'My Monet' weigela

Danville, IN

Has anyone had experience with the relatively new weigela variety 'My Monet'. It's supposed to stay under 12" and spread to 18". They are still hard to fine, although some have shown up at Lowe's late this summer, but still pricey. I think they were introduced just last year, so any info about how this variety has performed for someone who's had it since last year would be helpful.

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

I have three planted last spring in well amended sandy Ph 6.5 soil which have lived up to every bit of the hype. They were totally unprotected over the winter and had minimal die back. They have spread some in width, but not in height. The leaf varigation is excellent and holds all season. I have mine in full sun. They are irrigated once a week in a dwarf conifer garden. They are a really nice foil to evergreen foliage. They do not like drought and will crisp if not watered reguarly, but they do not need a lot of water.

Danville, IN

Thanks snapple45. I hadn't heard anything bad about them, but then, I haven't really heard much at all, except for raves about the foliage. Good to hear they've been great for you. They certainly add a burst of three-season color to landscapes.

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