Is this a Beauregard sweet potato?

Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)

I planted these as Beauregard, but they don't seem to match the description I have of that variety. Not as orange inside or as dark on the outside as I thought Beauregard would be. I also thought Beauregard would be more moist and a stronger flavor. These are very dry and very mild.

Never mind what ate on it. Been advised it was most likely a vole.


Thumbnail by glendalekid
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Hard to tell, but fits generally with the Beauregard. If you use Super Market sweet potatoes, you will be familiar with Beauregard, They dominate the commercial market at the moment. The vines will be darker than most even a slight purple tint at times. They do hvae dark flesh when cured and baked.

Thumbnail by Farmerdill
Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)

Maybe then it's because I didn't cure them. I hope so. I wasn't aware that most super market potatoes are Beauregard. I don't care for most of the ones in the market, too bland. Oh, dear, I thought most of those were Jewel. Well, I may have grown something I won't like then. The vines were very dark with a lot of purple in the leaves.

The only place I can find sweet potatoes that they Identify the variety is at Whole Foods. I've tried the Jewel there and didn't care for it either. The one I did like was Garnet. I'll try those next year then. I didn't find the Garnet until after I had planted these.


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I actually like the New Jewel better than the Beauregard, Except for a few die hard North Carolina growers, it is being phased out of the commercila market. Beuregard is dominant, with Hernandez catches on some in Louisana. Have not grown Garnet, seems to be a California cultivar, that even there is losing out to Beauregard (An LSU intro). This website has pictures which indicate purple skin and a lighter flesh color than Beauregard. I have not turned up a plant source as yet. Sandhill has the most extensive listing of sweet potatoes, but they don't list Garnet. It is not in Plantfiles, so if you get to grow it please enter it,

Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)

Yes, that photo of Garnet looks like what I bought at Whole Foods. If I can grow it next year, I'll be sure to put it in PF.

Here is where I bought the Beauregard. I notice now that they are no longer saying it is moist and delicious, only that it's a good keeper and productive. I didn't necessarily want a productive one, just a good-eating one. But the productive, good keeper status would maybe explain why it's a grower favorite.

I also planted Vardeman, but I haven't dug any to taste them yet. I hope it turns out to be better than Beauregard. I didn't care for the Jewel ones that I bought at Whole Foods, but I'll look into the New Jewel.


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