Onion family seedlings?

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

I'm growing from seed this year for the first time and need some info. I've got leeks, bulb onions, scallions and bunching onions sprouted just this week in pots. I know they can grow all through the winter here. In the past all I've grown is green onions from sets.

I was thinking to start feeding them some weak MG until they get large enough to handle for transplanting. How big do they need to be? 1/4 the size of a pencil maybe? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Pretoria, South Africa

Hi twiggybuds,

I can't really say how big it "should" be, but I transplanted mine a few weeks ago although they were still very small. (I was able to handle them, and hey had some good roots going) For a while I thought I did they wrong thing as I couldn't see them in the bed - thought they were gonners - and then after about three weeks they started growing. They are actually looking good at the moment. Proper baby onion plants...

Hope it helps,

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

Proper baby onion plants...

lol, it's always fun to try something new. They are cute. I guess the important thing is to give them some time to make good roots. I'm going to sow some green onions today where they can just grow. I can imagine that weeding onions is going to be a REAL job.

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