE.. as I have gotten older and more brittle, the side of my toenail is curling into my toe.. I've put it off all summer.. I won't be able to wear warm shoes without pain...(been wearing 2 pair of Berkenstoks all summer, 1pr for garden 1pr for work.. I will take some tylenol xtra or something.. I'll be fine.. just not sure if he'll carve it up or remove the darn thing completely... but I go at 8:45, sure hope I'm outta there by 10:30.. Thank you for your concern, I don't like MD's but I'm taking Mel and I'm a tough ol cookie.
Through all our trials and tribulations, in sorrow and in happy times, there is always a new door. We may not know what lies behind the door, but I'd rather open it and experience it first hand than watch through the window, guess it's the adventurer in me....We are alive and vibrant women...but when that door slams us in the back of the noggin, or knocks us down, and sometimes it will, caring Hottie(s) will be here to lift us up, brush us off and give us hope and maybe a fresh least that's a tiny bit of what you hottie chickies do for me. Hottie's Rock- Stay safe and "party" on! This tired hottie is "partied" out.. Donna, I'm dreaming bout the smell of that flush! LOVELY ;)

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Bonnie, I have had the exact same toe surgery you are going in for....The nail on my big toe was curled into my toe on the side, from the cuticle on up, very painful. The shot in the toe to deaden it is the most painful part, but you can handle it. I never felt the surgery, it was pain free. My doctor removed the whole side of my toenail, from underneath the cuticle all the way to the tip so that it would never return from the cuticle. I bet that's what your doctor will do too. Looks fine after it grows out, your toenail just won't be quite as wide. It will hurt quite a bit for a few days, but I can tell you that long soaks in warm Epsom Salt water saved my life the week after the surgery. It took awhile to heal, but I am so glad I had it done. Your foot will feel SO much better afterwards. I'll be thinking of you sweetie....Love you too!

This message was edited Sep 10, 2008 9:34 PM

(AnnaRuth) Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi girls, just wanted to drop by and say hi. Becky told me about your group. Maybe I'll come by again when I can stay longer. I don't have a lot of time to be on Dave's, unfortunately. I have a "home" thread, but.......

Take care ladies. Oh, hi Karen, I recognize you from you know where!!

anna ruth

(AnnaRuth) Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh, Phyllis, told me about the thread too!! I knew you both told me about one, but I only realized it was the same one!! So sorry....I'm a bit brain dead, as usual.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Sunset tonight in NY

Thumbnail by Clemen
(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

See Anna Ruth.. we have several girls you already know on here, and I promise these girls are the best you will find anywhere! I am glad you stopped by.. but it's kinda like church.. we claim you after you "walk through the door"..LOL.. so get ready to have a ball... love and be loved by these sweet girls!!

Clemie.. sooo pretty..

Bonnie.. I will be praying for you and as I go into lala land I will know it is over for you. I really am thinking we won't be here though. Now Ike has moved to propossedly hit land near Galveston.. but he has 2 more days to make up his mind, and from what I have been seeing, he hasn't quit turning NE.. soo we'll see.. Just know we will be safe and outa here. Even though we are 2 1/2 hours from the coast.. I read tonight that they expect another Katrina... this might be one man's opinion.. but I

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Hugs to all my hottie sissies. I have a similar story with a cheatin first hubbie. I am catholic so I stay married until he was arrested for domestic violence, then never saw him again because the courts made it that way. I have a wonderful sweet husband who never raises his voice to me or calls me names and makes me laugh when I am upset. You cannot beat that at all! He basically won me over when I would not get involved with him when he said to me.." I do not care if we are just friends two years from now, I will wait because I am happier with you than I have ever been in my life." How can you resist that? What a smooth devil. We lost our only child together last year and there won't be any more unless we adopt. So see? we really are sisses bonded in more ways than gardening! Here is a pic of our son Robert born and passed Nov 17. 2007

Thumbnail by lavender4ever
(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Louise.. what a wonderful 2nd marraige.. you ol cougar Such a pretty baby.. I know you still greive, even though i have no experience to share, and could never imagine the pain of losing a child...

I am up late too.. hows business?? I gave my pom a bath.. the lil dirty devil.. and thought how I wish I was close to you!! I'd just say.. here.. you handle I still haven't brushed her, but at least she's clean.. for now... How she loves to get dirty, and she is sooo proud when she finds "something" to roll in..

Staying up to hear the update on Ike at 1.. hope I can go to sleep after I hear thew news...

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I am still up coz we were playin monopoly. Lousy game. By time you are done playing more than half of the players are ticked off! LOL not the bonding family game you would like to have. I think someone who hated his family invented it! I hope Ike misses you all down there or peters out to just some rain.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

WoW an I behind. Will catch up later have clothes to do and find the candles. Just had to run errands yesterday and spent all I had on food as I was out and someone blessed me to get some. Now Ike headed toward us no money or gas.They are calling for mandatory evac here for all of Chambers Co but I have no money to leave and 1/4 tank of gas. Looks like it will hit or we will be on the bad side. I can't worry (yeah right who am I trying to fool?) as nothing I can do. Also not good for a woman alone to leave with no where to go. Would not be good. It will be interesting to say the least but I can eat. Hope electris will stay on.....a hottie can dream can't she. Got alot to do better get started. Clothes need washed, Kitchen cleaned etc etc Oh find candles, and lighter. Hmmmm what else. I have a grill but no charcoal. bur have a lot of micro....oh darn need electric. Can I run an electric cord form one of your houses up North?? No AC and no puter, My cellphone is no longer I could not pay it. lol son had a field day with the one I got him and never paid a dime. Never again. Got in case school needed to reach him for the girls.
We will see if he calls. I won't answer but bet he don't call to see if I have money to leave. Maybe I will answer and let him know I don't hummmmm something to ponder.......

Got to get busy. Later


Sandy ^8^

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Oh Sandy, my prayers are with you!

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Louise my heart goes out to you on your loss.....beautiful baby boy. Your husband sounds like a wonderful man!! My hubby and I are best friends and I think in the long run that is what makes it last.

Sandy how far are you from Houston/Katy? Anywhere near I-45? My sister is bringing my mom Saturday morning down here to Tyler and they could bring you to my house if it gets bad. You know you are more than welcome. Hang in there sweetie you know that God turned that woman's one little jar of oil into hundreds ☺

Anna Ruth!!!! So glad to see you here! This is a wonderful group of gals and everyone on here is important! Hope to see you here alot sweetie.....

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

Good morning Hotties♥

Hi Phyllis, I sure do know where Elkland is. I worked as Housing Coordinator for the Tioga,Bradford,Sullivan County Housing Authority and spent at least one day a week In Elkland. We were opening new Govern. Housing after the flood of '72...........I started working in '73, I was 28 yrs. old. My son and I were both born at the RPH and yes, I bet we have walked in each others footsteps a million times at the Arnot Mall, shopaholic that I used to be☺Thanks for taking me down Memory Lane☺

You might even know me, my name is Lucille Northrup

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Karen. My hubby is a wonderful man. He is my best friend too! So sweet of you to help out Sandy! I am worried about her all alone!
Becky business is going ok! Only about five grooms the last two weeks each week, but that is expected. We got out and did meet and greet in town on saturday and got a new groom from that and more word out.

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

Oh you Hotties,I have been married for 42 years and the struggle is the same,just might not look it,a mighty rocky road,only looking back at it can I say,we survived the good,bad, and the ugly☺ Now, I am very careful not to look back at the bad and ugly, and just carry the good memories with me.☺☺☺This is my personal secret for "The Good Life" no matter what the future brings☺☺☺

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