Any experience w/ Downy Lobelia in the garden? L. puberula

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

I found this plant growing along our rural road (sorry no digital camera right now) but don't see any info on whether it would make a good garden plant. It's blooming now and while the flowers are not large, it's a pretty blue-lavender.

Jasper, AR(Zone 7a)

If it is the one I think it is--it is a short lived perennial, so be sure to get seeds so you can replace it after it dies.

Downers Grove, IL(Zone 5a)

I don't have any experience with this one. Here's some info I found out there:

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks so much for the info. Those links were excellent. I went to a 'garden expo' yesterday and one (2 actually) of the vendors specialized in natives. One had this plant! So I am hopeful it will make a good garden plant, at least for the wildflower 'meadow-ette' I have.

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