too many snakes to garden

Port Angeles, WA

Does anyone know how to chase snakes away from an area? Over the past couple of years the snake population has grown so much that i am uncomfortable in my back yard. There are quite literally dozens of the beasties and although I realize they are harmless (no poison ones on the Wa. coast) they totally gross me out and my garden is suffering. I don't want to use moth balls as they are toxic to all life forms. Ideas any one?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If they're not poisonous I'd probably try to live with them--if there are that many of them around that means there's a good amount of food for them, and if the snakes go away you may end up over-run by whatever it was they were eating (mice, voles, etc) and may be less happy about them than the snakes. If you do want to get rid of them, I've seen a product called Snake Stopper--here's what it looks like,35-079,default,cp.html Looks like they don't carry it anymore but if you google the brand name you may find another source. Or else do something to control the mice/voles, if those aren't around then the snakes will look for dinner elsewhere.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

mothballs don't work anyway. do you have gophers in your area? if so, i would let the snakes be. you may end up with more problems than snakes! if you really want to use something, SerpentGard works pretty well.

Port Angeles, WA

Thanks for the answers..I've had severe computer difficulties and was unable to answer. I will try the serpent guard just around the area's we spend most of our outdoor time in..the critters are welcome to the rest of the hillside and the wild areas.

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