Very Low Light houseplants?

Grand Haven, MI(Zone 5a)

Do any of you grow houseplants in very low light conditions? What kind of plants do well for you there? Also, I'm looking for a light meter that I can buy locally rather than order. Has anyone found them in big box stores, like Meijer or Walmart?

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

For homes with little sunlight, there are still some lovely low-light house plants for you to enjoy.
For homes with little sunlight streaming into the rooms, there are fewer options for growing house plants. However, there are still some lovely low light house plants for you to enjoy. Below is a list of the top eight low light house plants readily available at nurseries and plant shops.

This family of low light house plants has some very tough plants in it. You do not need a green thumb to get these to thrive. The Aglaonema has many narrow stems with large, oval leaves on them. Leave variations come in dark green and silver, green and chartreuse variegates, and green with creamy white markings.

Dieffenbachia is also called “dumb cane” since it contains an injurious sap that will make the inside of your mouth and tongue swell if tasted. This low light house plant grows a tall stalk, which is circled with giant leaves in varying shades of green and white variegations.

English Ivy
This low light house plant will grow easily in a pot or trained to climb up a trellis or frame. English ivy is a very tough plant that spreads readily and is very hard to kill. All varieties of English Ivy have pointy leaves with prominent leaf veins.

Snake Plant
The snake plant is also called “mother in law's tongue,” and is one of the hardest plants to kill. This low light house plant has strong, upright leaves that look like green and yellow ribbons. They will grow up to four feet tall.

Peace Lily
The peace lily is one of the few low light house plants that flowers regularly. It prefers shade and cooler temperatures. It has glossy green leaves and flat white flowers. This low light house plant grows from one to one and a half feet tall.

The philodendron family of house plants tolerate shade, but do better with diffused sunlight. There are many varieties of this low light house plants with leaves ranging from deep, glossy green to yellow-veined styles, and red tinged ones.

Pilea comes from a large family of low light house plants that enjoy diffused light or shade. There is creeping pilea, which has small, bright green leaves. Other varieties have larger, more ornamental leaves with silver or yellow variegations.

Silver Lace Fern
This plant is one that can grow in the lowest light. It is a small fern with green and silver colored fronds or leaves. This low light house plant will add a splash of brightness to dim rooms. There are also all green varieties.

Saugatuck, MI

I just received Logee's Tropical plants fall catalog and although I've never ordered from them before I sure am tempted to put in an order. Most of them are flowering and that is what I liked about it. There are also some low light plants. Ever since Franks went out of business it is hard to find a place that carries much selection in houseplants. Some of these plants states that they will flower for many months and we need that in the winter doldrums.

Grand Haven, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks so much Loon!
Yes, Anita, I desperately miss Franks!

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

So Anita, what, if anything did you order? I keep Clivia in my home in the winter. It needs very low light. I just have trouble getting them to bloom. :o(

Saugatuck, MI

I ordered a Black Jewel Orchid - doing well.
Also one of the Jasmines which is doing fine but not very large so probably will be some time til it blooms.
A Aeschynanthes Rigel which has an interesting flower. It was in blossom when I got it and has not been without a bloom.
Also got a Streptocarpus which was doing fine and even tho was small it soon had a pretty flower and then because it likes moisture I had it in a tray with pea gravel with my lady slippers and all of a sudden it started to wilt. I had overwatered it so now I'm trying to save it. I'd hate to lose it because of the price I paid for it. But I've been pleased with everything I got from them.

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