Fall- What do you have blooming?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Meredith, I think Million Bells is a tender perennial (just looked it up today, zone 8 or 9), so it should overwinter inside... I think it's generally propagated from cuttings, so you might want to try rooting some cuttings as a backup in case the plant doesn't adjust to its new digs.

I had blooms all over this tall plant in the back corner... put it in 2 years ago, maybe 3, and this is the first time it's bloomed or grown to any size... Tag is gone, but I have this vague recollection that it was called Mexican Sunflower? Anyway, the yellow blooms paired nicely in a vase with a late reblooming stalk of TB Iris 'Rosalie Figge', but the little sunflowers didn't last long before they started drooping. Pretty for a little while, though!

Thumbnail by critterologist
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I think I found it in PF... Maximillian's Sunflower. :-)

The description says it can be an aggressive spreader... it's in the very back corner of my bed, so it has some space and should be fine.

Pretty bloom!

Thumbnail by critterologist
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh critter, I love those! Are you including some seed from them in the native plant swap?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I wish I could, but they started blooming so late that I don't think any seeds matured before last weekend's frost... I will double check to be sure (they're way at the back, so I could have missed an earlier bloom).

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Critter - that is lovely, especially with the iris. Those two colors do well together.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I put some other purple irises near it -- maybe I'll get that combo in the garden, too!

Purple and gold... my high school's colors! (Plum Senior High School) Back in the '70's, the Plum Boro police force actually had a couple of purple squad cars... (how's that for a digression?)

I've got some brave petunias still hanging on in my railing planters after a couple of frosts, but there's not a lot blooming out there any more.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I planted these spider lily bulbs right behind my monkey grass. It will be cool next year if they all bloom.

Thumbnail by LiliMerci
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

My highschool colors were purple and gold, too. But the purple was a little too "royal" for me . . .

This picture is from earlier in the summer, but it's still looking this way - leycesteria formosa (himalayan honeysuckle).

Thumbnail by katie59
Kannapolis, NC

Katie: Is Leycesteria a perennial or annual vine? Very pretty. I haven't seen this before.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lili -- that Spider Lily is pretty... i've only seen them in Pink before.

and now -- i've gotta look up this Monkey Grass thing -- I dont think i've ever seen it before....

Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

This cosmos fell over, and kept on blooming in the nasturtiums..

Thumbnail by artemiss
Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

Alas, the days are getting shorter, and I've less time to get pics of the few things that are still going into the first frosts...

These larkspurs have been troopers:

Thumbnail by artemiss
Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

Another cosmos...the flowers on this one are huge.

Thumbnail by artemiss
Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

The tashkent marogolds.

I really liked these, and am saving as many seeds as possible from these plants.

Thumbnail by artemiss
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I thought I posted this one earlier in the week.

My huge Cosmos do not stand up either.....

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

oh uggggg, i have totally forgotten how to remover the watermarks from the images.


i actually went looking for the page where i can check which one i want... but now can't find it.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Strangely enough, I found it... under "My Tools" (top bar), the right hand column (way down) has "Preferences".

Or, take it easy and go here! http://davesgarden.com/tools/prefs/copyright.php

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks -- when i was at that page last time... i did not check the list on the right side... "copyrights"

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Glad to help!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Hemophobic: Leycesteria is a shrub. Very easy here. I've been told it reseeds easily, so I'm looking forward to that.


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Katie, your Leycesteria is beautiful! Looks like those may survive here if protected :-) Will you be harvesting seeds from it?....hint, hint...LOL.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Well . . . I'll have to try to figure out how. I have been told that it reseeds readily on its own. I'll check and see what I need to collect.

Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

My mg is from seed that Byndeweed sent me. Here label said "wild nil-Iran" It was my understanding that is would not reseed so vigorously like Heavenly Blue does. I usually have to pull seeds from Heavenly Blue and try to keep 100's from coming up so was amazed with the comments that some got no seeds from the. I will watch for seeds from this one.

I had planted ageratum under a newly planted rose Cracklin Fire, now that it is getting cooler it has come back. I thought it died so cut it down, usually pull it out but now I won't!

Thumbnail by cactuspatch
Kannapolis, NC

Cactus: Beautiful combination. What a happy happenstance.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

cactus -- i got my seeds from her too. well, i was getting some from a gal in Canada, but "Customs" confiscated them, so Beth kindly send me more.

>>reseed so vigorously like Heavenly Blue does

must be the difference in our locations... my HB does not heavily reseed.... GrandPa Ott and Star of Yelta did though.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Beautiful combo, Cactus. The ageratum that grows wild here has just finished blooming.

Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

I have also had some blue forget-me-nots come up this fall from seeds that fell this spring. No photos though. They don't seem to last all summer for me but then they do reseed.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I still have a few roses in bloom. This is my Red NoID

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

My Agastaches and Nasties

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Hummingbird Sage and a Scarlet Milkweed

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


Just a reminder... this is the last day to submit photos for the DG photo contest! I need to get busy... so far, I've only uploaded a couple of bug photos LOL. I know I've got some others in my file that would be fun to share. I think it's a lot of fun to be able to go through all the entries... to me, the contest is more about sharing what you've seen this past year than about trying to win one of the spots on the calendar.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Jill -- is there a link for that somewhere?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Therese, its in the first post here:


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

In honor of our departed friend, Trois.

OH heavens.... Trios passed away???

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