weight Loss Challange Sept. 6 - 13, 2008

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

It is very nice here. Almost chilly. I have the front door open to let in some fresh air. Cats and dogs don't know quite what to make of that. LOTs of dew on the grass which Holly mowed day before yesterday.

Breakfast is oatmeal made with nfdmp with blueberries and black walnuts. Proper size portions except maybe on the walnuts. I may have gotten a few too many in that dump. Quite filling as well as tasting good.

I have 3 or 4 goals for the day. So far I'm 2 & 1/2 hours behind a work day schedule. Not good. I must speed up if I am to accomplish everything and still get to bed earlier.

I'm still picking 6 - 10 of the yard long beans a day so that is good for them. I share with my pastor & his DW & DMIL. They seem to have taken quite a liking for them. I did see a few blossoms on the vines so there should be more coming on. I left a few to grow a bit more thru today. They should be ready to pick tonight or in the morning. Since they are on the chainlink fence on one side of the bird yard picking them is handy. I need to get the tomatoes picked too. I'll take most of them to the store to share with others. I have so many canned and frozen already and many of these people don't have any plants at all.

I'm looking forward to hearing good news from everyone this week.

Can't say my weight status is stable and where I want it to be, but it is within the normal, healthy range most of the time. I do some stretching everyday and my left arm and shoulder are getting stronger all the time with less discomfort most days.

GOD bless & keep each of you.

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