Anyone heard from PaulofAL lately??

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I usually hang out on the Mid south forum and a few other threads, but I was wondering if anyone on here has heard from PaulofAL lately? I know he did post on this forum a lot - but I don't see where he has started a thread of Daves in several months. His personal blog on his website hasn't had an update since July.... anyone know anything??

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Paul and I DMailed a few times, but I have not heard from Paul in months. I too noted that there had not been entries to his blog in a while. Perhaps you can DM and see what he's been up to?

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Just talked to Paul and he is doing fine. Just wanted to let everyone know. He has been busy remodeling his house and redoing flower beds.


lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

I dmailed him last week and didn't get a response. I even went to the newspapers in that area and checked the obits to see if he had passed. Like you I didn't see an update on his blog site. Guess he will be back some time in the future.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I've been missing Paul too. I enjoyed reading about his gardens & stories. His writing style, although unique in itself, reminds me of a combination bewteen two of my favorite late humorists, Lewis Grizzard of Moreland Ga and Jerry Clower of Yazoo City Miss. I'd love to see him publish his writings and be as famous as these two gents event though I know he writes just to make his mama smile.

Please come out of hiding Paul! Some of us are going through smile withdrawls.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Ah, Lewis Grizzard...... I haven't heard that name mentioned in a while. I used to love to read his stories in our local paper. Really miss that type of humor. Unfortunately, it had been so long we were talking about him just the other day and I could not recall his name. Thanks for jogging my memory as I recognized it immediately...... My husband and I were discussing that non of the current editorial type writers have any humor about them..... LOL

And Jerry Clower, I have seen him MANY times and he was always hilarious. He was the guest speaker at a banquet I attended years ago and he had the audience rolling the whole evening..............

Maybe Paul should consider pursuing a career with his stories...... And, by the way, I actually spoke to his Mom too..... she is the one who originally answered the phone.

Maybe he will be back on line soon.....

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

I see I'm not the only one having withdrawals ;) We miss you Paul and hope you come back soon!
I went to a grief counseling group a few years ago and met a nurse that dated Lewis Grizzard back in the day. Her face lit up when she talked about him :) Loved reading his stuff when I was younger. Kathy Sue Loudermilk lol!

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

My hubby graduated from UGA with Lewis in '68. Tellin' his age lol (I'm way younger LOL)
Paul, we miss you!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, I knew he wasn't that old when he died - and I was devastated because I really enjoyed his columns.....

Maybe Paul will see this and be motivated ....who knows, we may be saying "we knew him when" after he becomes famous!!


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